The Boys is a show known for its dark humor and exploration of a world with corrupt superheroes. Its spin-off, Gen V, introduced compelling villains like Cate and Sam. Fans were excited to see them return in The Boys Season 4, but their cameos were a huge disappointment.
Gen V explored how people with superpowers become who they are. It focused on Godolkin University, the first Supe school, and its villainous Dean who aimed to wipe out Supes. The show also developed Cate and Sam, who became brutal villains due to their tragic pasts.
When their cameos were announced, fans were thrilled. However, The Boys Season 4 was already packed with storylines, and Cate and Sam were sidelined. Their terrifying presence from Gen V was reduced to a single joke and a few lines. This wasted their potential and cheapened their characters.
Sam Riordan and Cate Dunlap Certainly Deserved Better
The Boys could have integrated them better. Homelander’s arc in Season 4 mirrored Cate’s experience of childhood abuse. Cate’s story in Gen V involved her controlling others due to manipulation. The Boys could have used her to show Homelander’s past subtly, but instead, she became a pawn in his game.
Gen V stood on its own, offering a unique story about corrupted youth. The Boys, however, treated their cameos as a simple reference, similar to how superhero movies reference other properties. This wasted the opportunity to build upon Gen V’s themes.
While The Boys has many storylines, it’s clear the show didn’t know how to utilize Cate and Sam effectively. Their cameos, despite hinting at their potential roles in Homelander’s plans, ultimately disrespected the terrifying villains they were in Gen V.