Apple Watts is a reality television personality who appeared on the VH1 series “Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood.” She first appeared in the show’s fifth season, which premiered in 2018. On the show, she is portrayed as a go-getter and ambitious woman who is determined to make it in the music industry.
She is also known for her fiery personality and tendency to speak her mind. Throughout the series, she is shown working on her music career and navigating her relationships with her friends and romantic partners.
She also had a notable storyline involving her father and their strained relationship. Though her time on the show was brief, she made a lasting impression on viewers and was well-received by fans of the series. Apple and A1’s relationship was a major storyline throughout the season, with the couple facing challenges such as trust issues and jealousy.
Apple’s rivalry with another music producer, RoccStar, also played a significant role in the season. The two had a contentious relationship, with Apple accusing RoccStar of stealing her beats and ideas. This led to several confrontations between the two, which were featured on the show.
Overall, Apple’s character on “Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood” was portrayed as a strong-willed and determined woman who was passionate about her career in music production but also had to navigate the complicated dynamics of her relationship with A1 and her rivalry with RoccStar.
What Happened to Apple Watts? The Story Behind Love and Hip-Hop Star’s Injury
The day of March 23rd brought a huge storm into Apple’s life as she met a serious accident on her way to Las Angeles from her stay in Las Vegas. Her car jumped into the air and flipped many times as a truck hit her vehicle. Watt was thrown into a near-death experience and was claimed to have several internal damages, like cracks in the skull and breakages in the arm and back.

All the fans were in fear of losing their strong-independent Apple, and prayers by the loved ones surrounded her aura. For almost a couple of weeks, there was silence, and an air of tension around the celebrity, as the medical support did not see any significant improvements in her condition. It was until 11th April 2022 that the media got the update from Apple’s sister saying that she had not been conscious but had been stable.
The aftermath of the accident was very painful for the celebrity as the main surgery was not sufficient for her recovery. The medical team conveyed that soon she would have another surgery for her eyes as she struggled with her eye moments, specifically regarding closing her eyes. Apple did not feel alone in times of her suffering as all her fans, in collaboration with each other, created a GoFundMe page to provide their favorite star financial support.
Update for Apple’s After-Surgery Life
Apple, after gaining consciousness, has tried her level best to keep her fans updated about her situation. Recently, she has posted many times on Instagram about her recovery thanking her fans for all their concern and support. Not only her fans but her family has been there for Apple too. Throughout her whole journey of recovery and fighting death, her sister stood by her through her highs and lows.

Her sister has kept the media updated with Apple’s post-surgery activities. She informed the world about her improvements in speech therapy and that she has started to respond in a better manner to the therapist.
Fans witnessed the heart-fulfilling video of the sisters laughing and joking on Instagram on June 29, 2022, indicating that her health has improved significantly and her sister mentioned that soon she’ll be off her feeding tubes too.
Her accident raised the question of Apple being addicted to drugs, and the tragic event might have happened under Apple’s influence with drugs. Many investigations and tests have been conducted by the official authorities, but no official announcements have been made so far.
The question “Who was at fault” remains unsolved for now, many believe that the truck driver was responsible, yet a strong vote has been for Apple’s carelessness in the situation. The California Highway Patrol has given their views regarding Apple not being able to make dance views in the near future, yet the hope is still alive for her to recover and set the dance floor again.
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