Want to know where is Maya Kowalski now? Streaming giant Netflix’s newest documentary, Take Care Of Maya. Director Henry Roosevelt has explained that this is a nationwide pattern where families have been accused of child abuse and have been preaching their innocence. Documentary producer Caitlin Keating has further explained that the film aims to hear from families that experienced a different outcome.
Take Care Of Maya made its debut at the Tribeca Film Festival. Producer Caitlin Keating revealed that after the movie’s release, several families contacted her and shared stories that were similar to the one shown in the documentary. The documentary was released on Netflix on June 19. Keating further stated that she feels like the floodgates have been opened through the movie.
Director Roosevelt and Producer Keating together worked on the documentary for four long years as they went ahead and interviewed Jack, Kirkpatrick, and several of the family’s attorneys to make the study all the more intense. Let us find out where Maya Kowalski is now.
Where is Maya Kowalski Now?
Maya Kowalski is 17 years old now and reportedly resides in Florida with her father. Maya’s health issue has also been improving with time as she can fully use her arms and legs; however, she sometimes experiences pain from her illness that makes her cry out. Maya has stated that she is trying her best to push through and feels like she has already missed out a lot, so she wants to make the most of life now.

Apart from Maya’s health, Maya has also filed a lawsuit against the hospital, and the trial is reportedly all set to begin from September onwards, as it has been more than six years after Beata’s suicide. As Netflix has made a documentary on the incident, Maya has talked about it, saying that for them and for the family to move on, they need to fulfill her mother’s wish and fight as she wants justice for her mother.
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What Happened To Maya Kowalski?
The traumatizing incident took place when 9 years old Maya started experiencing asthma attacks and headaches. Along with these, lesions started to begin forming on Maya’s legs and arms, along with her feet started to cramp and curl.
While many medical experts failed to identify these symptoms, one doctor claimed that these symptoms were in Maya’s head. However, Maya’s father was born in t convinced enough as he stated that Maya used to cry 24/7, and they knew she was not faking.
It was Maya’s mother, Beata, who was also trained as a registered nurse, who was informed that what Maya was experiencing was more of a complex regional pain syndrome which is a neurological condition that can cause constant or long-lasting pain. A doctor named Sally Smith even claimed that it is Beata who is making her daughter ill while adding that the illness is a manifestation of Beata’s own mental illness.
What Happened To Maya’s Mother?
Sadly, Maya’s mother, Beata’s mental health, started to deteriorate after she was separated from her daughter. After staying with her daughter for 87 days, Beata died by committing suicide in January 2017.
She was 43 years old. Maya’s mother had no other way but to hang herself in her home’s garage after those three painful months after she was accused of abusing her daughter and just days after a judge ordered that the prolonged separation must continue.

Maya recalled the traumatic memory saying how one day, when she was in the ICU, her mom kissed her on the forehead, saying that she would see her again the next day.
However, the next day never came for the two as Maya never saw her mother again as she believed she was medically kidnapped, and while she tried being hopeful, Maya admitted that there was a point where she thought she was never getting out of this place. Now the family is seeking justice for Beata’s death and has already issued a lawsuit against the hospital.