The spoiler-averse American Horror Story struggled to attract viewers in the face of more popular programs. The season, however, which debuted with a double-episode premiere on October 19, is a return to form and a great incentive to re-enter the AHS fandom. Additionally, the Season 11 ad for American Horror Story teases a double dose this week, with Episodes 3 and 4 premiering back-to-back.
First and foremost, we want to emphasize that there will be two episodes this time around as we start this article. For the remainder of the season, the show will proceed in this manner. The network is conducting this experiment for the duration of the season, and it is yet unclear how it will turn out in the long run.
American Horror Story Season 11 Episode 3 & 4: Release Date.
The 3rd and 4th episodes, titled Smoke Signals and Black Out, respectively, American Horror Story Season 11 Episode 3 & 4 will be broadcast on October 23, 2022, at 10 p.m. EST.
American Horror Story Season 11 Episode 3 & 4: Streaming Guide.
American Horror Story season 11, episodes 3 and 4, Can be watched online on FX or Hulu if you live in the United States. Due to geoblocking, you must use a VPN to access these platforms if you are outside the United States.

Official Synopsis For Episodes 3 And 4.
American Horror Story Season 11, Episode 3: Titled “Smoke Signals,” Says: According to the report, “Gino is obliged to use creativity without the help of the NYPD; a horrific event draws dangerous suspects closer than ever.” Suspects who pose a danger.
American Horror Story Season 11, Episode 4: Titled “Black Out,” Says: “Evil establishes itself in the most unlikely places as darkness engulfs the city.”
American Horror Story Season 11, Episode 2 Recap: Thank You For Your Service
Unable to stand up, a drowsy Gino discovers that his captor is operating on him and has chained him to a chair. The unidentified surgeon mentions the conflict that Gino is ostensibly currently serving in. Gino is told by the man, “You will be a totem to it.” Homosexuals are central to the natural order of things.
They believe that we all bleed in different ways, yet we are all the same, and they will notice the blood. The mysterious man, however, is stopped in his tracks when he sees Gino’s tattoo from his time in the military. Another soldier’s comrade? He tells Gino to go into the darkness, “You can’t serve again.” Then, Hannah is back in her office, where she diagnoses Sam with cryptosporidium before meeting with Mr. Whiteley, alias Gino’s kidnapper!
Adam urges Gino to establish a hotline to solicit information on the serial killer over at The Native. Even if it results in Adam being arrested and being smacked by a huge man wearing a jock strap, it is a resounding success. A box of Patrick’s homosexual accessories, including handkerchiefs, poppers, and leather goods—all of which he had previously claimed to be unaware of—is then given to Gino by his wife, Barbara, who had unexpectedly visited him. In the end, Gino confronts him about his glaring denial issues, but their discussion is cut short by cries coming from outside the bar.

In other distressing news, Stu, a patron of a leather bar, takes a call that would change his life. Sam calls from the other end, asking Stu to a “party” at his house. A little bit of this, a little bit of that, and lots of cage-locking Stu in his basement. Although this is a horrible turn of circumstances, let’s face it: we knew this man was doomed from the moment we heard his name. Adam’s miserable day is just getting worse downtown in the meantime.
He has been warned by not one but two unrelated strangers that “evil” is after him, and he is beginning to believe them. He bumps into Theo while taking a much-needed break for some fresh air, and he accepts their invitation to hang out without touching. What’s the name of that again? Friendship… ship?
The situation is becoming stranger for Hannah as well, who gets a panicked call from Fran, who says she knows what’s happening to Hannah’s patients and the deer on Fire Island: The U.S. government is attacking a group of defenseless people. As the second episode closes, Patrick and his obviously bisexual employer find five severed hands from five separate victims.