“Blue Period,” the beloved anime that premiered on Netflix in 2021, is set to make its live-action debut. Japanese theaters will welcome the film on August 9, 2024.
While fans in Japan eagerly await, an international release date has yet to be announced. This is common for Japanese movies, but given the anime’s popularity, a Western release seems likely in the future.
The newly released trailer confirms that the live-action movie will closely follow the original anime storyline. Viewers will once again follow Yatora as he shifts from academic life to pursue his passion for painting.
Gordon Maeda, known for his role in the live-action “Tokyo Revengers” film, will play Yatora. The cast also features Fumiya Takahashi as Ryuji, Rihito Itagaki as Yotasuke, and Hiyori Sakurada as Maru.
Western fans will have to be patient and enjoy the anime for now. Keep an eye on updates regarding an international release, as this article will be updated with any new information.