Anime and Marvel (Marvel Studios), these two topics are probably the most talked about in the world. Different anime studios like Ufotbale, Mappa, etc, and Marvel Studios always deliver a masterclass. Be it a show or a movie, there’s just no match for these two. Modern anime began back in 1956 while Marvel commenced its ultimate universe with Robert Downey Jr. starrer Iron Man in 2008. Both anime and the MCU (marvel cinematic universe) have since come a long way. They both have delivered some superb pieces which will go down as one of the best in history.
Just like me, you have often wondered if this specific anime character resembles a marvel hero or vice-versa. Well, this article will talk exactly about that only. We will be looking at some anime characters which closely resemble our beloved Marvel heroes.
Let’s take a look at the list!
Broly As Hulk
Both Hulk and Broly are quite powerful in their respective universe. The color green is also common between them. While Hulk is fully green in color, Broly has green hair. They both resemble immense strength and destructive powers.

You might say that Hulk is a hero while Broly is a villain. But, we have often seen Hulk losing control (like in Avengers Age of Ultron) and becoming not what we can call a villain but not a hero either. On the other hand, Broly is an antagonist but it is confirmed that he’s not ‘evil’. It is just misguidance that takes Broly down the villainous path.
Another anime character similar to the Hulk could be Guts from Berserk. Guts speak for himself while making this claim. Guts is a huge, powerful, fear-inducing character. Bruce Banner always seems to be angry while Guts is always seeking revenge.
Mikasa Ackerman As Black Widow
You probably cannot give me a better-suited character for Black Widow than Mikasa. Few other characters might come close but Mikasa is just the perfect one. Both Mikasa and Natasha are hardworking and determined. They both always achieve their goals no matter what the circumstance. Although there’s one difference between them. Mikasa is always concerned about Eren. Most of whatever Mikasa does is regarding Eren only. While Natasha does not think about anything or anyone (Clint Barton may be an exception to an extent).

Seto Kaiba As Iron man
Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh! is the most similar character to Tony Stark’s Iron man. They both have humongous amounts of cash and all the high-end technology. They both are egoistic billionaires. They both have issues with their fathers. Howard Stark was never attentive towards Tony. Howard was more invested in making a legacy than caring for his son. Seto also had a distant father. Saying distant won’t do justice to Seto as his father often used to beat him too. Another visible similarity between the both is that they are the CEOs of their respective companies.

Another character similar to Iron Man could be Priss from Bubblegum Crisis. She owns extensive armor like Tony. Her armor has a railgun, laser gun, and explosive knuckles. Not much different from Tony’s suit.
Another character closely relating to Iron Man could be Kambe Daisuke from Fugou Keiji: Balance Unlimited. Daisuke also has loads of cash and uses it generously alongside new technology.
Erwin Smith As Captain America
Another character from Attack on Titan universe making this list should not be surprising, especially if that character is Commander Erwin Smith. You can argue on every character in this article but not with Erwin. Erwin Smith is the definition of a leader, a captain. He is someone who people look up to when everything seems lost. He is the one people come to when nothing works. He is the one who is always ready to sacrifice himself for the greater good.

All these qualities can be found in Captain Steve Rogers. Rogers is the man who always stood when everyone else fell. We see this in Avengers Endgame. All the superheroes are downed by Thanos but Captain America barely able to stand up musters all his courage to face Thanos. Similarly, Erwin charges towards the Beast Titan well knowing he’d die. There might be many characters same as Steve Rogers but none come closer to Erwin Smith.
Sasuke Uchiha As Erik Killmonger
I know the article is about characters similar to ‘Marvel heroes’ but this one is worth knowing. This is yet another closely related anime-marvel character duo. Both Erik Killmonger and Sasuke Uchiha want to exact revenge. The driving force of both of these characters’ lives is the extermination of their clan. Yes, there’s nothing clan-related in Erik’s story but it is quite the same as Sasuke’s.

Itachi Uchiha was ordered to kill off the whole Uchiha clan. While Killmonger’s father was killed by his brother T’Chaka. Thus Sasuke made it his goal to kill his brother and Killmonger vowed to take revenge on the Wakandan Royal family. Fans have even gone as far as to justify how Erik played more of a hero rather than a villain. Even Michael B. Jordan has said that his character is not a villain but a misunderstood protagonist.
Also Read: Top 10 Sasuke Uchiha Facts That You Should Know About
Space Dandy as Starlord
Space Dandy, a not-so-known but very intriguing character from the anime of the same name represents Starlord. They both basically live in space. Space Dandy wanders around the galaxies hunting for rare aliens in exchange for money. He is assisted with a robot and a cat-like alien. Just like him, Peter Quill is also assisted by his friends.

Although they both come off as idiots, they both are extremely potent. Starlord is half celestial making him very powerful. Space Dandy is a cosmic being able to travel between alternate dimensions. Dandy even gave up on being the god of the universe just so he can go to his favorite restaurant.
Rimuru Tempest As Doctor Strange
This might be a hot take but it’s worth writing. While Doctor Strange is serious almost all of the time, Rimuru is just the opposite of it. Rimuru has learned a lot of spells over the years. He can easily absorb any new abilities.

Satoru Gojo also comes close to Doctor Strange. Gojo also has an arsenal of tricks under his sleeves like Strange. Another character coming close to Stephen Strange is Shikamaru Nara. Shikamaru learnt what being a shinobi means after almost losing his friends on his first mission. Strange, a man of science, started believing in magic only after a serious car accident. They both possess highly intellect brain.
Deku As Spiderman
You’ll see many articles resembling Spiderman with Naruto but hear me out on this one. Deku is closely related Spiderman. Deku did not have any powers and yet went to save his friend from danger. This made All Might, Deku’s idol, to take him under him and train him.

Peter Parker was also born without any powers just like Deku. He got his power after being bitten by a radioactive spider. Due to his skills and powers, Tony Stark noticed him and welcomed him into the Avengers. Like Deku grew up to idolize All Might, Peter grew up idolizing Tony Stark.
Tell us your thoughts and who do you think resemble other anime characters from the Marvel universe.
Also Read: Marvel Anime: X-Men to drop Mid-December