She-Hulk Episode 7 was another episode that didn’t feature Deadpool or Matt Murdock. But what it did feature was some Easter Eggs, References, and Foreshadowing. We’ll go through all the comic book, MCU, and real-life Easter Eggs and References that we show in episode 7 of She-Hulk Attorney at Law. She-Hulk broke the fourth wall on another level in this episode, acknowledging the fact that she is on a TV show.
As I said, episode 7 had no Daredevil. It hurts because we all have been waiting for him for so long. But who did show up was Emil Blonsky, aka The Abomination. He was back, and this time he had some kind of Retreat Group where we saw a few of the Comic book characters. The things that these characters were telling foreshadowed a lot of things for the future She-Hulk episode. We’ll also go into these characters’ comic books’ Details.
Here are all the She-Hulk Episode 7 Easter Eggs:
Hulk Smash And Miss Piggy Muppet
She-Hulk uses the term Hulk Smashed, as in Hulk’s catchphrase Hulk-smash, when Nikki is speculating on all the things that Josh could be doing that would keep him from sending her text. She suggests silent retreats, which are meant to foreshadow Abominations Retreat, which is the whole title of the episode.

Also, we find out the reason why Josh hadn’t responded to her is that he was only trying to get into bed with her, so we could clone her data. And he had no reason to contact her after that, he didn’t actually like her. So it wasn’t like he wanted to talk to her.
Jen practices yoga, and she watches a Muppet movie. The Miss Piggy Muppets clip she’s watching on her phone is actually from the Great Muppet Caper movie, which is an awesome classic Muppet movie. It’s like
one of the better Jim Henson-era Muppet movies. But the Miss Piggy clip is also meant to be a metaphor for her Jen She-Hulk because in the scene, Miss Piggy metaphorically hulks out in prison and bends the bars to her prison cell, and frees herself.
So I think that’s meant to be a metaphor or foreshadow, something that She-Hulk will eventually do. Like the Intelligentcia will get the drop on her, and she’ll have to save herself like she’ll hulk out and go full Savage She-Hulk. Also, when she gets the call from Abomination’s parole officer, his name is Chuck Donelan, that’s actually a reference to Charles Donelan who’s a real-life comic book artist.
Abomination Escape Plan And Hulk Personality
Abomination claims that his inhibitor was malfunctioning because he got shocked by an electric fence. But early theory is that that’s a lie, and he was just tampering with it and trying to remove it. Because there is some later trailer footage with him walking around, at what seems like his retreat, in full Abomination form. So like, at some point, he’d have to get out of that inhibitor.

When he says, he has a favorite chicken, Princess Silk feather-like he has all these pet chickens here. I don’t know if that’s also meant to be a reference to something else or another person, we’ll see if it winds up being code for something eventually.
And when he talks about the yurt integrating the past and present into one being, that’s a metaphor for She-Hulk combining the two halves of her personality. Hulk also doing the same thing, becoming the professor Banner version of Hulk, like their two sides working together so that they have the power of the Hulk in their full intellect. It also kind of seems like Abomination has done a version of that too.
Prius Prime
The other weird thing that happens in this scene when they destroy her Prius is that she specifically calls it a Prius Prime and they mention Prius prime a couple of times. So I’m wondering if it was part of some ad campaign or like a commercial that they worked into the episode, like ad integration. Because they do that with a lot of cars in Marvel series and movies. That’s why Iron Man drove Audis because Audi paid Marvel a ton of money to use their cards instead of Tesla like normally you’d expect him to drive a Tesla.

They make this big thing about her being stuck there because her car is waiting for a tow truck. She could actually just use She-Hulk’s power to jump home super fast, like the Hulk can run fast of course, but because their legs are so strong, they can travel even faster by just doing super jumps. Like old-school Superman-style leaping tall buildings in a single bound.
Man Bull and El Aguila
We then meet Man-Bull and El Aguila in She-Hulk Episode 7 Recap. As Man-Bull says he was created in a lab, and the comics had him kidnapping people off the street for a man named Mr. Kline. Kline was carrying out experiments in order to transform people into animals.
Under the name William Taurens, he came face to face with Daredevil, who managed to stop him. However, Kline wanted blood, and as a punishment for his failure, he forced William through the experiment, which changed him into Man-Bull. Man Bull is played by Nathan Hurd whom you might recognize for his standup comedy stuff.

Now as for El Aguila this once more brings mutants into the MCU after Immortal man showed up last week. Born in Spain, he ended up traveling to America, and under the name El Aguila he became a crime fighter for the poor. He was recruited by numerous government agencies over the years though it was believed that he lost his powers on M day. However, he kept getting work, and we learned that both were here to work out their anger issues. Because El Aguilar is similar to a matador, it represents the people that have tried to oppress him.
When they say El Aguila’s identity as a sword fighter is a representation of all the times he’s been metaphorically stabbed in the back and betrayed by people. It’s a parallel for She-Hulk’s Josh storyline with him betraying her just to get her blood.
El Aguila is actually from the Luke Cage and Iron Fist team up Comics. so like we have a lot of the Marvel-Netflix characters coming back into the MCU now. So of course, there use a lot of their villains too and because El Aguila is a mutant and they’re doing more mutants now, it also makes sense why they chose him in particular. But like pretty much all the villains that are here are meant to be like C and D-list villains.
Porcupine and Saracen
At Emil’s therapy session, we meet two comic book characters. We meet Porcupine, a character from the comics who was a scientist that worked for the united states army. He built a battle suit that contained razor-sharp spikes, and this suit is caple of shooting the needles from it whilst also making him very difficult to hit. He thought the suit would bring him a fortune, but the government refused to pay him, and thus, he turned to crime. He pretty much suffers from the fear of leaving his suit here and refuses to take it off him.

Porcupine is actually from the Ant-Man and the Wasp stories, Tales to Astonish. But he’s also shown up in Iron Man, X-Men, Captain America, and Avengers Comics. His whole story is that he was a scientist working with Hank Pym, and he built a power suit just like Hank Pym built his own suit, but he was a porcupine suit, and he wound up turning into a supervillain just taking the suit with him.
They use him mostly for a joke in this episode like he’s been wearing the suit for so long that it just gets super ranked. This they pay off in the end credit scene, like that new extra scene of him actually getting it dry cleaned.
Then Saracen is the Vampire who’s from The Punisher Comics, which is another clue they’ll probably bring the Punisher back eventually. Obviously, we have Vampires and more Supernatural characters coming through The Blade movie. We also have werewolf by night that’s going to be happening in a couple of weeks which is basically like a monster MCU series. Like they’re doing more Monsters, more Supernatural characters.
Breaking The Fourth Wall
And then She-Hulk breaks the fourth wall for the first time in the episode, and she also knows that she’s a character in a television show which I believe is the first time that she’s referenced that. This is a level above normal fourth wall breaking.

She calls that the previously on, on the beginnings of most episodes, cueing up another one, speaking to someone off camera like she’s talking to Kevin Feige in real life. “Cue up another previously on, so we can explain who this Wrecking Crew character is”. And the thing about this is that normally when you see people do this in shows like Rick and Morty does stuff like this every once in a while. Like Rick Sanchez knows that he’s a character in a fictional TV show.
When characters gain the ability to do this in stories like this, it essentially makes them the most powerful character in the entire universe. Because if you think about it like a Celestial could come to attack her, get ready to vaporize the planet and she could literally pause the universe by breaking the fourth ball and then cueing something else up like “okay let’s just jump to some other scene”.
So it’s like a level Beyond The Meta that they’ve done before, they’ll probably do more stuff like this when we get to Deadpool 3. And because she’s probably gonna come back in Captain America 4 and obviously Avengers 5 and Avengers 6. I also wonder if she’s gonna break the fourth ball or Deadpool might be in those movies, or at least Avengers 6 will they also break the fourth wall in the Avengers movies?
She-Hulk’s Blood
But we find out that one of the members of Wrecking Crew is at the retreat, and now I kind of think that Josh is actually the other member of Wrecking Crew that was wearing the mask, so you couldn’t identify him in the previous episode.

And they already confirmed in their previous episode when they first appeared that they were after her blood, meaning that they were working for the Intelligentcia. So like, the whole idea is that this guy is kind of lying to her during this whole Retreat. Most of this though, they treat comedy like all the supervillains clown on her for her Josh problems like “what did you text him, oh no you can’t do that, that’s terrible”.
Saracen keeps mentioning her blood, foreshadowing what’s going to happen with the Intelligentcia and Josh during the episode. But also because he’s a vampire, and he actually literally wants to drink blood, and because they’re all super villains, they want to go kill Josh.
Fake Foreshadowing And Dan Slott
Saracen wants to drink his blood, and then El Aguila uses his mutant power electrifying his sword with his bioelectricity which Abomination calls out, and I love the idea that nobody thinks that it’s a big deal that there are mutants in the MCU. Like Abomination is totally unperturbed by it like, “oh yeah someone’s using their biology to create weird powers like this, yeah that’s totally normal”.
And then Abomination launches into this big talk about being genuine, showing your genuine emotions, and it just seems so over the top that I think it might be foreshadowing for him revealing that he’s really just doing all this as a front to try and stay out of prison.

Like everything with the end of this Retreat, she goes into the yurt, they have all this hopeful music. Like all these B and C-list super villains are all cheering for her like it’s some really hopeful cheesy moment. It just feels like they’re trying to foreshadow that this is all kind of a front, it’s all kind of fake.
The Slott tow truck is a reference to Dan Slott, who’s written a ton of Marvel Comics. Also, the tow truck driver’s name is Dan, so it’s like literally Dan Slott tow truck. He’s mostly known for his time writing Spider-Man comics, but he’s also written on She-Hulk, which is why I think he made it into this episode as an Easter egg.
Intelligencia Plot And End Credits
Then at the end of the episode, they do a flashback, three episodes earlier, to reveal that when they bone, Josh copied all the data on her phone and contacted Hulk King, letting him know that things were proceeding according to plan so that they could eventually get her blood.
This I think just based on the timing of them paying all these storylines off, will probably happen in next week’s episode at some point. And because it is the Daredevil episode, I think that also confirms that Daredevil will be part of whatever this final Arc is with her versus the Intelligentcia.

But there’s no actual post-credit scene which is kind of a bummer because they did post-credit scenes for like most of the first half of the season. But in the end, credits scene, like with the actual credits where they put the special art and add new scenes. The new scenes that they added were the ones of El Aguila back in college paying off the joke where he said in college he did some matadoring, but it was all part of this drinking game that they were playing.
They show She-Hulk in the yurt sweating it out with the other supervillains. They show a porcupine getting his suit dry cleaned. One of the things they haven’t paid off during these scenes, though is the She-Hulk file on her desk. The prison that we saw is a damage control prison. It’s not Shield. So we haven’t seen any actual Shield in the episodes yet.
Also Read: She-Hulk Episode 7 Recap: Abomination Returns Once Again