After the tremendous success of the 2022 Korean drama Business Proposal, Kim Min-kyu came into the spotlight and attracted engagement from the audience. And they desperately wanted him to appear in a drama but this time as a main lead.
Their wish was granted as his new drama came out with him as the protagonist. The Heavenly Idol, also known as High Priest Rembrary, dropped in February. And the viewers were keenly looking forward to the series. It aired on tvN every Wednesday and Thursday. The series’ first episode was released on the 15th of February, and the last one was released on the 23rd of March, 2023.
High Priest Rembrary was a fantasy, rom-com South Korean television series with a total of 12 episodes. Lee Cheon Geum wrote the series under the direction of Lee So Yoon and Park So Yeon.
This series revolved around Pontifex Rembrary, a highly regarded priest from a supernatural Otherworld who’s known for having divine powers, a god who unites the planet of the dead with the earthly world, and who was worshipped by the sect. While combating a devil, Rembrary got transported to a world he was completely unfamiliar with. He discovered himself in the body of one of the less popular K-pop groups, Wild Animal visual member Woo Yeon Woo. And the real Yeon Woo was transported to Otherworld possessed in Rembrary’s body.
Rembrary had no knowledge about contemporary culture, especially Korean pop. Everything difficult for him to deal with started from dancing to the most challenging songs, performing live on stage in from of the audience, and abiding by a tight diet of a K-pop idol. Wild Animal, as a group, was working together for three years, but now they were on the cusp of breaking up due to their less popularity.
The group’s destiny started to change with the help of Rembrary, still in the body of charismatic Yeon Woo. He got a helping hand from their new manager, Kim Dal, who’s also the biggest fan of Yeon Woo. He learned to live a life as a K-pop idol by facing situations, such as bizarre spiritual cults, while also figuring out a way to get back to the Otherworld to revitalize Yeon Woo and himself to their former forms; and defend the two realms from the Evil One.

High Priest Rembrary Episode 10 Review
High Priest Rembrary was an adaptation of the web fiction Holy Idol written by Shin Hwa Jin. It was also available for the audience on Viu and Viki in specifically selected areas.
Episode ten, yet again, showed how Kim Dal, Lim Sun Ja, and with the help others tried to prove Yeon Woo’s innocence. He was framed by the Evil One in the Hong Rin crisis, where Yeon Woo advertised the product without even completely knowing about it. Due to his influence, his fans purchased the product and became quite ill as a result of the poison that was mixed into it. And one person died in the process.
Rembrary was unable to do anything because he lost his divine powers as he developed feelings for Kim Dal, which was against the rule. He was helpless as people were suffering, and they were brutally blamed and bashed him. Rembrary became a criminal in the eyes of the people. Gam Jae attempted to help him but at the cost of disappearing Dal permanently from her birth, which Rembrary forthrightly declined.
Meanwhile, Dal gave her all in finding out about where the CEO of Hong Rin was hiding. Rembrary knew it was dangerous for her, so he visited her and asked her to stay away from him and stay safe. As he became aware that it was due to people’s faith and belief in him, his supernatural powers began to manifest once more. And then, in the end, everything went out smoothly.
In this episode, we also saw the fierce competition between Evil Boys and Wild Animal for Artist of the Year. And Rembrary also solved the problem of Evil Boys.
One thing was sure Evil One was not leaving any chance to suffocate or make Rembrary suffer. And his scandals seemed endless. The Evil One recognized something that he ought to have done years before.
It taught us that sometimes, the person we placed the amplest amount of faith and trust in also ended up being the person who deceived us the most. We should be aware before putting our faith in someone or something.
The most satisfying moment of episode ten was the confession of Rembrary and Dal’s feelings for each. And despite Rembrary’s best efforts to keep Dal away from him for the sake of her protection, she was willing to go to any extent, even risking her own safety, to help him. It proved the strength of love and conviction as well as the fact that people in love, even those from different worlds, can overcome any obstacles because of one another’s love.

Given that he was a grim reaper, Gam Jae ought to have been frightening, but instead, he was just adorable and unintentionally humorous. He would make an excellent companion. Park Sang Nam played the role of Se Gam Jae. The audience had a mixed reaction to him because few people liked him as the grim reaper, and some didn’t. But he was definitely that fun element of the series.
Another thing this episode made clear to us was the value of having friends and family who will support you without hesitation or consideration for themselves. It always keeps you at your ease.
Rumors can completely turn someone’s life upside down in a matter of hours. Now imagine how challenging it must be to be an idol who must deal with issues left and right, as well as devoted and obsessive admirers and various types of people.
Kim Min Kyu, who played the role of Pontifex Rembrary and Woo Yeon Woo, is a savior for the series. Min Kyu did a phenomenal job portraying both characters, and it was easy for the audience to distinguish between them. He has impressed the audience with his roles, including in A Business Proposal (2022), Snowdrop (2021), Backstreet Rookie (2020), and Perfume (2019). And this time as well, he didn’t disappoint the viewers.
Go Bo Gyeol, who played the role of Kim Dal, didn’t do enough to succeed in winning the audiences’ hearts, as they had high expectations from her since she was fantastic in Hi Bye, Mama! Dal was basically an obsessive fan who wanted to help his idol, Yeon Woo.
But it was fun whenever Dal, Rembrary, and Gam Jae were together. And not to forget about the bandmates of Wild Animal; they were hilarious and supportive of each other. But I didn’t find the Evil One that wicked. Cha Joo Young as Redrin was quite fine and gorgeous. The cast was selected wisely.
The chemistry between the main leads was quite off. They were adorable and but something was off about them being together. High Priest Rembrary was a rom-com, but it came a little late.
Our Verdict
The concept of the high priest with divine powers acting like a K-pop idol was amusing and intriguing. But then the story dragged out unnecessarily. Everything was rushed out towards the end, which made it seem hastier. The conclusion should make sense of the turmoil surrounding the gods and finally put an end to the evil for whatever they did.
The soundtracks and action sequences were kind of dull and didn’t able to create a long-lasting impact. The audience was anticipating this series, but it didn’t live up to their expectations. I would not dare to recommend watching it.
This series is perfect for you if you are unsure of what to watch and enjoy a good laugh. Because sometimes you need senseless and illogical fun.
Our rating: ⭐(3/5)