The drama, romance, and problems of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way are still very much present in its recently finished fifth season. In 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, seven Americans decide to move, change their habits, and spend more time with their husbands in an attempt to save their marriages.
Relocating outside of their own countries is the largest challenge they encounter. Having said that, for things to work, certain difficult choices need to be made.
As a result, the show depicts a range of difficulties the couple encounters, including issues with bad judgment, an unsupportive family, and other issues. We witness a lot of families that are intolerant of one another due to many problems, including cultural differences.
Season 5 pair of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Wayne Cornish and Holly Weeks appear to have parted ways. 44-year-old Holly is a resident of Ogden, Utah. In the first episode, she showcased her 70-inch hair while working as a barber. Before meeting Wayne, Holly had been in two failed marriages.
She was using a Jehovah’s Witness dating website. After a few months of video calling, Holly travelled to South Africa to meet Wayne. After only three days of meeting, Wayne asked Holly to marry him. Holly travelled to Johannesburg with her mother after becoming engaged so she could wed Wayne in less than a week.
Holly thought that living in the country would not be safe because of the frequent power outages and robberies at his residence. Wayne’s business misfortunes have put him in a dire financial situation as well. Nevertheless, despite the difficulties, the couple wed.

After their wedding, Holly spent a few months in South Africa before revealing her desire to return to the United States. Wayne wasn’t pleased with her choice to go. Holly recently posted a video to Instagram in which she disclosed her present whereabouts.
Clips from Holly’s final three years had been assembled in “no particular order.” It featured memories Holly shared with her father before his demise as well. Commenters on Holly’s post offered their condolences and reassured her that everything will be alright.
But one of her supporters questioned Holly, saying, “Are you no longer in SA? Wayne and you seemed like such a great couple to me. Then Holly disclosed that she was in the country “for a funeral.” Wayne, meanwhile, updated his Instagram bio to reflect his current relationship status. Wayne recently deleted his Instagram account, but not before disclosing several startling details regarding his plot with Holly.
Before deactivating his page, Reddit user 90daysfan was able to capture a screenshot of Wayne interacting with the follower. On November 6, 2023, Wayne is said to have uploaded a video in which he declared his social media days over. He declared that he was no longer with Holly and that he had never been a Jehovah’s Witness.
Wayne’s remark suggests that Holly and Wayne are probably no longer together. While Holly was back in the United States, Wayne was uploading content from South Africa on social media before his departure. It’s possible that Wayne and Holly were separated by distance and never met in America.
If they were to be divorced, Holly would have had three unsuccessful marriages. Holly’s first marriage lasted for two months, and she got divorced after just 12 hours of marriage in her second marriage. The duration of Holly and Wayne’s marriage is unknown, but 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way season 5 will soon reveal the facts.
The title for the episode was “Gimme A Break-Up.” Yohan departs. Sarper advises Shekinah to schedule a return ticket. Kenny and Armando began the process of becoming parents. Wayne says he regrets it, and Holly bolts. On Brandan and Mary’s special day, nature takes over.
Release Date and Streaming Guide
90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Season 5 Episode 20 will air on Monday, November 20, 2023, at 9:00 PM PT in the US. The duration of every episode is 60 minutes. The release dates in different countries are:

- Eastern Time (Canada): 9:00 PM on Monday, November 20, 2023
- Greenwich Mean Time (London): 1:00 AM on Tuesday, November 21, 2023
- Central European Time (Germany): 3:00 AM on Tuesday, November 21, 2023
- Australian Standard Time (Australia): 12:00 AM on Tuesday, November 21, 2023
As previously stated, TLC Network only televises 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Season 5 on Mondays at 9:00 PM ET in the United States. There’s a new episode every Monday.
TLC is only accessible in the US, thus those who want to watch the episodes of this show from other countries will have to utilize a VPN.