Franky is the 8th member to join the straw hats, and his new bounty is finally to his deserving in the hundreds of millions as the shipwright of the straw hats crew. Before joining the straw hats, Franky never had a bounty on him like many of the straw hats members, and after his incident in the Wano arc, his bounty has been raised for the 3rd time and is finally in the millions. However, Franky is still pissed because of the photo used in the wanted poster.
Franky is the only member of the straw hat who has had a different photo for the wanted poster every time. Assisting the straw hats in many ways since his time in time in the series, Franky has never failed to surprise us with his inventions and the way of his fighting. Oda sensei had shared his desire to draw mecha manga in the future. However, after drawing Franky and his new aspects, Oda’s desire to draw a mecha-type manga has been fulfilled. What are Franky’s New Bounty and the new wanted poster? Let’s find out!
Franky’s New Bounty Revealed!
During the raid on Onigashima, Franky helps the straw hats with his inventions differing from motorcycles to submarines. He also helped Usopp and Chopper run away from Big Mom with his inventions. Although his main event in the Wano country was similar to other straw hats members fighting one of the flying six members of the Beast Pirates. In particular, Franky fought with Sasaki, a member of the flying six who has notedly fought Yamato and Denjiro too. In their fierce battle, Sasaki managed to break Franky’s steel body, but Franky defeated Sasaki with his laser beam aiming at Sasaki’s weak spot.

This achievement of his gave Franky the new bounty of 394,000,000 Berries, making him the seventh highest bounty holder member among the straw hats, followed by God Usopp of 500,000,000 Berries. Although the photo on the bounty that Franky has is the photo of Thousand Sunny and not him making him furious at the marines.
The first time Franky gain a bounty of 44,000,000 Berries is when he first assisted the straw hats in the Enies lobby defeating the CP9 member Fukuro and burning the blueprints of the ancient weapon Pluton. Whereas the second bounty raise that Franky got when he defeated an officer of the Donquixote Pirates named Senior Pink. General Franky was used as the photo for the wanted poster with a bounty of 94,000,000 Berries. Frank was upset that his bounty was not raised above 100,000,000 Berries despite him defeating an officer of the Donquixote Pirates. Although his new bounty makes him the 7th highest in hundreds of millions but with Thousand Sunny’s photo.
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