Lift, the latest heist movie on Netflix, follows Cyrus and his merry gang of thieves as they plot to steal $500 million worth of gold from criminal mastermind Jorgenson. To prevent the villain from utilizing the gold to fund a lethal hack, Interpol enlists Cyrus’ assistance.
Abby, a member of the agency and Cyrus’s former girlfriend is compelled to collaborate with the gang on this covert undertaking. Examining the conclusion, will we find that Cyrus and his group are successful in preventing Jorgenson from obtaining the gold? (of course, they do.)
Luke decides at the last minute not to board the aircraft, but otherwise, the theft seems to be going smoothly. The crew manages to sneak Camilla’s jet beneath the passenger plane without being seen, and Abby’s fast thinking allows them to turn on the signal in time.
In Bruselles, Harry plays his part with comedic precision, and the pilot agrees to divert the flight from Zurich without issue. Magnus gets to work picking the lock on the safe.
Both Camilla’s private jet and the plane barely touch down on the tiny Alps runway. After gaining the upper hand, Cormac and his soldiers kidnap the heroes.
Where is Cormac taking the two of them?
Jorgenson wants to see the individual who was bold enough to try to take his gold when he learns about the theft. Cormac takes Cyrus, Abby, and Camilla aboard the private plane towards their employer.

It’s almost hard for Interpol to follow our crew of thieves since they updated the private plane and made it completely invisible to radars. Fortunately, Camilla’s rash flying actions enable the aircraft to free itself from a few covert modifications.
Magnus employs his cunning once again on the runway to avoid being executed. Huxley intends to take some drastic steps at the train station to make sure Jorgenson doesn’t get his hands on the gold. He wants the plane shot down by NATO before it can make a landing.
How do they stop the fighter jets?
Fortunately, Cyrus and Abby can divert the NATO jets by informing them that there are people aboard via the LCD on the aircraft. The final thug is eliminated by Camilla’s maneuvers as the two subdue Cormac and hurl him flying.

Finally regaining control of the aircraft, our heroes are forced to land on Jorgenson’s property. The hacker representative showed up there to take up the slack, and the criminal genius was waiting with him.
The hacker attempts to back out of Jorgenson’s contract when she finds out one of the men from the plane is Interpol.
How does the main team defeat Jorgenson?
Local police show up at the estate just before he is going to shoot Cyrus. But the criminal lord attempts to convince everyone that he’s simply an innocent man attempting to defend himself.
When Cyrus discloses that the little NFT camera caught Jorgenson killing the hacker in cold blood, that justification falls apart.

Abby punches her supervisor in the face before quitting her work after learning about Huxley’s connection with the NATO fighter planes.
How does the movie conclude?
The scene then shifts to a few weeks later, when Cyrus and Abby—who are now a couple—drive along a charming road in the Alps.
He divulges one last surprise: the group succeeded in robbing the gold, pulling off an even greater robbery than anticipated. Luke just had a different profession, so he never had cold feet. Abby, Cyrus, and the others celebrate their newfound prosperity as the movie comes to a close.
Will there be a second part?
Lift on Netflix comes to a satisfying conclusion as Cyrus and his group succeed in robbing a dishonest millionaire, tricking Interpol, and even obtaining $500 million worth of gold.
But by integrating Abby into the core group, Lift establishes the groundwork for a series similar to Fast & Furious, in which Cyrus and his cronies may embark on fresh robbery operations in follow-up flicks.

Lift 2 may be about Huxley trying to follow them down as they become more unscrupulous billionaires since Interpol is not behind them but rather searching for them after they took the gold. Nothing is certain as of now, but if it gains enough viewing, Netflix will surely renew it for the second part.