Toei Animation’s original anime Girls Band Cry has released a new English-subtitled music video on their official website, and this video is nothing less than the previous MV released. The in-story band Togenashi Togeari performs the song “White Drizzle in Gloom.” This is the third song released digitally for the project, with a music video on YouTube. The upcoming fourth song will be available on July 24!
The music video, depicted in black-and-white, portrays the theme of “trying to make your way in a difficult world” and relates to the members’ lives in Togenashi Togeari. Despite the challenges, the song encourages a “path of hope and faith” even when the future is rocky and uncertain.
The first two songs released are “Namonaki Nanimokamo” (Nameless Name) and “Itsuwari no Kotowari” (no rhyme nor reason), both performed by Togenashi Togeari.
The second single, which includes the third and fourth songs, is set to be released on August 30, featuring an illustration on the CD jacket featuring the main character, Nina Iseri, breaking stereotypes and forging ahead by destroying symbols of modern necessities like money and smartphones. You go, girl!
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All About Girls Band Cry
Another day, another anime. Though we don’t know much about Girls Band Cry, we’re keeping high expectations. I mean, why wouldn’t we when the project is under Toei Animation’s creative charge? This brand-new music anime was announced in April of this year and hasn’t missed a chance to grow the hype around it.
Music, punk rock, cute girls, and sad backstories make the foundation of this anime. What more could you ask for?
The cast of Girls Band Cry includes Nina Iseri, voiced by RINA, Momoka Kawaragi, voiced by Yuri, Subaru Awa, voiced by Mirei, Tomo Ebizuka, voiced by Natsu and Rupa, voiced by Syuri. Kazuo Sakai takes the director’s chair for this piece, while Nari Teshima designs the characters and Kenji Tamai composes the music. The CGI directors are Mari Kondo and Jae Hoon Jung.
The first music video released sort of setting the mood for the start of the anime. The beats make your head bang, but the lyrics make your eyes teary. The instrumental was impressive, and the lead vocalist only added to the first single’s magic.
Throwing rock and blues in your face, the second single make your body groove to every second of the song. Itsuwari no Kotowari blessed not only our ears but also our eyes, with the exhilarating animation and CGI featured in the music video.
With the three music videos released and the fourth yet to come, we expect Girls Band Cry to stand tall among series like K-On!, Nana, Tari Tari, and many more legendary music anime.
What’s the Anime About?
In a life full of ups and downs, three individuals find themselves going through a bad phase in their lives. The main character dropped out of high school and wished to attend university while living alone in the bustling city of Tokyo. Betrayed by her friends, another girl is left feeling lost and alone. Somewhere else, a girl, abandoned by her parents, lives off various part-time jobs.
Despite the challenges they face, they all hold onto music as hope. They long for something they can truly cherish and believe that there is a place where they belong. And so, coming together to overcome the downs in their lives, they find peace and strength in the power of music.
Toei Animation has written itself in history by putting out masterpieces such as Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, and One Piece. There is no studio, voice actor, or anyone in the anime community who doesn’t recognize the name “Toei Animation.” For now, this is all we know about Girls Band Cry, and we’re sure when the anime releases, it will be the top topic of conversation. Leave it to Toei Animation to impress us!
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