Whenever someone new is trying to get into the anime universe, they have a lot of questions about the content of the anime. Questions like what anime is the best and where they should watch it? What are the different genres in anime? What genre is the best? However, one question or one thing that old anime watchers often tell newcomers in the anime is that they should watch an anime in dub or sub. But newcomers must not have any idea about what Sub means in anime. If you are such a wonderer, then you have come to the right place. We will tell you everything you need to know about what sub means in anime and what dub is as well.
Do you watch anime in the sub or dub? This question often leads to a civil conflict among anime fans. Ever since anime has been famous around the world, the variety of content of anime has grown as well. People often prefer sub in anime because, as they say, “It has more originality”. However, the conflict between the sub watcher and dub watcher in the anime has been around for decades, and it will not stop anytime soon. In this post, we will try to cover every question you might have about subs and dubs in anime. We will be listing the reasons why you should prefer one over another. So, without further ado, let’s get into the meanings of sub and dub in anime.
What Does Sub Mean In Anime?
The word “Sub” is derived from the word “Subtitles”. If you are watching the anime in Japanese audio and with the subtitles of your native language, then it means that you are watching the anime in subs. Anime are made from the Japanese manga series that originally had the Japanese language as the source of reading content. The adaptation of the anime is from Japanese studios, which mainly focus their animation on the source of manga in the Japanese language. When the anime comes to international platforms, they are released with subtitles of the nation’s native language as it is cheaper.

Whereas dub in anime is derived from the word dubbed, and it means that the anime has been produced in the viewer’s native language. Dubbing the anime is way costlier than subbing the anime. Usually, dubs are made on the basis of whether the anime is famous or not. If the anime is famous, then it will be dubbed in many languages.
Pros And Cons of Sub And Dub
Both the medium has their advantages and disadvantages. We will list the pros and cons of them below, and on that basis, you can decide whether to watch the anime in sub or dub.B
Pros of Sub
The first advantage of subs in anime is the availability. Every anime will be available on sites like Crunchyroll and Funimation. They have original voice acting as they use the words directly from the main source. Animations are made on the basis of dialogues, so animations are much more accurate.
Cons of Sub
You will spend a lot of time reading the subtitles, which will lead you to miss the animation. Since it is based on Japanese writing, some internal jokes you won’t be able to understand. Sometimes, subtitles may move quickly, so you will have to keep going back.

Pros of Dub
The best pro of watching the anime dubbed in your native language is that you will not have to read anything. This will allow you to look at the animation of the anime properly without reversing the video. Since dialogues are translated and then dubbed into the viewer’s native language, there might be some jokes regarding the trends in the viewer’s native nation or language.
Cons of Dub
The first con of dubs is that it is very costly, so very few anime make the dubs of the anime. This leads to a lack of availability of the dubbed anime. Since the dub has to match up with the lips movements of the characters, often the dubbed may not be accurate to the original sources. The originality of the Japanese aesthetic vanishes when the anime is dubbed.
We hope that the pros and cons of anime in subs and dubs were enough to highlight a reason for you to choose to watch anime in subs or dubs.
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