Let’s find out Zero Dark Thirty-Ending Explained. The film was a huge critical success with several awards, including a Golden Globe for Best Actress and an Oscar for Best Sound Editing. The chronicles the events leading up to the location and assassination of Osama bin Laden and the woman who tracked him down for this movie is named Maya.
Now there is one little thing about her that people still ask to this day. You see, Maya was ruthless in finding Osama bin Laden. She would stop for nothing in let no one, not even her superiors get her way. She has a strong lead, and after a long wait, they finally decided to go in and see what’s in there.
They eventually capture and kill who has Laden himself; Maya even takes a look and confirms for herself the mission is accomplished. The manhunt for the most haunted man in history is finally over. Most of all, Maya herself should be exceedingly happy she’s finally got what she always wanted, so why exactly was she said? Let’s discuss it right now.
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Zero Dark Thirty Ending Explained
So first, there is a theory that I kind of want to get out of the way. It wasn’t Osama bin Laden that they killed. She was sad because her instincts were wrong, and she didn’t know what to do anymore personally.

I kind of find this theory a little hard to swallow because she is an intelligent and persevering woman, so I kind of find it hard to believe that she would just choose to give up right then and there.
Even the soldiers that killed them had a clear shot of his face, even though we didn’t, so I don’t think they would lie about killing him either. So what exactly was she saying? Well, has to do with one of the themes of the movie.
Throughout the film, there are several displays each section in the movie goes through, one of which is human error. Throughout life, we don’t become so focused on one thing and one thing only, so much so that it becomes the only life we know. And we forget about the important things like family, friends, and things that give actual meaning to our lives.
Believe it or not, May’s character is the very definition of this. She worked so hard trying to find bin Laden and all his associates that she never made time for anything else. She was always too self-involved to even have a life outside of work. Just this scene alone describes her whole character in just a few seconds.
A guy smiles and flirts with her, yet she is too busy to even notice. Dad tries asking around a couple of times, but again, her mind is on her work. “You should come with me, yeah, leave my number too; you are looking a little strung about yourself.”
Even when she hangs out with friends, all she thinks about is the trail that she is currently on, and this only intensifies after the death of her friends in Afghanistan. She even goes so far as almost blackmail Bradley to give her what she wants.
She becomes so lost in her mission that she alienates other people with no regard for consequences. She is quite literally lost in the shuffle. In the end, when they finally killed Bin Laden, she almost can’t believe it when she looks at his face to confirm it.

You can almost claim that she doesn’t feel any sense of satisfaction, and even if she does, it’s very short-lived. When the pilot of a plane at the end asks her a very simple question, “Where do you want to go?”
She has no answer because she doesn’t know where to go, not on the plane or even in real life. It’s almost as if her life died with bin Laden. She has no friends, no boyfriend, no social life to speak of. Even the audience is asking what she will do now.
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