Tokyo Revengers reaches into the tumultuous life of Takemichi Hanagaki, whose peak in middle school was a distant memory. Once respected with a loyal gang of friends and a girlfriend, Takemichi now lives dismal as a mocked adult, regularly apologizing to his younger boss. His life takes a drastic turn when news of the Tokyo Manji Gang brutally murdering his girlfriend and her brother shocks him to the core.
In a desperate moment facing an oncoming train, Takemichi flashes back twelve years to the day he was with his girlfriend, Hinata Tachibana. Forced to relive that fateful day, Takemichi encounters Hinata’s younger brother and impulsively reveals his future demise before returning to the present.
Miraculously alive and witnessing a changed future, Takemichi realizes he can alter time. Determined to prevent his ex-girlfriend’s tragic fate at the hands of the gang, Takemichi sets out on a journey through time to rewrite destiny.
Exciting news broke at a recent fan event celebrating the fourth anniversary of the Tokyo Revengers anime adaptation. A sequel to the series has been confirmed, though details remain shrouded in mystery, including its format and release date.
A gripping new key visual featuring a wounded Takemichi alongside Mikey and a retrospective announcement video highlighting pivotal moments from the series were introduced to eager fans.
In addition, fans can look forward to “Fairy Tale Revengers,” a whimsical chibi gag series where “Tokyo Revengers” characters reimagine classic tales, starting with a fresh adaptation of the Momotaro legend. Adding to the excitement, the Japan Anniversary Association has designated June 19 as Tokyo Revengers Day and the Manji Gang Founding Anniversary, cementing the series’ cultural impact.
But the announcements don’t end there! Celebrations for the anime’s upcoming fifth anniversary are already underway. The festivities start with “Dachi Live,” a special character image song concert slated for February 2, 2025, at Kanagawa’s Pacifico Yokohama. Before that, fans can anticipate the release of “Duet EP 01,” an album featuring character duets, hitting shelves on October 23.