The excellent performance of the Strong Woman Do Bong Soon cast is being remembered to this day. Strong Woman Do Bong Soon is one of the classics you must watch to become a K-drama fan, and that is for a good reason. The K-series is about a woman named Do Bong Soon who does not much her looks. Although she might look very cute and innocent, do not think that she is weak since she can give you a broken back within seconds. The women of Do Bong Soon’s family are given Herculean power to use for the greater good and are taken away from them if they abuse their power.
Do Bong Soon’s life was simple as it could be before the scary serial killings in her hometown Dobong-dong, Dobong-gu. This is when she has to decide whether she should use her strength to protect everyone from the evil spreading or not take risks by keeping her power a secret. She becomes even more exasperated when she gets involved in a love triangle with her boss Ahn Min Hyuk and her high school cum police friend cum crush Guk Doo. Plus, the Strong Woman Do Bong Soon cast must be our favorite K-drama cast to date. So without further ado, let us start getting to know the cute and talented Strong Woman Do Bong Soon cast.
1. Park Bo Young
The first Strong Woman Do Bong Soon cast member that we are going to talk about is the cute and adorable Park Bo Young. This lady is literally thirty two years but can you see it on her face! She is also the leading actresses of the insutry with succuessful K-drmas and movies and pretigious awards under her wing. She had been popular way before Strong Woman Do Bong Soon but gained international fame through thee K-drama. Apart from eing a talented actress, Park Bo Young is asl talented musically. She can play the piano and guitar.

2. Park Hyung Sik
Park Hyung Sik is THE heartthrob of the korean acting insudtry. Through thsi K-drama, Park Hyung Sik had set the bar high for other men. It is impossible to come across soemoen that does nit instantly give in to his cuteness. Plus, he is as talent as he is good looking. Besides being a really famous member of the Strong Woman Do Bong Soon cast, Park Hyung Sik is also famous for Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth, Happiness and Suits.

3. Kim Jisoo
Jisoo had been really popular for playing second lead roles in probably ever K-drama that he acted in. He was in the paek of his popularity when school bullying rumors of him broke out. The actor soon accepted teh allegations and apologised to his victims in a handwritten note. After his bullying scandal in 2021, Jisoo has not been really active anywhere. He was ablut to star as the main lead of River Where The Moon Rises but was removed from the cast.

Also read: Get To Know The Star-Studded Cast of Hwarang: The Historical Coming-of-Age K-Drama!