The full summary and the raw scans of Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 207 are out thanks to the scanlations by the fans, and the chapter yet again highlights the fight between Kenjaku vs Yuki and Choso. Though at first, it seemed like the fight was in favor of the good guys Choso and Yuki because Kenjaku was out of the cursed energy due to his Domain being used and running out victorious, he landed a direct hit on Yuki, which shattered her organs.
The spoilers and raw scans available for the chapter at this moment also reveal the reason why he was the one fighting Kenjaku from the get-go and not Yuki. However, all of this effort has gone to waste as the victory of this battle seems to side with Kenjaku. Let’s break down the events from the Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 207 in this post.
We will give you the full summary of Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 207 in this article including some of the colored scans of the chapter provided by the fans for the chapter as well. With that being said, let’s dive into the Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 207 details.
Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 207 Raw Scans and Spoilers
Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 207 begins with Choso, Yuki, and Tengen in a conversation where they are discussing the plan to dismantle Kenjaku’s domain and fight him for that instant where Kenjaku won’t be able to use his cursed techniques for a while due to using the domain which uses most of the cursed energy.
Choso still insists on going one on one with Kenjaku at first to make this plan more effective as he thought of defeating Choso at first then Kenjaku would go all out in the battle against Yuki and will surely use his Domain technique. This is what we saw in the previous chapter, and their plan was a success.

Choso and Yuki Vs Kenjaku
After a flashback of the conversation and planning Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 207 dives into the current events where Choso appeared and went right into finishing Kenjaku using his blood-piercing techniques right at his forehead.
However, Kenajaku barely evades the attack which opens up his brain and quickly even restores the forehead. The two-on-one fight continues where Yuki and Choso land blow after blow on Kenjaku. But given that both of them are injured their blow aren’t as effective.
While landing blows on Kenajaku we also see Yuki heal up as her Bom Ba Ya techniques aren’t as effective. Before Yuki can even use her restored Bom Ba Ya technique, Kenjaku quickly gets out of the way, and thus Yuki has to rely on her cursed weapons’ projectile attacks which the latter easily evades.
Not a single blow from Garuda lands on Kenjaku and seeing the opportunity and thinking that Kenjaku still cannot use his cursed techniques, Choso dives into attacking him. However, Kenjaku has restored his cursed energy to the point where he can use Cursed techniques and use the gravity-cursed technique when Choso tries to get closer to him.
Yuki quickly uses his Garuda to attack Kenjaksu because she figures that the gravity technique has a range and it will only last six seconds and to use it again, there will be a cool-down interval. This is the chance Yuki thinks won’t come twice, and even if Kenajuku uses the gravity technique, she can get out at the last minute.
Kenjaku uses cursed technique manipulation on approaching Yuki which is quickly erased by the latter’s brute strength, and she goes into attack Kenjaku closing up on him. However, when she gets close to him Kenjaku has another cursed technique that we had never seen before, it is a mini Uzumaki.
Jujutsu Kaisen 207 Spoilers
Man this chapter gave me serious whiplash…First half had me hype af with Yuki and Choso wombo-comboing Kenjaku and then he pulls out mini Uzumakis out of nowhere…
— FingersCrossed (@FingersCro55ed) December 16, 2022
Since Yuki was very close to Kenjaku the first mini Uzumaki is used to stunt Yuki and Kejaku uses a second mini Uzumaki on her stomach landing a direct hit which results in piercing her stomach and forming a classic donut we have seen over and over in anime and manga series.
Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 208 will be released without any break, and we will see the conclusion of the battle between them, where it is obvious that Kenjaku has appeared victorious. What next will he plan to do? Let’s wait patiently for Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 208 to appear.