There are so many anime characters that lots of characters remain unnoticed. Such a character is Featherine Augustus Aurora. Now, if you have not heard of this character, then it is also possible that you have not heard of the anime Featherine belongs to. But, if you know this character but still are here reading this article, then you may want to know more about this character. And we are here for that purpose. To let you know all about Featherine Augustus Aurora. We are here to let you know about the powers and abilities of this character, as well as which anime this character belongs to. To let you know more about this anime, we will even give you a brief description of this anime. But, there is still a lot about this anime Featherine belongs to that we don’t know.
Such as the reason behind why you have not heard about this anime. Where did the anime get its adaptation from? We are sure there are lots of questions running inside your head. So, without wasting any more time, let’s get right into it and find out all the answers you are looking for.
Who Is Featherine Augustus Aurora?
Under the pen name “Itouikukuro Zerogonanaroku,” Tohya Hachijo, a mystery novelist, fabricated stories about the mass murder of Rokkenjima. Now, who is Tohya Hachijo? And how is she related to Featherine? Here’s the answer. Tohya Hachijo is the human form of Featherine. And Featherine Augustus Aurora is the Witch form of Tohya Hachijo. Yes, you read it right. The witch form and the human form are quite similar to each other. Featherine portrays herself as a high being. She looks down on every human being. She has a habit of referring to humans as “Child of Man”. Featherine looks so down on humans that she does not even care to acknowledge their names.

Featherine has been repeating the cycle of life and death for so long that she is tired of her life. About a thousand years ago, she was a legendary witch, but all her legend and memory are gone. Disappeared into the past. Long forgotten. All those memories from her past are stored in the medal that she wears on her chest. You must have noticed a horseshoe-shaped object levitating around her head. She is so ancient that she would not be able to maintain her individuality and existence without this. It’s a memory aid device that keeps her name, memories, appearance, and her personality aspects intact. Featherine calls her boredom a fatal illness, and her cure for it is Reading Stories.
Powers And Abilities
Overlords from different worlds in the form of cats are Featherine’s personal guards. Each of these overlords is at its final version. And all these overlords have the ability to create magic circles and cast spells. They are able to boost Bernkastel in her fight against Battler.

She is also capable of creating almost anything. Featherine can manipulate not only the human world but also the meta world. She can bend both worlds if she wishes to. Not just this, but she can also turn an event around and change it according to her will as these events are currently happening.
What Anime Does Featherine Belong To?
Featherine Augustus Aurora appeared in only the final three episodes of Umineko No Naku Koro Ni as an antagonist. This anime had 26 episodes, and it was aired from 2 July 2009 to 24 December 2009. The story of this mystery-horror anime “Umineko: When They Cry” was written by Toshifumi Kawase and was directed by Chiaki Kon.

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About “Umineko No Naku Koro Ni/Umineko: When They Cry”
“Umineko No Naku Koro Ni” was first released as a Windows Game, developed by “07th Expansion,” and it continued from 2007 to 2019. Then, Ryukishi07 wrote the Manga series of this story which was illustrated by Kei Natsumi. It had 53 volumes, and it went on from 22 December 2007 to 22 June 2015. Ryukishi07 even wrote the novel series of the Umineko series, which had 15 volumes published by Kodansha. And this novel series continued from 1 July 2009 to 30 September 2018. Finally, it got an anime adaptation written by Toshifumi Kawase and directed by Chiaki Kon.

But, the anime didn’t get much popularity as the game was loved by the fans. The main reasons were that this anime was not available easily on any of the online platforms. Even today, you won’t find it anywhere. And another reason was that when it was aired, it became a major turn-off for a lot of people because of unnecessary graphic violence and death.
Umineko: When They Cry – Plot
A wealthy Ushiromiya family owns the Rokkenjima island. And every year, a family gathering takes place to discuss the financial situations of the family. This time, because of his poor health, the head of the family wanted to discuss the inheritance of the wealth and how it will get distributed. The head, Kinzou Ushiromiya, before meeting his head, wanted to see the one true love of his life one last time, The Golden Witch Beatrice. Kinzou got himself into the powers of Black Magic to revive Beatrice. But that didn’t end well.
All the members of the family got trapped on that island. And now, all the eighteen members are forced to fight for their survival and have to struggle between fantasy and reality. All this is followed by the murders of members one by one.

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