Since The Traitors premiered in the U.S. in 2023, reality television stars from shows like Big Brother and The Bachelor have been part of the cast. However, contestants from Survivor often become the most intimidating competitors.
The most successful players on The Traitors are those who can build alliances and hide their true intentions. This skill is common among former Survivor contestants, who are experienced in deception and strategy.
Although The Traitors usually selects cast members from earlier Survivor seasons, such as Rob Mariano and Stephenie LaGrossa, some players from more recent seasons would be great additions. This article focuses on two of the most talked-about players from Survivor Season 47 and explains why they would excel on The Traitors.
Genevieve Mushaluk Has a Natural Talent for Deception
Genevieve Mushaluk was not a well-known player at the start of Survivor Season 47. She had a quiet personality and did not interact much with her tribe members. She also received little screen time in the beginning because her approach to the game was subtle.
However, her strategy became clear when she orchestrated the blindside of Kishan Patel on the eighth night. She convinced Rome Cooney and Sol Yi to join her in voting him out, proving that she had strong influence over the game.
After eliminating Kishan, Genevieve controlled nearly every vote she participated in while avoiding suspicion. Viewers quickly realized that she was becoming a serious contender for the title of sole survivor. However, her fellow players did not see the threat she posed. Genevieve was able to stay out of the spotlight and avoid being targeted.
Her dominance in the game became more noticeable after the merge. By the time she reached the final seven, competitors like Rachel LaMont began to recognize her strategy. This shift in perception put Genevieve in danger, as her opponents started to see her as a threat.
Just when it seemed like Genevieve’s luck had run out, she pulled off the biggest blindside of the season. She created a plan called Operation: Italy and convinced Sam Phalen and Andy Rueda to side with her instead of voting against her. This unexpected move shocked the remaining contestants.
Players like Genevieve are exactly what The Traitors needs. She appears harmless at first but later proves to be the mastermind behind major decisions. Her ability to act innocent would make it difficult for other players to suspect her.
Genevieve also showed her physical strength in Survivor challenges, which would help her in the competitions on The Traitors. However, she would not stand out as an obvious physical threat, keeping her safe from early elimination.
From an entertainment perspective, Genevieve would be an exciting addition to The Traitors. Her confessionals would be revealing, especially if she were selected as a traitor. If she played as a faithful, she would likely be one of the best at identifying the traitors. Genevieve is a strong candidate to represent Survivor on The Traitors, but she is not the only one. One of her closest allies from the end of the season is another promising choice.
Andy Rueda Thrives as the Underdog
Unlike Genevieve, Andy Rueda was targeted from the very beginning of Survivor Season 47. His behavior frustrated his tribe members, and his lack of contributions at camp nearly got him voted out within the first three days. He often complained and struggled socially, making him an easy target.
However, as the game progressed, Andy managed to change his fate. He transformed from being insecure and awkward to becoming confident and strategic. He started making bold moves to advance his position in the game. Over time, he stopped being the player who embarrassed himself on television and instead became a serious competitor.
Despite his growth, Andy’s early struggles worked in his favor. Many of his castmates continued to underestimate him. They assumed he was not capable of playing a strategic game or winning immunity challenges. This perception allowed him to stay in the game longer than expected.
On day 22, Andy made a game-changing move by blindsiding Caroline Vidmar during Operation: Italy. His castmates trusted him, so they did not see the betrayal coming. Unfortunately, his success also made him overconfident. After eliminating Caroline, Andy began demanding that other players take him more seriously. His insistence on proving himself became his downfall.
Rachel LaMont saw an opportunity and orchestrated Andy’s elimination on day 23, just before the final five. While Andy showed strong strategic skills, his struggle with social interactions made it difficult for him to maintain long-term alliances.
Andy’s unpredictable nature would make him a great addition to The Traitors. As a faithful, he would struggle to keep secrets and likely create tension in the game. His behavior could make other contestants suspect him of being a traitor, even if he were innocent.

If Andy played as a traitor, his best strategy would be to pretend he was clueless. He could use the same approach he used on Survivor by acting harmless while secretly making moves.
Andy’s ability to be underestimated would make him an exciting player on The Traitors. His presence would bring drama and unpredictability, making him an ideal choice for the show.
Why Genevieve and Andy Would Succeed on The Traitors
Despite having very different personalities, Genevieve and Andy share one important trait: they know how to avoid suspicion. This ability would make them strong players on The Traitors.
Being former Survivor contestants could put a target on their backs from the start. Other players might assume they are skilled at deception. However, both Genevieve and Andy have proven that they thrive under pressure. They excel at making bold moves and adapting to unexpected challenges.
If they were both cast on The Traitors, it is unlikely that they would both be selected as traitors. However, based on their performances on Survivor Season 47, either one of them would make a great addition to the show. Their ability to manipulate and strategize should be enough to convince host Alan Cumming to consider them for a future season.
For now, Survivor fans can continue watching past seasons on CBS in the U.S.