In 2016, Pokémon Go was released. We must admit that the video game did a great job of incorporating augmented reality elements. In this game, you essentially have to capture Pokémon. It’s intriguing how these seem to be in your environment right alongside you.
So if you pointed your smartphone toward your refrigerator, you could be fortunate enough to spot a Pokémon there! Isn’t that awesome? Using GPS, the video game can determine your location and assist map-makers in positioning Pokémon accurately.
When it originally launched, folks were going wild and went to great lengths to catch various Pokémon. They would even risk life and limb for them! But YOU do NOT do that. We play responsibly. Always. Video games are meant to be enjoyable, not harmful.
Pokémon Go has enemies like any other video game. And you need a strategy to beat them like any other video game. The final boss in Pokémon Go, titled Giovanni, can be a bit tricky to crack. Fear not, and we will teach you and give you tips and tricks on how to beat Giovanni, so stay tuned!
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An Insight on Giovanni
The squad leader of Team GO Rocket is Giovanni. His minions include Grunts, Jessie, and James.
Finding Giovanni
To find this bad boy, you need to go through one of the Team Go Rocket Special Research Quests. You have to beat every Team GO Rocket captain a minimum of one time. Note that these quests are available after crossing level 8.
On defeating each quest leader, you will be given the title of a Super Rocket Radar. You can now use this to find Giovanni. On arming the super rocket radar, when the Rocket Balloon shows up on the trainer on the map, they can also spot Giovanni and pick a fight with him.
Beating Giovanni
Five Shadow Pokémon are on Giovanni’s July 2023 Pokémon GO squad, and They are each there for three rounds. The initial and final matches only include a single Pokémon, but the second phase is challenging because Giovanni has a choice among three candidates.
When trying to confront the Team GO Rocket’s primary boss, you must carefully examine the creatures from the second phase and build a complete lineup with STAB techniques.
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Phase One
Giovanni begins the three-round conflict with his dependable ally, Shadow Persian. It is a Pokémon of the Normal kind, but because it is a Shadow variation, it has increased attacking power. It has a resistance to ghost-type Pokémon.

Here are some Pokemon you can use to clear phase one on beating Giovanni.
- Breloom:
- Fast: Counter
- Charge: Dynamic Punch
- Conkeldurr:
- Fast: Counter
- Charge: Focus Blast
- Hariyama:
- Fast: Counter
- Charge: Dynamic Punch
- Lucario:
- Fast: Counter
- Charge: Aura Sphere
- Machamp:
- Fast: Counter
- Charge: Dynamic Punch
- Terrakion:
- Fast: Double Kick
- Charge: Sacred Sword
Phase Two
This is where things get spicy and challenging. He has strong choices like Shadow Nidoking, Rhyperior, or Garchomp. Nidoking, a dual-type Poison Pokémon, is vulnerable to the ground, icy treatment, psychic, and aqua strikes yet immune to poison, bug, fairy, electricity, and stone attacks.

Speaking of Rhyperior, combat, ground, ice, grass, water, and steel strikes are all feeble to it. However, Rhyperior is immune to wounds by fire, flight, electricity, poison, and stone, so stay away from those whenever you can.
Garchomp is vulnerable to fairies, dragons, and ice. But can beat fire, electricity, poison, and rocks.
Here are some Pokémon you can use to clear phase two’s Nikdoking.
- Espeon:
- Fast: Confusion
- Charge: Psychic
- Garchmop:
- Fast: Mud Shots
- Charge: Earth
- Galarian Darmanitan:
- Fast: Ice Fangs
- Charge: Avalanche
- Glaceon:
- Fast: Ice Shards
- Charge: Avalanche
- Kyogre:
- Fast: Waterfall
- Charge: Origin Pulses
- Lunala:
- Fast: Confusion
- Charge: Psychic
- Mewtwo:
- Fast: Psycho Cut
- Charge: Psychic
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Here are some Pokémon you can use to clear phase two’s Rhyperior.
- Kyogre:
- Fast: Waterfall
- Charge: Origin Pulses
- Kingler:
- Fast: Bubble
- Charge: Crabhammer
- Kartana:
- Fast: Razor Leaf
- Charge: Leaf Blade
- Samurott:
- Fast: Waterfall
- Charge: Hydro Cannon
- Swampert:
- Fast: Water Gun
- Charge: Hydro Cannon
- Zarude:
- Fast: Vine Whip
- Charge: Power Whip
Here are some Pokémon you can use to clear phase two’s Garchomp.
- Articuno:
- Fast: Frost Breath
- Charge: Ice Breath
- Dragonite:
- Fast: Dragon Tail
- Charge: Outrage
- Glaceon:
- Fast: Dragon Tail
- Charge: Outrage
- Galarian Darmanitan:
- Fast: Ice Fangs
- Charge: Avalanche
- Mamoswine:
- Fast: Powder Snow
- Charge: Avalanche
- Weavile:
- Fast: Ice Share
- Charge: Avalanche
Phase Three
Similar to the initial round, there is only a single enemy in the third one. For the Pokemon GO last round, Giovanni will be represented by a formidable Shadow Regirock.

- Conkeldurr:
- Fast: Counter
- Charge: Focus Blast
- Kartana:
- Fast: Razor Leaf
- Charge: Leaf Blade
- Kyogre:
- Fast: Waterfall
- Charge: Origin Pulses
- Lucario:
- Fast: Counter
- Charge: Aura Sphere
- Terrakion:
- Fast: Double Kick
- Charge: Sacred Sword
We hope this extensive guide taught you how to beat Giovanni in Pokémon Go.
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