We have My Hero Academia Chapter 386 spoilers, and this chapter is pretty monumental, but it also worries me, mainly the ending, because it is either going to be INCREDIBLE, like possibly the ten-on-ten great, or just straight-up disappointingly bad, let’s hope for the former, and let’s get straight into it.
The chapter begins with the police officer revealing that some of the blocks have started moving again, and they were none other than the block from where All For One has just passed through, from the city of Idou. This is when Tsukauchi asks everyone if they can still fight with the enemy, but one of the cops says that they have requested the backup, but they all are busy.
So I guess this is playing off of what happened at the end of the previous chapter when All For One straight up took Hawks’ Quirk, grew some wings, and then flew away like a jet cannot burst. We all know that he is on his way to UA to assimilate with Shigaraki to become the ultimate All For One being, but there will definitely be some red blocks in the way.
This is when one of the cops falls from his chair, then shouts that “The heat from Dabi’s flame in Gunga…!” Tsukauchi asks him to explain everything that he means and also if Endeavor is still fighting or defeated. This guy says that although Endeavor has not been defeated, at the same time, the result of their analysis also reveals that Dabi is about to explode.
My Hero Academia Chapter 386 Spoilers
Later in the chapter, the cop explains that since he is fighting continuously, there is enough time for him to concentrate on the heat inside his own body. If he continues to fight like this, he will not survive more than just ten minutes. If that happens, all the energy he collected inside him with be released, which will destroy his body and will cause a huge explosion that will affect an area of about 5 km.

That is about three miles, which is insane; that is like a really big bomb going off, it is kinda like a nuke going off; this is what Dabby has been up to since he had his second wind after being defeated by Shoto, he kind of came back, and now he is doing this.
Dabi is about to explode.
This could be Dabi’s end game, this is how he dies like he blows up, but then I guess Shoto stops the nuke from spreading. We will go more into that in a bit. There is also a possibility that Dabbi doesn’t die.
The only thing I am concerned about is if he has a moment with his family, which we see in the previous chapter, moving between the tunnel elevator things underneath the UA that connects you to Shiketsu.

This is why I believe he could have a moment with them, and then a moment with Stain, and then he could die because then he served his purpose, I guess not to e big on Dabi if you have noticed, but I feel like he is kind of falling apart as a character since he revealed that he is actually Toya.
I am not saying that he is bad, and I never heartedly disliked him; I just don’t really care for him all that much anymore.
Reinforcemnts for Tsukauchi
Later in the chapter, we see that Tsukauchi despairs, and La Brava warns him by revealing that some of the underground shelters are now very close to Gunga, and with this, many civilians are in direct contact with the radius of Dabi’s blast.
After that, we see the same block where the Todoroko family keeps collapsing, and at the same time, Gunjhead tells him to open the emergency gate as soon as possible.

Later, we see that another cop shows up and reveals that All For One is even faster and is now close enough that he can use his goo teleport quirk. With this, Tsukauchi again asks to send a reinforcement, but this time someone actually replies and reveals that there will not be any heroes coming to help them, as they all are busy, but at the same time, we see that someone’s voice calls his name over the communicator.
We get back to Kamino, where we see that Ida asks Shoto how much he gets tired after using the Phosphor, but on the other hand, he says that he is all good and fine. He cannot stop, while there is also a chance that All For One will get to the place where Deku actually is, but Ida says that his mind just has been all messed up right now because of what happened to Dabi.
With this, Shoto replies by saying that he must have to fulfill his duty, and Ida is devasted by the fact that someone as good as his friend, who also guided him back to the right path, must have to deal with all this stuff and then we see that two of them starts crying.
All Might Replies
This was when a voice revealed, “It is finally connected!” that was all over the communicator. This was none other than All Might’s voice. He says that he is very happy to hear that the two of them are alright and also says that he doesn’t have much time to talk with them, and that is why he will be brief and explains to them that they must have to get to Gunga as soon as possible.
With this, All Might says to them that Dabi will explode very soon, and the evacuation blocks have stopped moving. He also says that although Endeavor is fighting him, he will not be able to stop the explosion with the amount of quirk he has right now. All Might says that he is pretty sure that Ida will be able to run there and then begins a short speech dedicated to Shoto.

All Might says that body and mind are two different things, and Shoto knows this better than anyone on this planet because of all things that he has gone through in his past life. When Shoto says that instead of running, he would rather like go and fight All For One, All Might says that there is no need to do that. What is important for him to do now is that he must have to stop Toya and reassure everyone.
We discover that Half Cold, Half Hot, and Engine are the only quirk that can save Gunga. On the other hand, Shoto thinks this might not be possible because Ida’s Engine Quirk is all overheated, but at the same time believes that the raid might help lower its temperature. His legs are only for guiding lost children, and this is also what he will do with Shoto.
After that, Ida puts Shoto on his back and suggests he hold him tight because this will be a fast one. At the same time, Stain watches and mutters to himself that they are going their everything to save everyone somehow. This gets followed by a spread panel of two of them flying through the air and crashing a building with the help of Lida’s Full Power.
All Might Has Joined The Battle
First of all, Stain acknowledging Ida is awesome because, of course, Stain has a history with Ida, and he didn’t acknowledge him as a true hero before. Shoto was also there; Stain was a little warm nobody added to Shoto, but now he fully sees that. Yeah, I guess it only took a year for them to turn around and become a full-fledged hero completely.

As I also said before, this is leading to, I guess, Shoto’s ultimate move or something in the series, which isn’t necessarily defeating Dabi’s, which is going to say everyone from the nuke of Dabi, which I guess he is going to do by mastering the full power of both hot and cold, or his this great eager thing or his Flash Fire Freeze, or the Wind Blast thing that he does. It will be something like that, but it will be pretty grand I suppose, or maybe he will get assisted by other hero or something but mainly be him.
The narration then begins by saying that Hawks’ report said that the young All For One was crueler and stronger than his original form. After that, we also see Hawks holding Tokoyami, where Tsukauchi yells, “Baka!” and with this, All mIght show up with his car and says that this fight was always for him, and All For One flies even closer.
So if you are getting an excited reading that, you are kind of justified because we have been talking about this for a while, because you know, we are talking about ALl Might possibly coming back in this battle and taking on All For One.
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