NeNe Leakes, renowned for her role on “The Real Housewives of Atlanta,” has been making headlines due to her personal life, particularly her relationships since the passing of her husband, Gregg Leakes, in 2021. After Gregg’s death, NeNe began dating Nyonisela Sioh, a menswear designer. Their romance began shortly after her loss, and despite facing challenges, including a legal issue with Sioh’s estranged wife, they have managed to stay together.
NeNe and Nyonisela’s relationship became public in December 2021 when they were seen together at NeNe’s birthday party. Over time, they appeared at numerous events, signaling their growing bond. However, their journey wasn’t without bumps. In July 2023, NeNe announced a brief separation from Nyonisela. But by February 2024, Sioh made his feelings clear on social media, hinting at a potential reconciliation. In March 2024, their appearance at a major event together, dressed in coordinated black outfits, suggested they had rekindled their relationship.
NeNe has been candid about her experiences in the dating world. Reflecting on the differences between the dating scene now and when she first met Gregg, NeNe emphasized her desire for privacy moving forward. She openly stated that her relationship with Nyonisela had been the most public one she’s had, as she navigates life after the loss of her late husband. Despite the public attention, she continues to find strength in their connection.
Despite facing media scrutiny, NeNe and Nyonisela have continued to express their affection for one another. Nyonisela has praised NeNe for being his “partner in crime” and his “greatest support.” Their connection remains strong, with both sharing moments of joy and mutual admiration. The couple’s relationship has captured the interest of fans, who continue to follow their journey closely.
As of January 2025, NeNe and Nyonisela remain together. However, NeNe has become more private about the details of their relationship, preferring to keep their personal life out of the public eye. While updates are sparse, their bond seems to be going strong, and fans continue to root for them as they navigate life together.