Manga creator Taku Kuwabara (Drifting Dragons) debuted a new Pokémon manga mini-series titled Kabigon no Yume Gourmet (Snorlax's Dream Gourmet)...
Read moreIn a message addressed to the staff and obtained by IGN, Phil Spencer, head of Microsoft Gaming, announced that Microsoft...
Read moreCuts at Black Forest Games, located in Offenburg, Germany, were reportedly announced on January 24, according to a source cited...
Read moreScheduled for release on February 22, the upcoming single-player campaign serves as the final component of the $24.99 / £22.49...
Read moreReviews for the game surfaced on Monday, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive, reflected in the game's Metacritic scores....
Read moreNintendo has officially confirmed the cessation of online services for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U software, scheduled for April 8...
Read moreSony Interactive Entertainment has disclosed comprehensive top 20 download charts for PlayStation games, segmenting them into separate lists for PS4...
Read moreAfter the enigmatic appearance of redacted product pages for Project C and Project D on Steam, Half Mermaid's CEO, Sam...
Read moreOn Tuesday, Palworld achieved a remarkable milestone by reaching 1,864,421 concurrent players, as reported by the independent Steam data tracker...
Read moreDelayed from its initial release on Apple devices last year, the game is now set to launch on January 30....
Read moreThe iconic Sega video game character, Sonic the Hedgehog, continues his fast-paced adventures in Sonic the Hedgehog 3. The latest...
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