Van Augur, known as “The Supersonic,” serves as the sharpshooter for the Blackbeard Pirates. He holds the position of captain of the Third Ship among the Ten Titanic Captains.
Throughout various story arcs, he plays different roles, including being a minor foe in the Jaya Arc and a significant adversary in the Final Saga.

Augur remains composed and calculating, even in the heat of battle, rarely displaying emotion. However, during a clash with Ace on Banaro Island, he revealed a more sinister aspect, sporting a wicked grin after a missed shot.

Like his fellow pirates, Augur puts great faith in destiny and shows unwavering loyalty to Blackbeard and the crew. He doesn’t hesitate to test his luck by targeting seagulls, indifferent to whether they live or die from his shots.
Augur, The Sharpshooter’s Rise to Prominence in the Blackbeard Pirates
Augur, as the sharpshooter and a founding member of the Blackbeard Pirates, holds significant sway within the crew. Following the timeskip, he rises to become one of the Ten Titanic Captains, tasked with guarding the Emperor Blackbeard personally.

His role as captain of the third Ship grants him considerable authority. Augur’s agility in both shooting and movement is notable, as seen in his skirmish with Portgas D. Ace, where he skillfully evaded gunfire.

His keen eyesight makes him a valuable scout, capable of spotting even formidable opponents like Akainu. Despite his slender build, Augur displays remarkable endurance, enduring attacks from Whitebeard and Sengoku with the rest of his crew, swiftly recovering from the onslaught.
What Devil Fruit Does Augur Have?
Augur consumed the Wapu Wapu no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit granting him the ability to teleport himself and others. However, he can only teleport someone by physically touching them.
Despite this power, Augur hasn’t fully mastered it, resulting in limitations on the distance he can travel.
What Is Augur’s Past?
In the Jaya Arc, Augur demonstrates his peculiar way of testing fate by shooting seagulls to see how they meet their end.

During their pursuit of Luffy, the Blackbeard Pirates set sail from Jaya, determined to capture him after discovering his hefty bounty. They encounter various obstacles, including a Knock Up Stream that sends the Straw Hat Pirates to Skypiea.

On Banaro Island, Augur engages in a skirmish with Portgas D. Ace but fails to defeat him. Despite their retreat, Augur observes Ace’s impressive fighting skills, pondering the role of fate in their encounter.

In the Impel Down Arc, the Blackbeard Pirates venture into the prison to recruit new members, encountering resistance from the inmates and Chief Warden Magellan. Augur witnesses the unfolding events, reflecting on the concept of fate as they navigate through the challenges.

Throughout these encounters, Augur’s actions and reflections provide insight into his character and beliefs, showcasing his role within the Blackbeard Pirates.
How Old Is Augur?
He made his debut in the story at the age of 25, but following the timeskip, he has reached 27 years old. This progression in age reflects the passage of time within the narrative, highlighting the character’s growth and development over the course of the series.
Augur’s Facts
In the VIZ Manga and the Funimation dub, there’s a bit of confusion about how to spell Augur’s name. Initially, it was spelled as “Ogre” in VIZ, but Funimation’s TV version followed suit.

However, closed captions on Funimation spelled it as “Auger.” Later, with the release of Funimation’s “Season Three First Voyage,” it was confirmed to be “Van Auger.” In the Japanese version and subtitles, his name is consistently spelled as “Van Auger.”

However, the manga’s creator, Oda, officially stated his name as “Van Augur” in Chapter 595. VIZ eventually adopted this spelling from Chapter 1063 onward.