With an emotional, fondly remembered episode that may eventually serve as the conclusion of the original Power Rangers series, Cosmic Fury’s denouement brings the Dino Fury story to a close. The third season of Dino Fury, Cosmic Fury, also serves as the conclusion of the Power Rangers universe.
In the Cosmic Fury conclusion, which had references to characters and events from earlier seasons, the Power Rangers completed their cycle of existence. Between Lord Zedd’s death and Zordon’s return, the final episode of Cosmic Fury was extremely hot.
Despite the large number of characters in Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, the season’s end and individual episodes gave each character a chance to shine. In Cosmic Fury’s conclusion, the Power Rangers had to step in to stop Lord Zedd’s forces from eradicating the universe’s goodness. The Power Rangers were not alone because Billy, the original Blue Ranger, had brought additional vintage Megazords to help them.
Nevertheless, the focus of Cosmic Fury’s pivotal clash was the team commanded by Red Ranger Amelia, which now also included the first Orange Ranger in the franchise. After Master Zedd was defeated, the Power Rangers triumphed in their most challenging battle to date.
Is Power Rangers Ending?
Power Rangers season 31 has not yet been confirmed, so it is unclear what will happen to the franchise after Cosmic Fury ends. No Super Sentai adaptation has been announced for the period after Cosmic Fury as of the time this article was written.
For the first time since Power Rangers Ninja Storm, Power Rangers is shifting production from New Zealand, indicating that the present structure of the Power Rangers TV series may be ending. Because a young adult Power Rangers TV program is in the works, it does not follow that the franchise will end after Cosmic Fury. Instead of being a Super Sentai adaption, this Power Rangers relaunch show would include an entirely new narrative.

As seen in the tweet above, Power Rangers showrunner Simon Bennett, who oversaw Dino Fury, Once & Always, and Cosmic Fury, recently expressed interest in Jonathan Entwistle’s Power Rangers remake series.
Cosmic Fury may end up being the last Power Rangers show in the continuity that began with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 30 years ago if Entwistle’s Power Rangers series is successful. However, there hasn’t been any further verifiable information on the Power Rangers’ future after Cosmic Fury.
What Happens Power Rangers Cosmic Fury?
The conclusion of Cosmic Fury leaves the door open for new tales set in the original continuity, despite the possibility of a Power Rangers reboot series in the future. The Dino Fury/Cosmic Fury Rangers’ tales have ended, although Zordon’s appearance hinted at a potential Mighty Morphin sequel.
Zordon was casually brought back in Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, 25 years after the mentor of the Power Rangers passed away in Power Rangers in Space’s “Countdown to Destruction.” To reach Aiyon, the Gold Ranger of Cosmic Fury, Zordon was able to use the famous “may the power protect you” statement. Billy discovered that Aiyon had a conversation with Zordon.
Zordon is not dead, as confirmed by Cosmic Fury, and Billy is now aware of this. Billy had hinted at Zordon’s impending reappearance in Power Rangers: Once & Always by saying that there are still many unanswered questions regarding the Z-Wave and the Morphin Grid.
Like Once & Always ended, Cosmic Fury leaves Billy wondering how Zordon could still be alive. The possibility of future tales starring the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers cast is left open by this cliffhanger Power Rangers conclusion. It is still unknown whether David Yost or another original Power Rangers actor will appear in a future endeavor.

Power Rangers verifies Zordon’s survival more than 25 years after the events of In Space. Since Zordon, the Power Rangers’ mentor, gave his life to create the Z-Wave, which would banish evil from the cosmos, his death has always been shrouded in mystery.
In none of the Power Rangers TV series, Zordon had a physical form. Therefore, his demise might have been simply retconned. Zordon’s demise had not been revisited by Power Rangers in the previous two decades, but Cosmic Fury now brings the classic Mighty Morphin character back with a new twist. From Aiyon’s point of view, Zordon appears in Cosmic Fury as a component of the Morphin Grid.