Rafael Nadal is out doing his best in the US Open, matchmaking his way to the matches. Though, the tennis Player accidentally injured himself during one of those matches as he hit his nose with the racket. There was a bit of shock among the audience to see the Spanish star making a mistake like that. But that didn’t change the outcome of his match, and continued with his match against Fabio Fognini. Outcome? He won and treated the accident as if nothing had happened. This goes to show that the Tennis star has thick skin and isn’t deterred by small blunders. However, the same can not be said for the incident that took place at home. His wife, Mery Perello, was admitted to hospital, and the news is coming that she is pregnant. But the worse part is that the information was not shared but leaked. Which has made Rafael angry over the incident.

What Happened with Mery Perello that made Rafael Nadal Furious
Mery Perello is Pregnant, but the way news made its way to the world has left her husband fuming. The news of her pregnancy came about last month, but before that, not many were sure about her pregnancy. Perello was admitted to the hospital as she was suffering from some issues during her pregnancy. Though it appeared severe at first, she is in a safe condition and is recovering at the admitted medical facility. But this is where things start to go into disarray in the personal matter. Rafael Nadal is angry at the party responsible for sharing the video of her wife being admitted to the hospital. He and his family are considering shifting Perello to a different facility which would help her recover with privacy. Part of the reason for his anger must also stem from the fact that he is in the tournament, and the sudden news would have shocked him. Couple that with the lack of privacy; it is understandable that the tennis star is furious.
Although Mery Perello hasn’t said much on the matter, it is clear that the family wants to take action as well. They are considering finding out those responsible for sharing the footage and pressing charges. The reason for that is the reporter that followed soon after the information was leaked. But how it turns out is yet to be seen as there are still many things happening and one of them being Rafael Nadal at New York.
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