Cosplays of Gendo Ikari are not as well known as those of similar Neon Genesis Evangelion characters. Much about Gendo is well planned, from his eyewear to that same pair of white gloves he wears to cover up his severely burned palms from the Unit-00 crazy event. He is somewhat of the narrative’ mastermind, as is later discovered. He is one of the architects of the Human Instrumentality Experiment and leads the battle to exterminate the Angels as the commanding officer of NERV.
Gendo spends the majority of the time contemplating his schemes; even during fights, he never showed any symptoms of fear or emotion, and he only sometimes showed displays of happiness when his ideas came to fruition. He would be the dream cosplay of everyone that deems themselves unreadably clever.
Gendo was considered by the majority of people in his adolescence to be a minor troublemaker and hooligan due to his solitary attitude, frequent bar visits, and reputation for getting into intoxicated fights. His followers have worked hard to ensure that he is present at most cosplay events, if not all of them, and he has a compelling background.
Even still, she’s probably not as well-known as Shinji, Rei, or Asuka, but I suppose there’s always some stigma attached to portraying the bad guy. Nevertheless, we have compiled a list of 15 cosplays that, in our opinion, showed Gendo Ikari in all of his magnificence.
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1. JoeNoce’s Gendo Ikari Private Cosplay
JoeNoce has been doing his bit of cosplaying and is an up-and-coming artist that would like to show his style. Already having done a neat Hellsing Alucard cosplay, this villainy man would not be too much trouble. He has the appearance of a typical middle-aged man like Gendo does.

His usual attire of a NERV black commander’s uniform with gold lines sewn on the edges of the jacket, green triangular identification pieces sewn at the sleeves, and the necklace are all on spot. Most important is that weird yet insolent stare into the void with his glasses on that made everyone certain that this man is somehow not being trusted.
2. Cosplayer CeruleanDraco’s Take On Gendo Ikari
He, like Gendo, covers his severely burned hands from the Unit-00 crazy episode by donning the twin white gloves. During that period, he also added a pair of square-lens spectacles, but subsequently switched to round-lens glasses with something like a reddish-brown filter, that refracts from enormous displays.

The cosplayer’s interest in these tiny details is better displayed by his other cosplays readily available on his Instagram page. One has to say the tightly trimmed beard and the undercutting below his chin that are characteristic of the anime figure are almost identical if not the same. Especially one cannot debate the race with which he carries himself, it seems like Gendo Ikari, right? One would think that is how he would look if he were white.
3. Is Diegator The Real Life Gendo Ikari?
This cosplay is the complete package. It has the Gendo Ikari’s peeping through the glasses kind of look that defines every moment that he walks into the scene or if in manga every page and every panel he walks into. But do you think he got the colors right? Gendo’s pants, if one observes, are a darker hue compared to the fit of his coat but this cosplayer seems to have gotten them mixed up. They both look similar, do they not?

Or perhaps it is the lighting in the picture. But props to the Diegator for using his beard to style into the character without any faux stuff dangling on his face. Makes one think if he chose to play Ikari because his beard matched his or because the character demanded to trim it off. Whatever it might be one cannot deny his utter determination to cosplaying.
4. A Nerv Commanders’ Family Party
One of the cutest couples to ever appear on our cosplay page, unquestionably. Check out these photos of Fuyutsuki as well as Gendo, who both appear to be extremely wacky and very classy. Cosplay images of Gendo with Fuyutsuki, who appear to be enjoying a martini. Observe the glasses they are holding; it is like the Nerv Commanders have got together to make their own one big family.

This convention seems much more like a private one in comparison to the other ones that we have had on the list. Not to mention everyone in the gathering seems to be male, guess this is an exclusive event that you will most definitely need the invitation to attend so better start making your bookings sooner.
5. Fun Spin On Gendo
Now female spins on male characters are not something new. Yet, the fact that she made sure to let Gendo Ikari through the cosplay without her own identity being at the forefront is something that makes this cosplay very special. It is not showy, it is not sensual, it is just Gendo Ikari.

Though she does not look 48 years old, nor does she have Gendo’s appearance of a typical middle-aged man, she makes up for it with that goofy strap across their stomach and that bossy glossy red hair. She did not dress up like him, she owns the cosplay. She has made it her own with her additions to the outfit that would not be too out of character given his temperament if he were to be a woman.
6. Gendo Ikari’s Appearance At Oz Fest II-Cosplay
According to reports, the Ozzfest is a yearly music event tour that travels to the United States, occasionally to Europe, and then subsequently to Japan. From 1996 until 2018, it was conducted virtually yearly and was created by Sharon Osbourne with her spouse Ozzy Osbourne, who also coordinated every annual trip alongside their kid Jack Osbourne.

Now the Oz fests which are held comprise a much larger scope of events and celebrations including cosplays that have given rise to the larger community as well as a surge of creativity. One such happy invention of these fests is this Gendo Ikari cosplay with a fellow Asian person dressed up in Harajuku fashion. These splashes and rich anime make every otaku gravitate toward Japan.
7. Rei Ayanami And Gendo Ikari Are A Thing Now?
Fanime 2014 had Gendo Ikari and Rei Ayanami making an appearance together. This seems to be a frequent occurrence perhaps because Rei is a clone of Yui but one cannot disagree it is weird.

Nonetheless, the Fanime itself is an AMV competition, an artist’s hallway, pageants, cosplay board games, celebrations, a dealer’s chamber, an official ball, a playroom with arcade, play station, PC, and benchtop games, singalongs, a maid cafe, a spoofing, boards, screenings, a flea market, league matches, and master classes are among the usual events offered at the general meeting of Fanime. Entertainment and video are among the 24-hour programming options at the event.
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8. Gendo By Redditor TheGochoEscalante
Reddit and its subreddits are well-known for their 101 disputes and conspiracies, but they’re also a wonderful place to share your artistic endeavors. There is no requirement for you to be a professional or even an amateur cosplayer; the community is welcoming to anybody who wishes to join them.

Do not be deterred from joining them by the pointed pistol and his severe demeanor in the workplace. He described it as a form of theatrical art in which individuals dress up and embellish to represent a certain concept or identity, usually given a memorable name. Join the Reddit cosplay community if you want to join in on the fun since most cosplayers communicate often to create a subculture centered on role-playing.
9. The Outlandish Gendo Cosplay By Outlanders
This time it is scientist, Ritsuko Akagi with the Head Commander. For those whose memory is glitching the NERV’s lead researcher is Dr. Ritsuko Akagi, who is deeply engaged in maintaining and repairing Tokyo-3’s defenses against the Evas and other Angels.

With their dynamic posing and their sharp stares, you know the Outlanders duo is not fooling around. But this pair’s vigor and prowess come from years of experience in extreme cosplaying. This is a Zen master’s work by any measurement. The contrast between Ritsuko’s pale white coat and Gendo’s somber black jacket is most eye-catching. Their confidence in their role-play is remarkable. Need we say more?
10. Gendo Ikari Bombarded The Amecon 2012
The Amecon took place on the Keele University campus from August 10 to 12, much to the excitement of cosplayers all over the country. While the My Hero Academia hype did get the best of most, still some had worn fantastic costumes at the event. Especially KyokoHunterOver9000 who showed off his cosplay in the broad green field as the others reeled with the enthusiasm of the ongoing celebrations.

These conventions which hold every supply necessary for the enjoyment of otaku also sell manga paper, nib pens, and such sort. The Amecon was a huge success as the awards were announced at the end of the ceremony.
11. It’s A Gendo Ikari Trap
Well, I called it. It’s a trap. But it is not? The one trap that stands out would be the guy does not possess the dead eyes that Ikari is famed for, yet we can applaud him. The impression is quite honest. And he stands with whom we presume to be Yui, but hey, who knows given the personalized impressions that most cosplayers get these days? At least it is not Rei Ayanami again.

Though Yui gets a lot of attention from the anime community, it is not every day that she sees her standing with Gendo Ikari so that might be one of the firsts. This Ikari looks most overjoyed to stand with her. This is an amateur’s cosplay, some would say, and that is true, but it is their cosplays that stand out for their ingenuity. So, perhaps it is a trap by @xvenya_cosplay.
12. Christmas Gendo Ikari
With the holiday season upon us and one thing that we did not expect to see this Christmas is a Gendo Ikari who is as eager for the festival as we are. This is another cosplayer called Aliencode90 who is utilizing his beard to the full effect. He got the glasses utterly wrong, though someone did not tell him. Jokes aside, he got the look and the fingers as well as the hands right.

The way he looks feels like he will burn into your soul, which the character was more than capable of doing. But one glimpse can tell you that it was not store-bought and that he made it or had it made for that convention. That is delightful but that is how anime enthusiasts are. They put in loads of time and effort to make everything work like magic.
13. Gendo Ikari From Hell
Given his nefarious antics, this would not be too far from the truth, yet @KumoriTenshi could most accurately portray the old man. Though the beard is wonky and not very characteristic, the pure dedication put into its profiling and making can not go unseen by the naked eye.

Though things are a little hazy, it adds to the suspense of the picture. It is not every day that we see people putting much effort or money into a Gendo Ikari costume, at least not in this era of Jujutsu Kaizen and Attack on Titan. Talking of the latter, have you wondered how many similar series and movies Neon Genesis Evangelion has sprouted and has been an inspiration too?
14. What Is The Nerv Commander Holding?
The reason why we included this can be considered a bit biased and quite obvious. It is the doll. A cat, or whatever it is, it is cute. There has not been a single time when Ikari was even remotely kind to his son Shinji, so we recommend you think it is him. The absolute momentousness on this older man’s face is golden.

Is it not reminiscent of the scene where Gendo, who is about to pass away, says he shunned Shinji since he was as fearful of harming him just like Shinji did of him and decided it would be best to stay silent instead? Good job, @Mauriziogabbiadini.
15. An Italian Spin To Gendo
We believe this one is OG. The reddish black background signifies Gendo’s nature, the stars symbolize the dastard heavenly attack by the Angels, and the white-out glasses as they keep reflecting in the anime against the light. The signature Ikari stance with his palms. The goofy reflection on the squeaky clean table in front of him.

This image is beyond perfection. This Italian creator called Hugegene Jameson has indeed unlocked the Gendo Ikari hiding inside him. Though this cosplay is not very popular amongst the community, it has the most class and brilliance by any range possible. Props to the cosplayer.
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