See You In My 19th Life Ending has all of us worked up over the plot, and thus, we are here to explain it all. The series throws light on a Korean Drama show which has the themes of fantasy and romance. The main inspiration for the same has come from the webcomic of the same name written by Lee Hye.
The story starts with a woman named Ban Ji Eum. She has a unique gift that she can remember everything that happened to her in her past lives. Ban Ji Eum has lived over 18 lives thus far and was able to find her soulmate in the most recent one. His name is Kim Seo Ha.
Although, they were not able to spend their lives with each other because Seo Ha was klled quite young in an accident. Thus, now that Ji Eum knows about it all and is given yet another life with her lover, she sets on a journey to find out where he is. On this path, she comes across various other souls who have reincarnated as well.
These are her best friends from the past and even her enemies. Given the fact that this is her 19th life, she has to go through the challenges of it all and navigate it. Her destiny lies with Seo Ha, and so does her heart. Thus, Ji Eum has to fulfill it all and meet with her person. Well, coming to the end of the series, here is what happened with the same.

See You In My 19th Life Ending Explained
See You In My 19th Life’s climax starts off with Ji Eum going to the bridge where she first met with Min Gi. She is the shaman who cursed her to remember all of her past lives, which is making every new life really difficult for her. The shaman gives her three words to recite, and Ji Eum does the same.
Next thing we know, she is waking up in her bed and has no memories of her life. She remembers her current life, though, along with the people that are absolutely dear to her. Ji Eum goes to work at the hotel, where she comes across Seo Ha. He has been waiting to see her all this time, and it is a happy reunion, and we know that it is going to be a satisfying ending for us.
Soon, the main characters start dating each other and seem to be very happy, even though it is obvious that Ji Eum does not remember anything about her past life at all. But obviously, that does not matter right now because both of them are pretty tranquil together.
Later, we see that Ji Eum goes to Ae Gyeong’s kimchi shop. The latter is actually the former’s niece from the past life, and even though they do not know each other, it is obvious that there is some sort of a connection that is keeping them close and kind. She also comes across her best friend from the past, and the two are happy to be in each other’s company.
Was The Ending Happy or Sad?
It is very beautiful to watch, and obviously, this is a happy ending. Well, soon, it all starts coming back to her in Deja vu. She remembers the shaman and the bells and Seo Ha as well. Even though she recited those words, her past lives came back to her again, and she remembers the details once again. Although, this makes her sad that at one point, Ji Eum will have to say goodbye to them.
As for her and Seo Ha, they come to a conclusion to be together after everything that they have been through all this time. And to be honest, this is the best decision to enjoy their present together finally after everything that they have been through.
By the end of the show, we see the couple looking into each other’s eyes with love. After all the chaos and drama, they are finally at peace with each other, and there is nothing better than that. The show ends at this point, and it makes it a happy ending for the two. It is exactly what fans have been hoping to see more of.
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