Black Clover manga has been quite inconsistent as we gradually head to the finale of the Spade Kingdom arc. Mangaka Yuki Tabata has been taking frequent breaks to compensate for the well-detailed fights between the devils and the Magic Knights. Well, not this weak. Thankfully, the shonen series isn’t on a break this week, and we might just be getting spoilers of Black Clover Chapter 330.
From the previous chapter, it’s clear that Lucifero made a grave mistake by underestimating Asta and Liebe. The previous chapter ended with Asta cutting the devil kingpin into two halves and almost emerging victoriously. Will Asta continue with the winning streak? Moreover, now that Lucifero is down, we are looking forward to what Adrammelech intends to do next. What are his intentions? We bring you the latest chapter updates of Black Clover manga.
Black Clover Chapter 330 Spoilers And Raw Scans
In the upcoming Black Clover Chapter 330, we will figure out Adrammelech’s true intentions behind keeping quiet while Lucifero was beaten up into a pulp. Isn’t he on Lucifero’s side? Or does he consider himself strong enough to defeat everyone single-handedly? The true extent of his powers is still unknown. Just in case, if things go south, Asta won’t be in any condition to fight. He is already at his limits, and I don’t think he can continue his devil’s union. He has been at his limits several times but has gotten right back up to face the notorious foes.

Unfortunately, these are nothing but mere speculations. We would be getting a much clearer picture when the raw scans and spoilers of Black Clover Chapter 330 are dropped. They generally surface 2-3 days before the chapter’s official release, so you can expect them by Friday, April 15, 2022. We will keep the section updated for you or will publish a new article solely on the spoilers.
Black Clover Chapter 329 Recap
In Chapter 329, an angry Lucifero bluntly says that he can’t be defeated by some mere magicless kids. It seems that the sky fell upon the pride of Lucifero, and he can’t even believe what’s happening right before his eyes. In order to stop Asta and Liebe from looking down on him, he makes use of his presence to have them stick to the ground as he looks menacingly at them. Adding salt to his injury, Nacht and Yami somewhat regain their composure and come in to save Asta from Lucifero’s counterattack. Lucifero declares how he wouldn’t have lost if he was able to use all of his powers. With not much option left, Lucifero tries to retreat. Little did we know that the sorcerer supreme of devils would turn out to be a scaredy-cat moments before his death.

However, before he can escape, Asta shows up from behind. It turns out that Yuno used conjunction on Asta so that he could teleport behind him, thereby allowing him to land the finishing blow. Remember the tiny devil who refused to help Lucifero previously? Her name is Adrammelech, and the chapter ended with Adrammelech clapping and appreciating Asta for his victory. Which side is she from?
Black Clover Chapter 330 Release Date
Black Clover Chapter 330 is scheduled to release on Sunday, April 18, 2022. We are finally heading towards the climax of the Spade Kingdom arc, and I won’t be surprised if Chapter 330 turns out to be the last chapter before Black Clover’s anticipated time skip. New chapters are dropped every Sunday, so don’t miss out on any in such a crucial stage of the story.
Where To Read Black Clover Chapter 330?
Black Clover Chapter 330 will be available on various online platforms like Viz Media, Mangaplus, and Shonen Jump’s official application. The three recent chapters will be free to read for every country. However, you must switch to a paid subscription to access the entire catalog of 330 chapters. I would recommend you not to ruin the experience by resorting to piracy and rather support the creators by sticking to official platforms.
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