One piece is the only anime that features over 1,200 different characters with unique powers and personalities. There are plenty of anime in which we wish to see our favorite characters once again. But in the case of One Piece, there are so many amazing characters that choosing one is way too difficult. As we previously saw in the Marineford arc, during the war, several characters made an unexpected entrance. And this time, It’s expected that during the war in the Wano arc, there will be some old characters who’ll re-appear.
The War in Wano is already titled as the greatest war in the entire One Piece series, after the Mysterious war that took place in the Blank History (Void century.) Today in this article, We’ll take a look at some of the characters that might reappear in the Wano arc. The characters that’ll be mentioned are mostly based on three aspects, The Fan theories, Some clues in the manga, and Their Popularity. However, this is not a Ranking, so the order has no significance. The article contains spoilers, so make sure you have caught up with the Wano arc.
1) Katakuri
Katakuri is definitely a character that earned everyone’s respect despite being an antagonist. He made his first appearance in the Whole Cake Island arc, Son of Big mom. And had an intense fight with Luffy, Throughout the fight, one thing was clear he is arguably more powerful than Luffy. He wouldn’t have lost the fight if he didn’t self-inflict a fatal injury. He is the only antagonist in the series that taught Luffy how to advance his moves while fighting against him.

Now, In the Wano arc, we’ve seen that Big Mom formed an Alliance with Kaido. And in the recent episodes, her crew came to Wano to pursue her to break this alliance. Since the whole crew is in Onigashima, it’s about time Katakuri will make an appearance. Would we finally get to see a fair fight between Katakuri and Luffy? And if so, would Luffy still win?
2) The Admirals
The Admirals of the marine are one of the most mysterious and powerful characters of One piece. The Current admirals include Kizaru, Fujitora, and Ryokugyu, Although nothing significant is known about Ryokugyu so far. Since Sengoku resigned, he was Replaced by Akainu as the Fleet Admiral. All these Four characters have terrifying powers enough to destroy a whole island.
There have been several theories regarding the arrival of Admirals, the most popular one involves a Buster call. However, Wano is a closed-off country, plus reaching the top of the waterfall with numerous ships full of mariners is an impossible task. But one thing that people are forgetting is that Wano Kuni isn’t the only warzone in the story. Soon The revolutionary army will start a war against the Celestial Dragons. Besides this, the warlord system was removed, leading to retaliation. Once the war starts in Mariejois, the arrival of Admirals will become inevitable.

Another theory suggests that only the Admirals will appear in Wano Kuni since all the mariners were horrified by knowing about the Alliance of Big mom pirates and Beast pirates. An alliance between two can bring mass destruction and disbalance to the power system. However, with all that has been going on, it’ll be tough for the Admirals to deal with all of them. While the involvement of the Mariners is possible, we’re still not sure how it’ll take place in the story.
3) Blackbeard
Blackbeard is the most exceptional character of One piece he is the only pirate in the world that went from no bounty to have a bounty of over 2 billion berries on his head. Blackbeard is also the only character of One piece that managed to eat two devil fruits and survive. He was a member of Whitebeard’s crew but to gain more power, He stole the strong devil fruit, Yami Yami no mi from Thatch. Afterward, in the Marineford arc, After Whitebeard died, he took away Gura Gura no Mi from him.
Now, why would he make an appearance in the Wano arc? The reason is based on the theory that Blackbeard will eat a third devil fruit. The first devil fruit he stole was Yami Yami no mi, considered to be the strongest Logia type devil fruit, enabling the user to Create and control darkness. The second devil fruit he ate was Gura Gura no mi, The strongest Paramecia-type devil fruit that can create vibrations. It’s the only devil fruit powerful enough to end the whole world. Now, after gaining the powers of the most powerful Logia-type devil fruit and Paramecia-type devil fruit, there’s only one devil fruit remaining. The strongest zoan-type devil fruit.

The current user of the strongest zoan-type devil fruit is none other than Kaido. He ate the Uo Uo no Mi devil fruit Model: Seiryu. It’s the rarest Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit allowing the user to transform into a full or hybrid Dragon at will. According to Blackbeard’s previous records, it’s theorized that he will arrive at Wano Kuni after Kaido is defeated, just to snatch away his powers and finally become the user of the strongest devil fruits from every category.
4) Gecko Moria
Moria is a former warlord and the captain of the Thriller Bark Pirates. After he was defeated by the straw hats, Moria heard that Absalom was taken in by Blackbeard. Thus he invaded Blackbeard’s island to rescue Absalom. However, when he went there, Blackbeard offered him the chance to join his crew. Now, Moria has a huge grudge against Kaido. He was the man responsible for killing his former crew about 23 years ago. Out of pure anger, Moria dedicated 10 years to creating an army of zombies to finally take his revenge.

The old saying Enemy of an enemy is a friend is applicable in this situation. As stated above, According to the theories, Blackbeard is plotting against Kaido. This makes Kaido a common enemy for both Moria as well as Blackbeard. If Moria joins his crew, he can just steal Kaido’s shadow and execute his revenge. With this, Blackbeard will be able to eat Kaido’s devil fruit. He’ll become An antagonist that can control darkness, create vibrations and transform into a dragon.
Also Read: 10 One Piece Characters Who Can Defeat Kaido
5) Shanks
Shanks is the most hyped character of the whole anime world. In an anime with over 1000 episodes, His screen time is less than 20 minutes. But Oda has been hinting that Shanks will finally make his move as the story reaches towards the end of the Wano arc. But the possibility of Shanks appearing in the wano arc is a 50-50 chance. The only reason his name is mentioned in this list is due to the High Public demand to see Shanks appear as soon as possible.
He might appear during or after the battle in Onigashima, but arriving just in time to end wars isn’t his job. It’ll seem like a repeated concept which is something Oda never does. But due to the hype that Oda created during the Online Jump Testa 2021, fans believe that shanks will make a move. You can find The whole statement Here.

The only reasonable motive for him to appear in Wano is to fight against Blackbeard. In the Reverie arc, Shanks visited the 5 Elders to discuss a certain pirate. It’s a big possibility that Shanks is already aware of Blackbeard’s intention. If he manages to eat the third devil fruit, he will become limitless, which will pose as a threat not just for mariners or pirates but for the whole world. His powers will exceed the combined power of the ancient weapons. To prevent this from happening, Shanks might follow Blackbeard to the Wano Kuni. Though it’s still based on theories after the release of One piece film: red, things might start to get clearer.
6) CP-0
CP-0 is the strongest and the highest-ranking branch of the assassin organization run by the World government. They are known as the Cipher Pol. The Cipher Pol first showed up in the Enies Lobby, led by Rob Lucchi. He was eventually defeated by Luffy. This time again, he is seen in the CP-0 with a different look. This new group was formed after the two years of the time skip.
The three CP-0 Agents’ that appeared in Dressrosa to explain false news are still unknown. The members of Cipher Pol have been around in every major arc since the Dressrosa. Soon They will make a move in the Wano Kuni. Since they have already started making short appearances. For instance, after Kaido slashed Orochi’s head, a pair of hands were seen arranging pieces of a board game. These are believed to be members of CP-0.

So far, They haven’t made any noticeable move, nor did they reveal their motive. But knowing the sneaky ways of the Cipher pole so far in the anime, they are already working in the shadows. Even though they haven’t done anything significant in this arc yet, expecting more from them wouldn’t be wrong.