The BTC crash is only getting worse, so today, let us explore why that shouldn’t be a deterrent for you. If you’re interested in the blockchain, then this article will explain you a few things. Firstly, the recent dip in the cryptocurrency market implies a series of things for investors. Many people who took their entire savings and put them into the cryptocurrency market now feel the crippling effects of volatility, an often-criticized aspect of these kinds of speculative assets. Still, anti-bitcoiners are drooling and partying about how the cryptocurrency market is taking a dip without looking at the bigger picture.
And what is the bigger picture? Well, for one part, the entire global economy is taking a major dip. With the federal reserve playing suicide economics, it is only logical that we see how this will play out. So why don’t we take the time to analyze why the BT crash will only get worse? Without further ado, let’s take a look at some of these issues with a magnifying glass.

The BTC Crash Is Only Getting Worse
If you’re into cryptocurrency, you might’ve noticed how the value of your portfolio took a major dip for the past 12 consecutive weeks. Those green candles are no longer a thing. Moreover, the bulls are gone, and the bear market is fully stated and in bloom. But what does that mean? For one part, if you’re new to this market. It means that you’re now experiencing an effect called volatility. And volatility is when the value of an asset goes up and down constantly without it being stable.
We all liked it when Bitcoin kept going up and up. We saw people coming out of nowhere buying Lamborghinis and presuming a lavish lifestyle in some paradise island with the umbrella drinks surrounded by scantily dressed women. But now, the price has dropped significantly. How much so? Well below the all-time low of the last bull-run cycle. The first one in Bitcoin history. And if Bitcoin has always been an asset with all-time highs and all-time higher lows, that last part has changed.
A New Low, New Opportunity
If you put all your money in Bitcoin and you’re now biting way beyond your nails because you’ve got bills to pay. I can’t help you. You need to learn the risks. But if you’re like me and you’ve been in this crypto game since the beginning. You know that diversifying your portfolio is key to bear markets. And you can make a lot of money in bear markets if you learn to play the game.
It’s really easy to make bank when the candles on TradingView are always on green. But real men grow a pair of balls like the Bull on Wall Street when the market is bleeding red. Now it’s your time to learn a few things or two. First, bear cycles are not forever. Just as bull cycles are not forever. Yes, this bear market might have Bitcoin test out resistance below US$ 10K or even lower. Does that mean you’re going to work at McDonald’s? Depending on the situation, maybe. But that also means that you can buy a lot. HODL like a boss, and wait for the next bull run and ride that out like a boss.
Buy The Dip, Sell The Run
The best financial advice is “buy the dip, sell the run”. What’s better than a $10K BTC? A triple-digit Ethererum, or maybe a double-digit Ethereum. Or, if you really know the market and your cryptocurrencies, a single-digit Chainlink or Ripple. But that’s an entirely different story. If you’re really balls-deep into the crypto market, you know this crypto winter won’t last eternally. So, save up some money, grow a pair, stop spending on that Balenciaga and Adidas X Gucci apparel and make some intelligent financial decisions so you can buy that dip and sell that run in the future. Overall, volatility will get the best of you. If you don’t have the psychology, maturity, and mindset to understand that these things go up and down worse than a rollercoaster, you won’t reach the end.

Anti-Bitcoiners Are Drooling, But They Don’t Get The End-Game, Yo!
You will see the crypto-haters on mainstream media, on the papers, on social media ranting, raving and sharing about the impending crypto-winter. They’re all about the traditional markets. But they don’t understand how crypto works. Still, let’s unpack a few things briefly before we wrap up this piece on crypto.
Firstly, the entire global economy is heading towards a recession, or in the worst case, a depression. With the fed printing a hell of a lot of money, those “Bidenomics” are sending the US dollar purchasing power down the abyss. Secondly, if you want to see another indicator of just how bad things are, the entire economy is tanking! The mortgages are becoming unserviceable. Thirdly, let’s say you are a conservative investor. Well Mr. Suit-And-Tie-Working-Your-Nine-To-Five-In-A-Loveless-Marriage, how’s that coming along for you in that 60-40 portfolio?
Fourth, not only did corona wrack the whole world game with a supply crisis, but top that cherry off with a dollar that buys less every day in the context of a sovereign debt crisis. And if you want to look at the average consumer, well, things aren’t going very good there either! With rampant inflation, consumer confidence is at an all-time low! And these anti-bitcoiners have the chutzpah to celebrate that the Bitcoin market is only getting worse? I think they’re taking too much of that Ambien their doctor are overprescribing to avoid seeing a margin call from their broker. But that’s just me.
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