I’ve got to say Big Brother UK ITV Finale was a very, very satisfying finale to watch. We made it to the end, and it was such a great conclusion. It was just a really, really fun time.
There weren’t a lot of house highlights in this episode. Fortunately, the finale was kind of evict one, then interview them, evict another one, then interview them, evict someone else, etc., for pretty much the whole episode. I thought that was probably the perfect way to do a finale, personally.
There were some interesting moments, like we saw they had their little final supper, which was very, very cute. They each gave a little speech about how much it meant for them to be here.
There was a moment that we saw live the previous night, and they showed a clip of Jordan getting up and being like, “Guys, you know, I was called the diary room earlier. That’s because the 12th person to be evicted from the house I…”. Everyone was like ohh, but he was just joking this is why I was backing Jordan for the win. He was such an incredible, funny person in the house. I feel sorry for the people who don’t necessarily see that.
Big Brother UK ITV Finale Recap
I have to say the eviction order, like 5th to 1st, somewhat surprised me. In my original predictions, I got two out of five correct, although if we were going for who I wanted to win, then three out of five correct. But I’ve gotta say there were some shocks along the way. I genuinely wasn’t expecting some people to be eliminated or to be evicted where they were evicted.

So let’s start with our fifth place. Noky was our fifth-place evictee. And I gotta say, she handled herself with poise as she left the house. She did the whole model sort of wave. I gotta say, I think her exit interview was actually really lovely as well.
She mentioned that she felt like her journey had started around Halloween, and she felt like, up until that point, she was coasting through, and she hadn’t really made genuine connections with people yet.
It was good that she acknowledged that because I did agree; I felt like she was coasting in the first three weeks. And then, obviously, once she was the possessed housemate, I felt like that’s when we truly got to see who she is and what she brings to the table, which I thought was really lovely as well.
Yin Run Gets The Fourth Place
So 4th place was announced as Yin Run, and the shock registered on my face. I don’t think I’ve ever been so shocked at the outcome of a reality show in my life. I genuinely thought Jim was gonna win, not necessarily who I wanted to win. But definitely the person that I thought would have won from what the public was saying.
Fourth place is crazy, and I really expected, if she wasn’t gonna win, to come second at the lowest. However, I think with Yin Run out of the way, it was very clear who was going to win Big Brother UK ITV Finale from that point. I think Yin Run’s exit was so cute, and she felt overwhelmed by just the sheer amount of cheers.

Yin Run’s exit interview was so lovely. She spoke about how her boyfriend supported her through the application process, making sure that her English was strong, that she could go in, and that she could understand British culture.
I thought that was really, really lovely. There was also a conversation about how she cries a lot in the house, and she said, “No, I do just cry a lot.” She said that she was looking around the house, thinking there was not a single place in this house where she hadn’t cried.
I just think she was such an incredible, incredible housemate. She said when she walked in, she was really worried because she thought she wasn’t as beautiful as some of the other girls in the house.
Henry Gets The Third Place
Third place turned out to be Henry, and I gotta say, I did not expect Olivia to make the top two. If you’d told me that at the start of the series, I would have said you are lying to me. In fact, if you’d told me apart from Yin Run, any of the top five were in the top five at the end, I would have said you were lying.
But the fact that we’ve gone on this journey and every single one of them deserves to be in that final just proves how incredible they are.
Henry’s exit did the hand thing, and it was quite funny. His exit interview was quite interesting. He finally got some champagne, which was really funny. He necked it as well, straight down the Hatch, which was quite funny. And he was talking about how he never really expected to be third. I guess it is fair; not everyone expects that they’re going to make it to the finals.

I didn’t expect him to make it to 3rd place, but he really showed how authentic and genuine he is, and I think that that’s the making of a good housemate. He grew a lot in the house, which I completely agree with. I think the way he came in was very different from the way he left. His time in the House has changed him and hopefully for the better. He was shocked to learn that the hot scenes had aired.
Talking about Jordan, he basically said that he could imagine the process without him, and I just thought that was so beautiful and lovely. Henry’s mum approves of Jordan, which is lovely. And oh, I can’t wait to, like, keep up with their relationship outside of the house. It’s going to be so cute.
Also, they confirmed in a roundabout way that the word platonic is an inside joke, and it’s not genuinely platonic. I think it all stems back to Ancient Greek philosophers, and people have often theorized that they might have been more than friends. So that’s why they’ve said platonic. Maybe that’s where the word platonic came from. Maybe I might be getting my etymology wrong.
Big Brother UK ITV Finale Ending Explained: The Winner Is Crowned
The second place was Olivia, which left Jordan as our winner. Let’s talk about Olivia and the journey she went on. If I was to give an award for the best journey in the house, Olivia would have to win it.
She’d have to because she was my least favorite on launch night. During weeks 2 and 3, I liked her a lot more. Then, in week 5, I disliked her a lot more. In week 5, I disliked her, and then this final week, I loved her again, and she’s been genuinely so entertaining.
I don’t think that there was ever a moment where I was like, “I want her out of the house now,” because there were always worse people.

But to come second is a strong feat. There weren’t actually as many votes between Olivia and Henry as I thought. It seemed that she was around 30,000 votes away, which sounds like a lot. I know, and I think that’s about 6000 people putting all five votes on her. But when you think about the viewership of this show, there were all the votes. Essentially, people have been able to put votes on people.
They’ve had the vote before Matty left, the vote after Matty left, the vote after Noky left, the vote after Yin Run left, and the vote after Henry left. So that’s five votes. You could have put 25 votes, but people could have put 25 votes on whoever they wanted or split them however they wanted to.
Olivia, coming second is an incredible feat. Her exit was, I think, the best of the season. She had so much fun, and it was iconic, and it was just so lovely to see the audience react positively towards her, especially cause she deserved the second place. I don’t think she deserved to win the show, but yeah, she deserved to be second.