On the weekend, Lycoris Recoil Episode 8 is scheduled for release. Imigimuru and Asaura’s designs are used in an original Japanese anime television series created by A-1 Pictures under the direction of Shingo Adachi. Today, we will talk about Lycoris Recoil Episode 8 Release Date. We will also summarise the previous episodes for you so that you get a glimpse of the whole story to date and decide where the story will be heading in the near future.
Takina Inoue, a self-assured high school student working as a DA member of an all-female special task force of executioners and secret agents known as “Lycoris,” who are sent to completely eradicate criminals and terrorists in Tokyo, is punished by her superiors for disobeying orders and relocated to operate under the “elite” Lycoris officer Chisato Nishikigi in one of the agency’s branches, which continues to operate under the cover Takina must learn how to work with her new partner if she wants any chance of getting reinstated to her prior position. At first, she is put off by Chisato’s laid-back demeanor and predilection for nonlethally subduing her adversaries.
Behind Japan’s protracted peace is the espionage agency “DA,” which uses young orphan girls called “Lycoris” to kill terrorists and criminals discreetly. When Lycoris Takina Inoue disobeyed orders and endangered her colleague Lycoris Erika, she was expelled from the DA and teamed with Chisato Nishikigi. She reports to Café LycoReco, one of the DA’s front companies, which is overseen by Mika, the café’s owner, and Mizuki Nakahara, a former DA agent. A hacker known as “Walnut” who gained access to their networks is being looked into by the DA, along with missing weapons from an arms trade.
While showing Takina around, Chisato explains to her that their responsibility is to assist those in need in any manner they can. They discover Saori Sanohara unintentionally captured the ongoing armaments sale in a photo while defending her from a stalker. Before Takina can shoot the terrorists who are pursuing her, Chisato subdues them nonlethally, using Saori as a ruse. Meanwhile, Chisato is likely killed by a bomb that was detonated in his residence by a person from the Alan Center who recruited Walnut to spy on him. The following day, Takina is formally introduced as LycoReco’s latest waitress, and Mika recognizes the visitor from the Alan Institute.

Lycoris Recoil Episodic Recap
Takina chooses to live with Chisato in order to assure their protection following a number of other violent attacks on Lycoris agents. Robota has three more days to locate the DA headquarters after an irate Majima enters his flat. Using his drone, he finds Chisato’s house and captures her halting the attackers he dispatched. Robota is spared by Majima after seeing Chisato’s footage, who had come to murder him for failing his first job. Kurumi confesses she is the culprit behind the DA scandal and Takina’s firing at LycoReco, although she was not behind the gun transaction. She then plays them the video of Chisato taken by Robota.
Later, Majima flanking maneuvers her and compromises her eyes during their struggle. The moment Majima spots her Alan Center necklace, he becomes interested. When Takina arrives and saves Chisato, Kurumi wrecks her drone into an RPG-wielding lackey, prompting him to blast Majima, who survives, while they are fleeing. Takina, who is now at LycoReco, bears responsibility for her own acts and refuses to place the blame for what occurred on Kurumi. As she tells them that they now know Majima’s name, Kurumi assures her of their commitment. In the meantime, Majima confronts Robota once more and commands him to research Chisato more.

By coincidence, Chisato notices an anonymous SMS being delivered to Mika’s phone. Chisato persuades her employees to assist her in eavesdropping on the meeting because she believes Kusunoki intends to shut down LycoReco. Robota, in the meantime, tells Majima further details about Chisato after learning of her participation in the mission that demolished the former Tokyo Tower. The person who launched that attack, Majima, has now come to terms with the fact that Chisato won. After that, he attacks a police station. The surveillance tape eventually identifies Majima, as Fuki and Sakura demonstrate.
Following Mika to a posh bar, Chisato and the other characters learn that he is meeting Yoshi there. Chisato tries to leave after realizing the appointment is a date because Mika is gay but later learns Yoshi saved her life ten years before. She emerges from hiding and thanks Yoshi, however, he immediately denies any involvement. Yoshi is threatened by Mika to leave Chisato alone, but Yoshi is powerless to stop him. Later, he apologizes for keeping the truth from Chisato. The following day, Chisato comes back to LycoReco as regular, taking Mika and Takina’s places. Later, it is discovered that during his attack, Majima left a USB at the station, which gave Robota access to the DA database.

Lycoris Recoil Episode 8 Release Date
Lycoris Recoil episode 8 will release on Sat, 20 August 2022 at 11:30 PM in Tokyo, Sat, 20 August 2022 at 9:30 AM Central Time (US & Canada), Sat, 20 August 2022 at 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US & Canada), and Sat, 20 August 2022 at 8:00 PM New Delhi (IST).
Lycoris Recoil Streaming Details
You can stream all episodes of Lycoris Recoil on Crunchyroll. It is the official streaming partner of this and many other animes.