Lindsay Hubbard, the star of Summer House, shared her postpartum body transformation with her followers just weeks after the birth of her first child. On December 30, she posted an Instagram Reel showcasing her progress. The 38-year-old captioned the post, “OK, but I kind of miss it!” expressing a mix of nostalgia and appreciation for the changes in her body.
In the video, Hubbard first showed off her postpartum bump just 24 hours after delivering her daughter. She posed in front of a bathroom mirror wearing a pink pajama set and a hospital bracelet. The video was set to a soundbite from Snoop Dogg’s “Still D.R.E.” as Hubbard moved through various stages of her recovery.
The next segment of the Reel shows Hubbard’s progress just 48 hours after childbirth, where she poses in front of a Christmas tree. She wore a pink matching set and cozy slippers. Her body had already started to change as she continued her recovery journey. Hubbard also shared updates at four days and one week postpartum, wearing comfortable outfits such as leggings, a flowy black top, and sweatpants.
As the video continued, Hubbard shared her 10-day and two-week postpartum figures. At 10 days, she wore loose black sweatpants and a matching t-shirt. By the two-week mark, her body was continuing to adjust, and she showcased her progress in a green bra and neutral sweatpants. Her body was gradually returning to its pre-pregnancy shape.
The final segment of the Reel displayed Hubbard’s week three postpartum look, where she confidently wore baggy maternity jeans and a cropped black turtleneck. This final look showed how her body had evolved and how far she had come in just a few weeks after giving birth.
Hubbard, who welcomed her daughter Gemma on December 8 with her boyfriend Turner Kufe, previously shared the exciting news on Instagram. She posted a picture of herself and Kufe holding their baby’s hands with the caption, “She’s here!! 🎀 Gemma Britt Kufe 🤍.” This moment marked the beginning of their new journey as parents.
Following the birth of Gemma, Hubbard shared how Kufe has been incredibly supportive. She explained in a December interview with People that Kufe has been there for both her and the baby, frequently switching between their homes to help with the transition. She described their home as the “HQ for the home of our daughter and me,” showing how committed Kufe has been to their new life together.
Despite the challenges of motherhood, Hubbard expressed how great she was feeling, though slightly sleep-deprived. She shared the joy of new parenthood, saying, “My heart is so, so full.” Hubbard also reflected on how she now understands the depth of love new parents feel, saying, “You always hear new parents say ‘I never knew love like this existed,’ and then it happens to you and you’re like, ‘I totally get it now.’”