Different anime art styles portray a message to anime fans, and most anime are popular due to their art style. Some fans look at the anime’s art style before choosing to watch anime and decide whether that anime is interesting or not. Most common anime art styles are always found in the best popular animes. Those art styles are also a center of attraction; some make the fans guess what they should expect in different animes. There are more than fifteen types of anime art styles, but we will look at some interesting ones.
We are familiar with most of these different anime art styles, and everyone has an anime style they prefer. The art style makes the anime world grow quickly since the fans are interested in different things. For example, some fans love to watch anime made for kids, and some animes are made for kids and adults using different anime art styles. But this world can confuse the new fans who are meeting new Japanese terms. Most anime art styles are Japanese, but they have English meanings.
Different anime art styles originated in Japan, revealing the importance of Japanese culture. This makes the new and old fans overwhelmed learning about other cultures since Japan is one of the best countries that made the best popular animes with different anime art styles used in different countries. Most fans are familiar with art style like Shonen, Seinen, Shojo, Kodomomuke, and Josei. But we will explain them below with the ones you will be interested to know. These art styles target different anime fans and cover both males and females. Some styles target most females or males, which is interesting to both sides. Let’s look at the list of different anime art styles below.
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Kawaii Art Style
Kawaii art style is commonly used in most anime that reveals more about women. Kawaii animes have become popular; most males and females enjoy watching them. This art style also reveals how romantic a woman is, and in most covers of the animes that this style is used as a cover of a romantic girl. This style is easy to notice since most the ladies are revealing or always show their romantic body parts. We have seen this in anime like High School of the Dead and High Schoo DxD. We also see most cute ladies or other characters.

Cartoon Art Style
This is made especially for the kids, and the drawings are funny and draw the attention of young anime fans. But some anime has this art style like Pokemon but adults find them entertaining to watch. Pokemon is one of the anime where this art style is used. Most anime with this art style are made in countries like America, and Japan only makes a few of them. When you watch them, you will see the difference from other art style and realize that most of them are suitable for kids.

This style also reveals the drawing of the era that which the anime is taking place. It changes when an era of anime changes. Even if they are old animes, they are always interesting to watch in another era.
Realistic Art Style
Realistic art styles show real things, and the appearance of characters is different. Most anime with this art style target female audiences but males can also watch them. However, this style is the best since it reveals a young woman’s or adult female’s beauty. In animes where they use this art style, the main character is a girl or female, and the story will be about romance and relationships. This art style is mostly used for comedy, romantic, or slice-of-life animes. But few of them have action and adventures. The drawing style of shojo anime is commonly girly with flowers.

This art style differs from Kawaii since Realistic sometimes never shows characters fighting with villains. In most Kawaii anime, fans always expect more romantic scenes or relationships between young youth or students. This art style made most anime very dramatic. But you cannot underestimate this art style even though the main focus is on revealing the beauty of relationships and females.
CGI Art Style
The CGI art style is interesting, and most men enjoy this one. This art style is mostly targeting young men. This art style reveals more violence and comedy and always reveals different men’s behaviors. The main character is always men, and only a few women are included in animes that use art styles like this. The drawing of the characters is different from the other anime art style we have mentioned above.

This art style also makes different anime interesting, and there are many best animes that you will like that have used this style. This art style is used in different romantic comedy animes.
Weird Art Style
Animes with a weird art style always include supernatural powers and strong humans. This style doesn’t involve romance; we see more battles and adventures. The fans that love animes with this art style already understand what happens in such anime and when they see this style, they already know what they can expect from different animes that have used it. This art style is also fun to watch, and we have countless anime that has it, and more of them are ongoing.

This reminds many fans of anime like RWBY and other adventure animes. This style focuses on introducing new things to the fans, which looks weird. One can tell when watching animes with this art style.
Chibi Art Style
Chibi Art Style targets a group of young kids, and it is like a cartoon art style. This one always portrays different messages for kids. The main character can either be a young boy or a girl. This style is very easy to understand, and it is also very creative. It is interesting since it reveals the morals and values that kids learn. The drawings are amazing, and some of them are heart-touching. Most young kids love this art style, but there are few anime that uses this style.

Moe Art Style
Moe Art Style is like Kawaii, but their difference is that this one is made for women. But they are both equal and also reveal the same things. This art style focuses on young women and more realistic relationships. It covers darker subjects, and its art is more realistic better than other anime art styles. But there are a few exaggerated things, making animes with this art style more entertaining. The main character is always a woman, but other characters are proportional.

Beautiful Art Style
This style reveals the beauty of girls and handsome boys. Most animes with this art style are full of comedy and many things that make the teenagers not miss them. This anime art style has become popular and is often used in many animes that reveal beautiful characters. Most of these anime can have more than one main character, and the drawing of characters is beautiful, and everything matches the era that which the story is taking place.

Standard Art Style
This anime art style is more popular, and most of us love to watch animes with this style. This reminds us of anime like One Piece, and how the characters are created makes everyone want to watch an anime with this art style. This anime art style targets young teenagers, and most the animes are focused on action, adventure, or sports. The main character is always a strong teenager or teenager who started as a weakling and became stronger. We are familiar with this anime art style, and we have seen countless anime that has it. It is used in modern animes.

Some different anime art styles make characters look like dolls or humans. Most of us prefer animes that are more animated than characters that look like real humans or dolls. This art style plays an important role in different anime, and it makes the anime better since many things changes due to the use of different anime art style. They also introduce us to the new world of anime. There are tons of those different anime art styles you might not know, but we brought the best ones that are often used in many anime.
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