How strong Sailor Moon can be. The titular character has been facing the magical girl genre since her inception, and throughout her career, she has had her fair share of power-ups. However, the power of a character like Sailor Moon, who fights with magic and not Ki or any battle-oriented energy, makes it hard to measure her power. The reason for that is simple, power systems are purely combative, what they can or cannot do is grounded in the damage dealt.
There are creative ways in which it can be done, the series like Hunter x Hunter’s Nen and Jojo’s bizarre adventure stand are good examples. They have complexity that makes it hard to predict what the fights will be like, but the end goal is the same, how much damage can they do? An aversion to this would be pure magic that is seen in series like Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic. There the magic can be used to hurt the opponent, but it has layers and uses that construct things as well.
We bring this up because of the vaguely defined power system of the Sailor Moon franchise. There are no clear-cut criteria or limits of what one can or can not do, it is like Magic which makes sense given the plot of the show. However, this makes it hard to measure how strong someone is unless their powers are battle oriented. But fret not, Usagi is the protagonist of the show and she is bound to get power-ups during the series run which displays her capabilities well.

We do want to mention that the base Sailor Moon, Usagi’s first form, is one of the weakest in the whole franchise compared to all other enemies they come across. Although, that is what makes the character’s growth as well as power-ups all the more interesting. And in the entirety of the series, Usagi has had two power-ups. One on-screen and the other off-screen. Let’s discuss the first one, Sailor Moon Eternal.
How Strong is Sailor Moon Eternal?
Sailor Moon Eternal is a form Usagi reached when she and other scouts were at the mercy of Nehellenia. The leader of the scouts is defeated by one of the strongest foes who are out for blood, but Usagi is not alone. Tuxedo Mask is with her, and the pair form a union to defeat the twisted queen of darkness. Though they were in a pretty tight spot as Nehellenia had gotten hold of the Silver Crystal, a dream Nehellenia had for so long. But that dream soon came to an end as Sailor Moon, and Tuxedo Mask’s kiss brings the crystal to them.
Furious at her loss, she is out for Sailor Moon’s life, but it is then Sailor Senshi combine all their power ( along with Tuxedo Mask’s Gold crystal) and turn Usagi into Sailor Moon Ultra after she uses the chances made by their powers. Now it is no surprise that Nehellenia is one of the main villains in the story, and her strength puts her above and beyond that, she can’t easily be killed. However, this is where we see how Strong Sailor Moon Eternal is. She shoots the witch with her spell of “Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss”. With this Nehellenia, queen of the dark moon, turns to dust and never returns.
This power-up makes her one of the strongest forces in the universe, although she still isn’t the strongest yet.

How strong is Sailor Moon’s True Final Form?
From the very beginning, we are hinted at the existence of a supreme being that will bring peace to the world, queen serenity. And in the first few episodes, everyone thought it was Sailor Venus. But that wasn’t the case for long, and it soon turned out Usagi was the one who would become Queen serenity.
However, we never see queen serenity in action throughout the series, we only hear about how benevolent she is and how she is filled with love and hope. She is essentially at the level where she is the ruler of the universe with no equal. Though her bit of power is expressed through Sailor Moon Chibi. As to how? That will take a whole article to explain and is outside the scope of this article. But yes, she is so strong it would need a full article to explain her powers.
Also Read: Sailor Moon Watch Order – Full Guide On How To Watch