All three of our main characters are stuck in different locations in the fourth episode, and the tension is high: Margaret and Clarke arrive at the morgue, hoping to learn if Gus is the missing little boy; Hilary ends up fighting with her mother while stuck in an elevator; and Mercy discovers something significant that could potentially alter her entire life.
After spending the night outside the morgue, Margaret and Clarke awaken in the automobile. When she awakens, she sees someone going inside. She follows him inside, trying every door until she finds a way in. After a while, they track down the janitor they see entering the building.

She doesn’t understand English, but the pair is persistent in getting her assistance, so she directs them to a waiting area and locks them inside so she can return to her job.
The couple confides in one another about the problems in their family while they wait. Margaret makes fun of him for not going back to his house.
Clarke snaps at her in reaction, accusing her of having no say in Mercy’s hiring and of not just taking Essie along to the night market to assist with child-watching, but he also quickly apologizes.
Margaret regrets being the type of mother who loses her child, but he quickly points the finger at Gus’s kidnapper rather than at her. After a while, a different mortuary employee arrives and escorts them to a different waiting area.
They wind up waiting for a translation to arrive because the language barrier keeps causing problems. Clarke informs Margaret that she isn’t witnessing every problem the family is facing in the new room.
He claims that the children are struggling and long to be with their loved ones again, but they feel betrayed by Margaret and Gus if they tell Margaret that they aren’t coping.
Margaret flatly refuses to leave Hong Kong because doing so would mean leaving their kid behind. However, she calls Daisy using Clarke’s phone and lets her know that she may talk to her about anything. A linguist shows up.
He assists the couple in completing the required paperwork, after which they are taken to identify the body. When the bodybag is opened, Margaret informs the employee that the boy isn’t their son, causing Clarke to start crying.

The couple is shown in the back of a car as the program ends, with Margaret consoling Clarke with her arms. After her ordeal, Hilary’s mother, who had come from Los Angeles to meet her, reunites with her.
When Puri wakes up and realizes that Sam is supposed to be bringing up her mother from the airport, Hilary tells her that Puri is keeping herself occupied by doing other things. Confused, Hilary discovers she’s switched up her dates and hastily gets ready.
Later that day, she extends an invitation to her mother to come to her apartment at the Peak. Together with Tilda, the two enter an elevator, and soon afterward, they argue. Subsequently, the elevator’s electricity fails, trapping everyone inside.