Fall Guys returned for a second season with more vibrant costumes, unexpected crossovers, and, of course, crazy rounds after experiencing an enormous increase in popularity since turning free-to-play. This Season’s theme, Satellite Scramble, was space-related and made for some entertaining and creative new rounds.
Fall Guys was a great hit when it first debuted on PlayStation consoles, and now that crossplay is available, the game is even more enjoyable across all of its platforms. The Fall Guys Season 3 is approaching, and we are also expecting seasonal content.
For a while now, Season 2 has been moving along nicely. It introduced a ton of new themed stuff to play, but as with everything live service, the content gets old after a time, and you want something new and exciting.
Fall Guys Season 2 End Date
Fall Guys Season 2 was released on September 15, 2022. Season 2 was originally planned to be released at the end week of August, but it came out two weeks later. While the end date for season 2 is not confirmed yet, according to the timeline of previous Seasons, Fall Guys Season will end on November 22. It will make the Season last for 68 days.

The Season’s theme, title, and release date were all revealed in a cinematic trailer that was unveiled on September 12, 2022. At the same time, a blog was released that listed all eight new rounds and a few of the season pass costumes. There are now 200 tiers in the season pass, including 145 free tiers and 55 premium tiers.
Fall Guys Season 2 Stages
Pixel Patterns asks players to recreate patterns by jumping on tiles in a charming homage to the 8-bit era. Hex-a-terrestrial is a space-themed version of Hex-a-gone, whereas Hyperdrive Heroes challenges your hoverboard ability. You must stumble around and hit buttons in Frantic Factory in order to get points. The following game, Hex-a-Terrestrial, involves navigating a group of floating platforms. However, you are unable to make any errors. Four squads eventually tip-toed their way to victory in the Tiptoe finale.
Cosmic Highway has a Big Fans and Dizzy Heights vibe to it. The map is a long, complex raceway with portions of moving platforms that you must cross, some of which have obstacles and others have not. The objective is to move through the moving platforms to reach the next checkpoint, then repeat this process until you cross the finish line. The platforms will become more difficult to cross as you approach closer to the finish line, with more obstacles and smaller gaps. The majority of this map is situated on platforms, and there are many platform parts.
In the sequel to Space Race, Hyperdrive Heroes, you must maintain balance on the hoverboard to avoid falling off. Space Race challenges you to race through the galaxy. However, the hoverboard will go in a circle, and you must survive rather than achieve a destination.

Players in Tiptoe Finale tip-toe toward the crown in the middle, as the name suggests, but one wrong step might send you flying into outer space. Four islands on this map serve as the starting points for the competing squads. Each island is connected to the central island, which holds the crown, by a tile bridge. Gamers must work together with their squadmates to find the best route across the tile bridge and to the crown first.
Players in Starchart must cross invisible roads that can only be seen by pressing buttons; however, there might be hints in the stars. There are several octagonal levels with buttons on this map. In order to get there, players must travel through the platforms’ invisible routes. The map screen hanging from the ceiling behind the finish line offers hints.
Fall Guys Season 3 Release Date
The creators of Fall Guys, Mediatonic, have not yet provided an official release date for Season 3. However, because the first Season of Fall Guys lasted roughly three months, if Season 2 is just as lengthy as the first, Fall Guys Season 3 could release by the end of November or the beginning of December. As soon as Mediatonic releases new information, we’ll update you with all the details.
Satellite Scramble, the second season of Fall Guys, has a space travel theme and has new rounds, obstacles, and challenges that are all focused on this topic. The next Season’s theme has not yet been revealed by Mediatonic, but whatever it is, we can anticipate it to bring in a ton of fresh material to go along with it in order to keep the game from becoming too repetitive.
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