The investigators finally confront Lee Seokwoo in Han Dae Sung Returned From Hell Chapter 39 after Jun Jincheol confesses that he had been sent by the leader of Hongma Clan to weaken other Clans. There is a huge accident with Jun Jincheol, and he is believed to have died in the explosions. Unfortunately, the people who were sent later to fetch Jincheol’s corpse were not able to locate it and now everyone begins speculating if Jun Jincheol actually made it out of that deadly fire alive somehow.
On the other hand, Han Daesung is having a good time relaxing on the massage chair, as requested by the Association Chairman’s secretary. Han Daesung has been getting VIP treatment now that he has been classified as an A-Rank and will probably ascend to fill the vacant S-Rank’s seat. The media is having a field day with the information that a new high-ranker will be revealed by the Association and they all gather to have a glimpse. Han Daesung’s popularity surges after he makes news for being an A-Ranker.
Han Dae Sung Returned From Hell is an adventures and quirky manhwa about an ordinary boy who ended up conquering hell. Readers are quite thrilled by the recent developments, and everyone is waiting to watch Han Daesung become even more popular. If you are a following this series and want an update about the latest chapter, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will be talking about the release date of Han Dae Sung Returned From Hell Chapter 40, recap the previous chapter and tell our readers where they can read it.

Han Dae Sung Returned From Hell: Chapter 39 Recap
In the previous chapter of Han Dae Sung Returned From Hell, Han Daesung is drinking soda and relaxing on the massage chair in the Chairman’s office. One of the employee enters and he is shocked to see Han Daesung sitting without a care and asks Daesung what he was doing. Daesung tells him that the Association Chairman’s Secretary had told Daesung to go ahead and relax here. The employee is impressed that the Chairman’s Secretary himself had told Daesung to relax and Daesung tells him about his new position.
The Hongma Clan’s leader Lee Seokwoo sits in her office when the investigating officer come to take her in custody. Jun Jincheol had blatantly implicated her as the mastermind but Seokwoo is not willing to let him take her down. When the investigators arrive, the Sixth of Poison Lee Seokwoo shows resistance to her arrest and the Chief gets ready to combat. Lee Seokwoo activates her skill and maneuvers the Chief’s partner into stabbing him. The Chief dies by his partner’s hand who was being controlled by Seokwoo.

Han Dae Sung Returned From Hell: Chapter 40 Release Date
Han Dae Sung Returned From Hell Chapter 40 is scheduleed to be released on Thursday, 6 July 2023, at 12:00 AM KST.
- India (IST): 8:30 PM on Wednesday, 5 July 2023
- Japan (JST): 12:00 AM on Thursday, 6 July 2023
- Korea (KST): 12:00 AM on Thursday, 6 July 2023
- USA (EST): 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 5 July 2023
- UK (GMT): 3:00 PM on Wednesday, 5 July 2023
- Philippines (PHT): 11:00 PM on Wednesday, 5 July 2023
- Australia (AEST): 1:00 AM on Thursday, 6 July 2023
Han Dae Sung Returned From Hell: Chapter 40 Spoilers
In the upcoming chapter of Han Dae Sung Returned From Hell, Han Daesung will probably get harassed by the media for becoming an A-Ranker. Lee Seokwoo is yet to be taken into custody, especially when she made the investigator kill his partner during her arrest. Lee Seokwoo will further on prove to be a hindrance due to her vicious nature.
Han Dae Sung Returned From Hell: Where to Read
You can read Han Dae Sung Returned From Hell Chapter 40 Raws on Kakaopage.
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