Former Warlord of the seas and now a member of the straw hat crew also had his role in the newest arc of One Piece, and his deserving new bounty was also revealed among the members of the other straw hats and Cross Guild members. One Piece Chapter 1058, seemingly titled “A New Member” was a post for bounties and new information before the straw hats are on the new Island or fighting new enemies. The newest straw hat member is Jinbei, who joined the straw hats while they were beginning their raid on the Onigashima.
Just like Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji, the main trio of the straw hats, Jinbei is among the three with a new bounty in billions. Very little was known about Jinbei himself, let alone his bounties. However, now that he is one of the straw hats and a powerful member on top of that, the “Knight of the Sea” is topping the chart wanted posters with bounties in a billion.
Jinbe’s New Bounty Revealed!
The former warlord of the seas has been a significant character in the series so far, and with his new post and new bounty, he will be even more significant not only as a member of the straw hat but as a Fishmen too. As mentioned earlier, his new bounty is among the trio of the straw hat in the billions having the third highest bounty in the straw hat pirate crew, leaving Sanji behind. Jinbe’s New Bounty is raised from 438,000,000 to 1,100,000,000 Berries after his assistance as the straw hat on Whole Cake Island and Wano.

Jinbei’s new bounty is only lower by a million than Zoro’s new bounty, which has a bounty of 1,101,000,000 Berries and has the second highest bounty among the straw hats. From his previous bounty, Jinbei has a raise of more than 60% due to defeating a secret member of the marine Who’s Who and helping Luffy get off the Whole Cake Island while he stops Big Mom. The first known bounty of Jinbei was 76,000,000 Berries which was probably due to his assistance in the Sun Pirates and his numerous battles against the marines.
Jinbei’s second bounty had 250,000,000 Berries due to again fighting with the marines and acting as the second leader among the Sun Pirates. Jinbei’s bounty became invalid after he joined the marines as the warlords, and his bounty was again raised for the third time to 438,000,000 Berries when he left the warlord and helped Luffy and Whitebeards pirates against the Marines during the summit war arc. As the second oldest member of the straw hats, Jinbei still has a role to play and assist Luffy to become the King of the Pirates.
Also Read: Roronoa Zoro’s New Bounty Revealed: New Bounty Of The Straw Hat’s Vice Captain!