As the millennials call it, the ’90s were lit. What makes it better is the amount of pop culture booming it happened back then which was brought into the 2000s. One such vital part of pop culture is the Power Rangers franchise. If one has to recall their childhood and teenage vividly then there will be a crystal clear image of a Red Ranger. Transforming into his battler mode to fight it out in the war zone against the bad.
Indeed, the Power Rangers phase is typically the introduction of entertaining action TV shows. Into the lives of gen-z and millennials. Power Rangers tv shows are the only shows whose characters had very cringe gimmicks to suit up. But it is one of those times when the cringe did not hit in as fast as the fascination.
We all certainly had our favorites in our heads when it is recalled over the years. Yes, of course, there is a lot to choose from. But it is a known fact that everyone in the younger days wanted to suit up at least once as the Red Ranger. Because the common traits were poured onto the character and the red ranger was always the one who had the lead and dawn the ‘hero’s’ cap. Considering the leader band of a specific Power Ranger team. It is observed that almost every time the Red Ranger gets to lead the team.
So the fascination of kids and people liking the tag. Especially the so-called leader of a Power Ranger team is always a topic of discussion. Yes, there were instances when the Red Rangers are discussed over consideration of the strongest and most efficient of all. There are numerous names to recall from. But to be exactly on point with the topic of discussion, let’s list out the Top 10 strongest Red Rangers of all time.

10. Andros (Space Rangers)
Andros’s character as a leader and a Red Ranger was emphatic and fascinating to watch. Especially, Andros was one of the earliest Red Rangers to have come into existence on the screen. His ability to avail his supernatural power of telekinesis and his ability to master every hand-to-hand combat was a masterstroke by the makers of it. He was the Red Space Ranger and he led the Space Ranger into many battles over the years.

He is a fine example of rough and tough but his decision-making is comparatively very stuck up. And his disability to trust his fellow Rangers makes him weak-hearted and unlike a Red Ranger. Also, his battles are often showcased as basic lucky moments of the show. Which was very poor of the character to have for a Red Ranger and a Leader of the Space Power Rangers.
9. Wes (Time Force)
Wes is showcased as one of the wisest and most capable Red Rangers available in the Power Rangers franchise. Time Force was one of the most exciting parts of the Rangers fraternity and Wesley Collins is brave, strong, and full of character. Though, Time Force had stated a strong statement about putting the Pink Ranger as the leader of the team. Altogether, Wes’s iconic sequence when he had to lead another Rangers team and also the tentative nature of being the sacrificial hero make him an admirable Red Ranger.

Also, Wes is a great leader on the battleground. His passion for fighting against evil drives him to be a fierce combatant. And his ability for quick decision-making surprised everyone too. All such qualities make him a very decent and strong Red Ranger.
8. Leo (Lost Galaxy)
Leo is supposed to be the one who is the most dysfunctional and dismantled Red Ranger on the list. Especially when it was all in the realization of Leo not willing to be a Red Ranger but his brother was the one who had passed the baton to him and told him to honor the Morpher. Numerous times Leo was the damsel in distress and was often caught under the crossfire of evil. But considering the character development by the showrunners, it was pretty commendable of Leo to end up honoring the Red Ranger suit. And leading the team eventually. Also, his face-off with the big bad and eventually defeating the bad with his battler is one of the iconic moments in the Red Ranger history books.

7. Mack (Operation Overdrive)
Mackenzie Hartford is a choice that could be a debatable choice of the lot. He is a Red Ranger who stole his way into the scenario. His fickle decisions do make him a very dicey choice of a strong Red Ranger. But being an android puts him into a spot of bother and confidence too. His calculations are spot on and also him overcoming the whole existential crisis where he is showcased to have been thinking and reciprocating his existence in the human world. He is strong, quick, and agile which makes him an easy choice for a strong Red Ranger, and also adding on, his power of speculating and taking the right step ahead came out profitable to the team too.

6. Carter (Lightspeed Rescue)
Carter Grayson is the most heroic Red Ranger you can find on the list. Not only he is a Red Power Ranger but in the daytime, he is a firefighter. Which makes him a two-time superhero. Not only does he believe in saving innocent lives wearing a battlizer or a morphed-up suit. But also believes in saving people from regular emergencies. Carter’s character is sensible, sensitive, and passionate. Much like the other Red Rangers, he is a perfect match to the baton. But his faults are to be looked over too.

He is at fault when it comes to ill-disciplined people. And also stands on the fact that a person should be dedicated and raw when it comes to combat. Although he is not a Red Ranger full of strength and brawns his intelligence is told to be the key to getting through all those tricky situations against evil.
5. Cole (Wild Force)
Cole Evans of Power Rangers Wild Force is set to be one of the finest choices for a Red Ranger. His strength, agility, and his heightened senses make him a perfect brawny Red Ranger. He is a born leader and his attributes never make him suffer from any kind of back draw when it comes to combat. Cole Evans is raised in the Jungle and his ability to speak with the Wild Zords makes him special and worthy of the Red Morpher. Although his leadership skills and over-energetic approach might cause trouble in paradise. But it is for sure that there is nothing from which Cole cannot come out with flying colors.

4. Shane (Ninja Storm)
Shane Clark is probably the most capable Red Ranger on the list. And also ticks all the criteria boxes when it comes to a leader of the team. But the vitality and the need of the hour to become a Power Ranger is to be a team player. Which he is not. He is stubborn and non-adjusting. He is not at all flexible with his principle of working as a lone wolf. Although, his mastery of martial arts, ability to control air, and strong mental health are some of the traits which could not be overlooked at. Hence, he is always kept high on the pedestal when a strong Red Ranger is asked for. Also, his battle is arguably the most complex and heavy weighted. Which gives him an upper hand on the strength quotient.

3. Nick (Mystic Force)
Nick Russel is a character who has probably the most potential in the listing. But his stuck-up mindset and his boasting personality make him up the list but not top it. He is a powerful wizard with a brilliant straight-cut mind to defeat evil. Nick often tries to keep the team gelled up and makes sure that everything is on its course. A true leader but when it comes to his ego, he gets into a ruthless routine that sometimes invites loads of destruction. But the aggressive approach makes him quite dangerous and not at all the one Red Ranger, you want to mess with.

2. Tommy (Zeo and Turbo)
Mr. Oliver is one of the strongest and the best leaders in Power Rangers history. His persistence and dedication to holding onto the Power Ranger baton are quite phenomenal. He is the only character in the franchise who has been used as a repeat character in different colors as Green, Black, and White Ranger. Tommy Oliver is by far the most lethal hand-to-hand fighter in the franchise and is lethal with his weapons. He is a master of all technology and also a fascinating leader. Although, his struggles with the Megazords are a drawback that keeps him away from the top spot.

1. Jason (Mighty Morphin)
Jason Lee Scott of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is the most ferocious and powerful Red Ranger in the Power Rangers fraternity. He is a popular, powerful, massively skilled, trained martial artist and also a great leader. All the required traits to become the best and top every list of Power Rangers is present in Jason Lee Scott. He is a fascinating leader who keeps the team ahead of his own life. His priorities are often set even before the team sets out for war. Every time the team needed him, he was there to take the laser beams or the strikes onto his chest and still stand tall against the evil.

Till the end, he stood out when it comes to mastering the skills of operating the battlizer to its full potential and the Megazord. His spirit to fight till the last drop of blood is drawn out of the evil is phenomenal to watch. And also Jason is the original when a discussion comes in about Power Rangers and their leaders. So basically there is a lot of competition to top the strongest of all time. But Jason Lee Scott wins the tally by a long margin of sheer passion, skills, and grit.
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