Year 536 is known as the worst year in history because of the drastic climate change during that period. It was also known as the year after the Consulship of Belisarius. The events that occurred in the year were mainly because of the extreme change in climate that probably happened due to the volcanic eruptions earlier that year. It made average temperatures of Europe and China decline resulting in crop failures and famine for over a year. Other mysterious events happened during the year, which most historians believe were because of the volcanic eruption that took place early in the year, like the sudden appearance of mysterious fog during summers and massive decline in the temperature during summers, initiating the coldest decade in the past 2300 years, most people claimed that it was the worst time to be alive.
This mysterious change in climate lasted for a decade from 536 AD, resulting in the Irish chronicles record of “a failure of bread from the years 536–539.” Then, in 541, the bubonic plague struck the Roman port of Pelusium in Egypt, which eventually led to more speculation about the mysterious events that started taking place later in the year 536.
536 AD: A History
Many historians believe the middle of the sixth century was a dark hour in what used to be called the Dark Ages. But the source of the sudden appearance of the fog, mysterious clouds, and the temperature drop in the Summer is still undiscovered and categorized as puzzles. What scared people more were the repeated occurrences of events that were unfortunate, like the cold in summers that led to crop failure and the plague that swept off one-third population of the Roman Empire, which was not normal as looked back in the time. The harvest was delayed as the Volcanic winter of 536 erupted in China, forcing many people to face loss and even strive in hunger as all they had for their living was harvesting and not anything else.

Most people being then less knowledgeable, were unable to figure out why these changes were occurring and were mainly calling it a bad omen, but historians believe that these events occurred after the volcanic eruption earlier in the year and tell that to be the main cause of the following events.
The Mystery Of 536 AD
The mystery behind 536 extreme changes in weather could be caused by an extensive veil of dust in the atmosphere, beginning in the Northern Hemisphere, which was followed by the next few years causing a drop in weather and massive crop failure. Other major events that did not prove to be very eventful during that year included religion, empire, and climate. The volcanic eruptions were as common as someone munching on a snack randomly after that year; the researchers also found out the weather around that time was usually colder than that of today, but the volcanic eruptions probably led to a major drop in the climate. Some people also claim that the eclipse of the Sun lasted for over a year, which makes the mystery of that particular area even more strange.
The year was preluded with misery, with great loss of crop failure and loss of lives during the plague, but there is no such evidence of it being some mysterious happenings that were because of some strange unknown factors, as most researchers believe that it was because of the repetitive volcanic eruptions.
536 AD: The Worst Year?
While most people will say that 2020 was the worst year in existence, then they are unaware of the history that 536 AD holds, and the researchers agree that it was the worst time to be alive and that year holds the title of the worst year in history. The various events like climate change and plague that swept off the Roman population will be remembered as the major events of this event; this period of extreme cold and starvation caused economic disaster in Europe and massive crop failure in Asia. Most people of olden times claim that it was all because of the mysterious powers. The researchers, however, claim that all of it had scientific reasons behind it.

Researchers led by McCormick and glaciologist Paul Mayewski found out that a volcanic eruption in Iceland in early 536 led to very large quantities of ash that spread across most of the globe, creating the fog that cast the world into darkness and misery. The eruption was immense and led to massive climate change and crop failure, which turned out to be the major events that occurred during this year, hence proving that nature had its way even back then in that time to scare people with natural ways.