What Happened Last Night On The Bachelor Season 27 Episode 4? So the girls were just making a drama out of what Kylie said (“I don’t want to fight you for this”) to another Anastasia. All of the girls were talking about this, making gossip, and explaining it to one another.
Then at the end of the drama, all of the girls were all emotional, and Jess was like, “I wish we could pull off these puddles and every single one of us could get it some a part of this rose tonight. Because, I mean, I think we all had a really hard night”.
Anyways, welcome to The Bachelor Season 27 Week 4, where the only holding controversy we’ll be talking about is which of these women might be holding on to a secret that “they’re not here for the right reasons.” And for those of you that didn’t watch the Super Bowl, it’s a football reference.
What Happened Last Night On The Bachelor Season 27 Episode 4?
So to start The Bachelor Season 27 Episode 4, Jesse Palmer has arrived to tell the ladies that it’s time to pack their bags because “they’re going to the Bahamas.” Hearing this, all the girls went crazy and ran off to pack their bags.
We get a packing montage of the girls and then cut to this point which seems to be the federally-mandated clip of Zach looking uncomfortable in the shower. And let’s dive into the first one-on-one. OH, we’re 5 minutes in, and we already got a crier.

The first one-on-one of the week goes to Katherine. She’ll be on a date that includes an awkward sunscreen application. Zack gets the sunscreen on his palms to apply it on Katherine, but he’s barely touching her while doing so. This is then followed up by some dance moves that I think are only considered legal on the open seas.
But really, as Zach puts it, “I’m just a Bahama Papa looking for his Bahama Mama.” But while Zach and Katherine gush over how easy this date has been and how likely she is to be his Bahama Mama, we cut back to the resort, where yet another date card has arrived.
And with everyone’s name but Brooklyn’s being on it, that means she seems to be the one who’s getting the other one-on-one for the week. Funny how the fake excitement for someone else getting a one-on-one feed by week four, and now it’s like, “Oh my God, I love” (insert fake accent and excitement).
Katharine Is Falling For Zach
Back with Zach and Katharine, these two are ready to sit down for the dinner portion of their date. But while things were easy, Bahama Breezy earlier, right now Katherine is nervous about this next step with Zach. Because as she puts it, Zach has everything put together, and most of all, he had a stable traditional upbringing. Katherine, however, did not.
She says that she and her mom struggled in their relationship. And there was a point where she didn’t even live at home because their relationship got so bad. And there’s a fear that seeing how different her relationship with her family is from Zach’s relationship with his family will cause him to turn away from her.
She then goes on to say, “It just makes me worried that Someone Like You has like such a healthy upbringing and understanding of what it means to feel loved by your family.” And ultimately, the dynamic she grew up in has made her feel unlovable. But Zach says he doesn’t want her to have that fear because he wants to love his person for who they are, not where they come from.

So with Zach being so understanding, it’s time to get out your bachelor bingo cards because we are about to hear our very first one of these for the season: “I’m falling for this man harder than I ever thought I would.” So with that, Katherine gets a rose and some fireworks. To these fireworks, Charity was like, “Damn it, she got fireworks.”
The Bahamas Beach Group Date
Moving on to the group date for Episode 4 of Bachelor Season 27, where this time the ladies come rushing in like it’s the Super Bowl halftime to meet Zach for a beach party bonanza that involves drinks, dancing, and to one woman’s horror, “shellfish.”
Gabi was like, “I’m allergic to shellfish. And a lot of these activities are involving shellfish. I Wanna cry. I literally can’t kiss Zack because he ate shellfish”. Wait, do they not jot down these ladies’ Food allergies for these dates? Don’t tell me they really had Gabi coming into the date like, “I’m sorry, man, but everything on the menu has fishing.”
But believe it or not, after more dancing and more of Gabi dodging the seafood platter while still trying to impress Zach, this is still not the stupidest part of this date, as a new contender for the villain of the week emerges.
So there was this challenge where, you know, there is bamboo, and you have to walk under it without falling. So when it’s Anastasia’s turn, she wants a kiss for her courage from Zach. This was totally awkward for everyone, especially for that black dude. Whatever they’re paying this guy, it’s not enough.
Now, you might be thinking, “it’s not that bad,” and you’re right. But it does start the rest of the Bahama drama, as women begin getting ticked off at Anastasia for constantly pulling Zach away in a group date setting, something Kylie here is not going to have.

The Anastasia Drama Begins
So when Anastasia is having a private chat with Zach, Kylie is like, “May I Zach for a second?” And Anastasia says, “Can we have a couple more minutes?” To this, Kylie was like, “I don’t like to fight.” And this, ladies and gentlemen, is where we get the “I’m definitely not gonna fight you” from Anastasia.
And this does not sit well with that Anastasia, who immediately goes to complain about Kylie, saying she wanted to come in and fight her. So Anastasia then says that the fight comment was a little bit much for her personally. And that she is going to put her best foot forward. She is going to be aggressive with what she wants, but she is not going to put up her dupes.
Of course, this then gets back to Kylie, who is dumbfounded. And I mean, of course, this got back to Kylie. Anastasia literally goes around the entire group date telling this to everyone. And, of course, this all carries into the night portion of the date, where despite Zach’s best effort to focus on individual moments with each of the women, the drama manages to out.
As when Anastasia continues to bring up the fight comment, Kylie decides it’s time to tell Zach, and she’s not just talking about the fight stuff but something else that Charity told her she overheard Anastasia saying. Kylie says to Zach, “she’s constantly, always talking about the amount of Instagram followers that she’s going to get while being here.” And to this, Zach says, “that freaks me out.”
Inspector Zach Confronts Anastasia
So Inspector Zach is at it again, here to root out the truth as he gets the lowdown from Charity before addressing the whole group. Zach says to the whole group – OK, I love this moment – (me mimicking Zach) ‘Look ladies, I don’t know what to assume, but there may be someone here with the wrong intentions. I don’t wanna say who, but Anastasia, could you come with me for an SEC?’ very subtle, dude.

Now, at this moment, Zach brings up the accusations that Anastasia is only here for followers and not a relationship, leaving Anastasia shocked. I mean, look at her; she’s truly shocked. And is it me, or do we have this conversation every season? I mean, everyone’s here for followers and a platform. For me, I just want them to also be interested in love. I’m just saying I’m cool if it’s both situations.
So Anastasia comes back livid, and Kylie says she’s going to be truthful and come clean that it was her who brought this all up to Zach. Kylie states that she has been told that Anastasia said that being here in the top 14 will at least get you 50K Instagram followers. 50k for the top 14? What’s in those drinks? Did she take a time machine back to Peter season or something?
Now well, everyone else is bickering. Ariel comes in and validates Zach by erasing his fears and blowing some conk with him. So naturally, it’s Ariel who gets the group date rose while Anastasia freaks out.
Zack And Brooklyn Fist Bumps After A Kiss
Moving on to the final date of the episode, Zach and Brooklyn hit up some ATVs, an activity that has Brooklyn feeling right at home. She says that she likes to ride and is covered in mud every single day of her life, except sometimes it’s not just mud. OK, I really, really hope she’s talking about poop.

They then enjoy some time on the beach with a kiss so good it earns Zach a fist bump. But this lighthearted date does take a heavy turn as we head into the night portion, especially considering the show put up a trigger warning before this part of the episode aired. And that’s all to do with something incredibly vulnerable Brooklyn brings up on their date.
So Brooklyn says the woman Zach sees right now is completely different from a year ago. Now, all we get in the beginning part of this conversation is her saying she never wanted to be in a relationship with someone like her dad, but then she ended up in one.
First came the emotional abuse, but then it got physical. She says, “So for six whole years, I was not myself. And I woke up one day, and I was like, no, like, this can’t define me.” Brooklyn then says she pulled some strength out of her that she didn’t know she had and made it out of the relationship.
And what’s heartbreaking is when she says stuff like, “I know it’s not my fault. It’s just honestly embarrassing.” Because it shouldn’t be. Waking up to the cops because you got physically knocked out is on that man.
And I hope she’s now feeling pride in the courage it took to make it here and say all of this on national TV so that others know they’re not alone. And that when they share stories like this, they will be received with love and understanding, not shame or embarrassment.
So Zach thanks Brooklyn for her bravery and for feeling comfortable enough with him to share this. And moving forward, he only wants to build on the relationship further. So Brooklyn gets a rose, and we can now move on to the pre-rose ceremony cocktail party.

Three Women Don’t Get A Rose
Ar the pre-rose ceremony cocktail party, some women feel comfortable, and others are beginning to sweat. But none more so than Anastasia, who gets pulled by Zach after a big speech about him wanting to be honest. Anastasia says I’m like shaking and nervous.” To this, Zach says, “It’s OK.” Well, it was, in fact, not OK.
As Zach says, regardless of whether or not Anastasia is telling the truth, he’s just not feeling it with her. So he’ll be escorting her out before the cocktail party even begins. Something that gets Kylie freaking out, thinking she just single-handedly sends someone home. I mean, she did bring up all the stuff to Zack and start this whole mess. So, like, maybe it was just a little bit of her fault.
Well, Zach has once again proven that he’s not having any of the drama, which in turn freaks out Kylie because, like it or not, she got caught up in the drama too. So as things head into the Rose ceremony, she’s wondering if Zach’s patience with her has reached its limits as well.
Thankfully for Kylie, though, there are at least two other women left that have had, like, no screen time thus far. So yes, he picks Kylie instead of the other two. And so, with that, Davia and Genevie are headed home, and Zach bids farewell to the Bahama drama as next we’re headed to London. I’m sure the drama won’t follow there. So that’s it for this recap of The Bachelor Season 27 Episode 4.
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