One of Tears of the Kingdom’s toughest mini-bosses is The Flux Construct 3. This powerful Construct is made of shifting, floating Zonai cubes, and it must be defeated using very specific tactics.
There are three different kinds, referred to as 1, 2, and 3. The better health they have and the more destruction they can cause, the higher their number. Additionally, you’ll have to deal with more mechanics in order to defeat them. The most challenging and tricky boss you are gonna fight is TotK Flux Construct 3.
The flux constructs in Zelda TotK are odd mechanical minibosses made of a lot of cubes. Prior to becoming flying platforms, they first took the form of a humanoid figure made of connected cubes.

The names of the Flux Constructs in Tears of the Kingdom correspond to their degrees of difficulty. Compared to Flux Construct 2, which is more prone than Flux Construct 3, Flux Construct 1 is easier to defeat. In the Sky Islands and the Depths, we can find Flux Construct 3 wandering around in a predetermined pattern and waiting for an unwary adventurer to stumble upon it by accident.
Now for The Flux Construct 3 Locations and how to beat them, head down below for all the strategies. This guide will give you every detail of every phase of the fight in the game.
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Where to find The Flux Construct 3?
There are many Flux Construct 3 mini-bosses scattered in the Depths and Sky Archipelagos. A total of 15 Flux Construct 3s, eight in the Depths and seven in the Sky Islands—are present in the game.
The Necluda Sky Archipelago, in particular close to Kumamayn Shrine, is the best place to farm these constructs if you’re looking for some simple Zonai charges and weapon fusion materials. Once you have access to the Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower, you can enter there. If you feel like going on a treasure hunt, there is a vintage map close by.
How to Beat Flux Construct 3?
The Flux Construct 3 is similar to all other Flux Constructs in that it can only be damaged by focusing on its weak point. These Constructs are constructed from stacked Zonai cubes.
One of the cubes, though, stands out from the others due to the red markings that resemble eyes. The Construct’s weakness is the cube with the markings, and attacking it with this cube is the only way to win. Using arrows or Ultrahand, the weak spot can be attacked.
The Flux Construct 3 shifts between three distinct phases. You need a different approach for each stage. For the upcoming battle, prepare at least one powerful melee weapon in top condition.
The Flux Construct will usually attack in one of three ways: by stomping around, trying to hit Link with one fist, or by reassembling itself in front of Link and smashing the ground with both fists. This is the simple and most obvious form the Flux Construct will take. After the last attack, it will pause in place, leaving its energy block open to attack or split until it decides to move.
It usually transforms into the second form, a hovering plane with two blocks on top, when it loses about a third of its health. From here, the construct will launch rows of its blocks—either all or one at a time—at Link in an attempt to attack.
The link should have no trouble shooting directly at the energy block with arrows if it is inside the plane formation until it changes positions, the Construct changes shape, or it collapses.

However, if the energy block is one of the two top blocks, Link will need to figure out how to get to the top of the Construct. He can do this by using Recall on launched blocks, Ascend to climb directly up through the Construct, or by using Zonai Devices to find his way to the top and attack the energy block until the Construct falls. For the Flux Construct III, it is always advisable to navigate to the top because Link can easily access almost anywhere the energy block might position itself from there.
The Flux Construct transforms into an animated cube in its third and usually final stage when it is between fifty-five and thirty-three percent of its original health. The Construct will attack in this form by floating and hitting Link from the air before returning to its earlier movement.
It will roll in any direction at a higher speed and crush Link in its path. The energy block will be the most challenging to hit in this form because it will either be on one of the cube’s shifting sides or the cube itself, and its position will change several times per second.
To give the energy block fewer positions to switch to in order to deal continued damage regardless of the location the energy block is in, at least some of the blocks must be removed for this phase. This phase will end fairly quickly if the energy block is removed directly, leaving the collapsed Construct open to the last few attacks needed to destroy it.
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