Niantic created a mobile game called Pokemon GO in association with Nintendo and the Pokemon company. It was released in 2016, and from then to this date, the franchise fanbase has always been growing big as it is a real-world game where your job is to capture new and different Pokemon and battle with other Pokemon.
There are many different species of Pokemon and legendary Pokemon. But there is one Pokemon who is a Non-Legendary, but still, players find it very difficult to capture or even recognize him. Yes, we are talking about none other than Ditto, a shiny disguise Pokemon.
Now you would be asking why it is so difficult to capture or even recognize, so those who have watched Pokemon or still watch (like me), then you know what Ditto is.

It is a Pokemon that can become any other Pokemon means it can transform itself into another Pokemon. However, in the game, it can only disguise some listed Pokemons, and today we will give you the whole list. Though there is no official list, the crowd knows everything, and according to the whole game scenario, we will give you the list.
One more thing, When Pokemon Go was released, Ditto was not added to the game, but after some time, it was added, and now we have a whole article based on him. Now without wasting any time, let’s have a whole detailed view of Ditto and how we can find him.
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What is the Outlook of Ditto?
Ditto is a Shiny disguised Pokemon who Transforms itself into another species of Pokemon, and let’s say this is his major power. He changes the transformation in such a way that if it transforms itself into Ekans, then it will also copy its Poisen-type attack. Now you know how it looks and what its ability is.

In Pokemon Go, we can find Ditto in shiny form, but users won’t be aware of this until we capture the Pokemon. The likelihood of discovering a shiny Pokemon is even less than other kinds of Pokemon because it’s a very uncommon Pokemon to discover in the wild. Pokemon Go’s Shiny Ditto has a blue color.
Ditto Disguise Pokemon list
There is no official record list of which Pokemon can be a Ditto in disguise in Pokemon Go because it’s very difficult as it can be anything until and unless you capture it and it transforms itself into its real Ditto form. There is, however, always an unofficial list that is largely compiled from user-submitted reports of catches and that appears to fluctuate month to month.
There was an event on the day of April Fool’s Day, and there were several Pokemon stated as Ditto, which can be found in the wild. However, the event was brief, so it’s not clear if their status as potential Ditto clones continue to exist.

- Surskit
- Dwebble
- Ekans
- Lillipup
- Swirlix
- Gastly
- Finneon
- Natu
- Pidgey
- Venonat
- Voltorb
- Hoothoot
- Spinarak
There are many more, but as it is Fan made so, according to the sources, there is a high chance that these Pokemon can be Ditto. The only way to be certain is to keep trying, even though consulting a list of current Ditto disguises as viewed by the community might improve your chances. The more you catch, the greater your chance of eventually catching that Ditto.
How to Get Ditto?
As mentioned before, there are no several techniques to capture Ditto as Ditto can be anyone, and the only thing you can do is keep trying and capture any Pokemon, and when you capture, it will reveal itself at the time of capturing that this is Ditto. Technically in Pokemon Go, there will be a catch screen, and you will see Pokemon changing into Ditto.
We can also find shiny Ditto in Pokemon Go’s wild locations. There is no doubt that the Shiny Pokemon that Ditto can change into is not a Ditto. Trainers can, however, capture a Pokemon like Pidgey and discover that it is actually a Shiny Ditto. There is one more way, but this will only increase the chances, and that’s the whole luck that you need while catching Ditto. You can increase your chances by Utilizing Incense, Lure Mods, and Pokémon Go Plus.
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