All right, so Andor Episode 4 is out now, and in this article, we’re gonna be recapping the story, our theories for the next episode, and also our reaction and review of this episode.
Last week we left Cassian battling it out with the corporate authority, learned of his Kenari origin story, and saw him leaving Ferrix with Luthen into parts unknown. Still haven’t a clue why Luthen wanted Andor, maybe it’s a Star Wars version of Taken, Liam Neeson, I mean Qui Gon, where you at?!
Although I enjoyed the origin story setup of the first three episodes, episode 4 of Andor is really getting the ball rolling on where and what the main mission of Andor is going to be. Not only is it perfectly setting up the Rogue One suicide mission aspect, but building out the core cast into their own micro storylines is what’s hooking me right now.
Seeing the problems Luthen, Moffma, Dedra, Karn are dealing with and how it is all going to tie back to this main mission has me intrigued. It feels like there are stakes, each character having their own motivations in the Star Wars world while exploring the feeble rebels to the rich elites, the power-hungry politicians, and the corrupt Empire.
Andor Episode 4 Recap
This week picks up immediately after that escape, as we learn more about what Luthen actually wants with Cassian, offering him an opportunity to do something bigger than scraping by day to day. This is a similar call to the rebel cause we’ve seen a handful of times in previous Star Wars projects, with Andor recruiting Jin Urso in Rogue One. Obi-Wan did it to Luke, Ezra Bridger got something similar, and it’s sort of like poetry. They rhyme.

Through this conversation, we discover they are headed to the planet of Aldani, while Cassian reveals his past of fighting on Mimban and how the Empire had them fighting themselves. Now two interesting things are that Mimban was the gruesome-looking battle that was featured in Solo: A Star Wars Story, so this giant universe ain’t so big after all.
But that the Empire’s tactics of oppressing the galaxy and using themselves against one another had been instilled for decades. The job Cassian is recruited for is finally revealed to be 5 days, big stakes, a prep team with a good plan, and paying 200,000 credits.
Imperial Security Bureau
Smash cut over to Coruscant, the capital of the galaxy. This is heavily shown in the prequel films, being this almost New York-esque metropolis that is home to important Star Wars locations like the Jedi Council, the Senate, and of course, Dex’s Diner. But instead of grabbing some Jawa Juice, we head over to the Imperial Security Bureau or the ISB, who just won’t let the rebels be.
Anyway, the ISB is the central intelligence and law enforcement agency for the entire Galactic Empire, started shortly after the New Order rule of the emperor with a handful of agents, growing exponentially in size, as they now run a majority of the galaxy.

This is where we are introduced to a new character Dedra Meero in what appears to be an imperial debriefing room. It’s showcased that the Imperials are wearing all white and lack any sense of fashion or color, showing how the order is maintained, with no personality allowed or stepping out of line. It’s gathered through this briefing that the ISB isn’t necessarily involved in law enforcement but rather in health care, stomping out germs. Being the remedy for anyone or anything that may cause a disruption.
The conflict with Ferrix is brought up by Lieutenant Supervisor Blevin. Anyway, he discusses how the incident was botched by the Corporate Authority agents, with Ferrix and the entire Molana system now shifting control from the corpus to permanent imperial authority. Karn appears to be discharged from the Corporate Authority ever since it was taken over by total imperial control. I’m taking it he was dishonorably discharged in a sense because returning home has this depressing feel, with his mother slapping him when he returns.
Cassian Meets Vel
Back on Aldani, Cassian cleans up, shaving his beard, which both ironically makes him look more like his wanted hologram from the previous episodes but also symbolizes that he is back on the path of scum and villainy, in the sense of he’s breaking the law in the eyes of the empire again. Taking on the name “Clem” for the next 5 days to protect his identity.
There’s a hooded figure making its way to the ship. This is Vel Sartha, leader of this ragtag group of people Luthen has put together for this mission, which has apparently been 5 months in the making, so it’s pretty jarring to bring Andor into the mix only 3 days before it’s supposed to go down. Anyway, Vel does mention Aldani used to be a robust countryside before the Empire took control, roughly a decade earlier. Expanding that Aldani is the perfect hub for distribution if someone were to try to take over the whole galaxy.

But Vel mentions there are still a few shepherds, nature lovers, mystics, dead-enders, guy’s named Frank in the hills, which to me says some Jedi or potentially force-sensitive individuals are hiding out on this planet. This means the dilapidated structures could have been an old Jedi lodging, and the stone temple that the crew mentions in their plan later in the episode was an old Jedi Temple.
Much like everyone in this operation is told only the information they need at the time, it was revealed to Andor that the job was stealing the entirely quarterly imperial payroll, that’s it. But it is actually from a huge imperial armory and garrison. Again carrying similarities from Rogue One, this feels like a suicide mission, as we now see the planet is patrolled by tie fighters from an airbase nearby, adding to the minimal success of this job and the fear the empire has over the cowardly people in the galaxy.
Vel’s Team
There are 2 big blue moons on the horizon of Aldani that look like the dual suns of Tatooine as we’re introduced to a couple of the other rebels on this crazy mission. Both Karis Nemik & Arvel Skeen. Nemik was caught sleeping, saying if Saw Guerra was there, he would have his head on a pike. Saw Guerra, who we know is played by Forest Whitaker, is a major player in the rebellion and known for his guerilla tactics and aggressive approach to fighting the Empire.

At camp, the other two members that make up this small group of rebels are Taramyn Barcona and Cinta Kaz, as it is further shown every member of the group is a bit shocked by the arrival of Andor and that they are keeping information from one another may be a downfall of this upcoming operation.
Lastly, Lieutenant Gorn is the final member of the attack force to be revealed, an inside man working for the empire, arriving on a speeder bike that looks and sounds eerily similar to the speeders from Endor. Probably tuned for more lush and forested areas than the desert speeders we’ve seen elsewhere.
Luthen’s Second Life
Luthen is now off to Coruscant, and we learn a bit more about him as we see this literal transformation of the scoundrel, the untrustworthy seed of the rebellion, to this fancy-pants, fake smiling elite wearing golden rings and bracelets, acting very regal and snooty with his hand movements. But after this transformation, we can see this persona is the one that is fake, as the fake joy is entirely sucked out of him when he’s all done and ready. Luthen’s day-to-day persona is finally revealed, like we thought, he is this rich elite, being an antiquities dealer, dealing with some rare and unique items.

Meeting with Luthen is Mon Mothma, who is again a high-ranking member of the rebellion that we see in later films, featured to be in the planning of the events in Rogue One and the battle of the Death Star Part 2, as she opposed the policies of Supreme Chancellor Palptine as leader of the Galactic Senate’s Loyalist faction. So we’re getting her at the time of her still pulling some power in the Senate while also trying to spark the rebellion on the side.
The Mystery Person
Through conversation, we find out her and Luthen’s relationship is secretive, not a cheating affair type thing, but she is bankrolling the operation Luthen has gone with Andor and the others. It sounds like they have been planning this in private for a while, but it’s a losing cause, almost making 2 steps forward and one back.
Now one interesting thing Mothma suggests is she may have found another person to bring into the circle to help with the rebellion. Who this mystery man or woman maybe is only a guess. My first thought was Leia, but at this time in the story, she is only 14 years old, so not sure how much of an influence she may have. And I get it, Padma was only 14 years old in the Phantom Menace, blah blah blah, but times are changing, folks.

“The government is run by some creepy old man with unlimited power” southern accent …wait a minute. My guess is on Bale Organa, who then will eventually bring Leia on board. It feels like the right way to usher in and connect these stories. Either way, I am assuming this Luthen relationship will continue through the show, because she’s only taking the artifact on loan, and will be back at some point. With Luthen saying: “Trust you have the courage to turn back if it’s too much”
My guess is after the Andor mission goes sideways, they go into full panic mode when the ISB is slowly breathing down their necks, or their plans are foiled because of the increasing number of imperial spies that are keeping a close eye on her.
Andor Episode 4 Ending
Anyway, Vel’s team runs through the plan which is a drastic contrast to what we’ve seen the rebel’s debriefing stations look like in other films. The original trilogy saw this clean, pristine debriefing room with screens, while Rogue One’s took a step back, still having a holodeck to explain everything, while Andor’s is made of sticks and rocks, showing the shoestring budget they are working with, and how this job is going to be pulled off with pure skill and a lot of luck.
Vel goes over the plan, mentioning the Empire took control of the sacred land roughly 13 years earlier, claiming it for the Emperor. Name drop, we got a name drop here! The Empire was interested in the caverns because of their unique storage capabilities, along with a vault being built into the cavern. The first thing that came to mind is all of the vaults the Emperor hid things in around the galaxy, one of which is featured in the final mission of Star Wars BattleFront 2, so this could be one, holding more than just the payroll credits they are trying to steal.

Anyway, they run down the plan, saying they will bust into the armory, head to the vault, with Andor essentially piloting a flying shipping crate out of the single runway in and out of the vault, and fly to safety with the payload. Andor claims it’s impossible because the tie fighters will be on them in minutes, when the second bit of the plan is revealed from Gorn, saying they will have a moment to escape in what is called the “eye of Agamotto”.
No, no that’s not right. The “Eye of Aldani”, which is a massive meteor shower, illuminates the entire sky, allowing them a small window to escape. That’s the plan, it sounds awful, but that’s the plan as Andor further studies specs to catch up on everything.
Future Theories For Andor
Now I am expecting the next couple of episodes to be this explosive Ocean’s Eleven heist playing out, similar to the trench run in new hope, it’s a suicide mission but a small task force can probably pull it off. However, there’s going to be some sort of hiccup or information that is kept from Andor as he’s the one to be blamed for it all.
Again going back to what Luthen mentioned to Vel, Andor is essentially a mercenary, therefore he is disposable. Though I don’t think Luthen has any ill intentions, they need a fallen man in case the empire is on their scent, and Andor will end up being that guy, and wind up in an imperial detention center. Either learning more information he didn’t know, finding more rebels for the cause there, somehow escaping. My republic credits are on him escaping.
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