With House of the Dragon on the edge of ending its first season, fans are curious to know if Daemon ever cheated on Rhaenyra. Well, let us break down all the information about their personal relationships and whether or not they did the deed. Starting off with Daemon was always the heir to the throne for a lot of years because Viserys did not have a son.
Well, in the first episode itself, we see that he named Rhaenyra an heir, and this means Daemon has no chance to continue his legacy on the throne or does he? Well, the answer was provided to us in the most recent 7th episode when Daemon and Rhaenyra marry each other. But what actually brought them together?
What Brought Daemon and Rhaenyra Together?
We see that Daemon was always doing one thing or the other in the initial episodes. This was all just to get attention from the King and his brother. He was just as hungry for his love as Rhaenyra was because all he cared about during those days was to have a son. Early off, we saw the chemistry between the niece and the uncle when he brought her a necklace made of Valyrian steel.
It was more imminent later in the 4th episode when he took her to a brothel and tried to seduce yer. It was obviously shocking for him because Rhaenyra did not deny his advance; instead agreed upon them.

As the royal wedding takes place, we see that Daemon marries off with Lady Laena Velaryon. The duo has two girls together, Baela and Rhaena. Even though she dies in Pentos during childbirth, we know that Daemon was always loyal to her.
Despite the fact he was notorious in his initial days while he was married to Rhea Royce, he became faithful in the later days. He married her with his own will even though he did not want to because, well, his heart lies with Rhaenyra.
Later, when he returns to King’s Landing and sees the chaos taking place, Rhaenyra asks for his help, and the two marry. The couple becomes an inevitable Targaryen duo with loads of dragons and power at their side. Well, now the question arises, did Prince Daemon cheat on Rhaenyra? Let us get to know it.
Does Daemon Cheat on Rhaenyra?
No, Daemon has never cheated on Rhaenyra. He has a million beings but is not a cheater. He has been faithful to the wife he always wanted in the first place. We know he cheated on Rhea on multiple occasions, but it was because he was forced to marry her and had no interest in the first place. Later, with Laena, he was in Pentos and spent most of the time reading books in the library, as his wife mentioned.

And with Rhaenyra, his heart lies with her, and he could never do this to her. The duo has three children together who are quite young. At the same time, they are taking care of the children from their previous marriages and decided to marry them together.
They have settled their family seat at Dragon Stone and educating their children. Daemon might seem like an evil person here, but he has a heart and would never hurt the people he loves. We see he loved his brother dearly and, even though it created chaos for him, never hurt him in his lifetime.
As for Laena, too, he respected her far and beyond and had a pure interest in marrying her with love. Daemon had desires for the Iron Throne for sure, but that does not mean that he will kill or cheat in order to get there and when it comes to his own blood and kin, he is far too protective.