Sweet Tooth Season 2 has been released and it’s safe to say that the show most certainly took a dark turn in this new season. Following us, being trapped and looking as though there was no way out, we saw efforts from all corners come together to rescue Gus, Wendy, and many other hybrids kept at the zoo.
We learned about how Gus came to be formed, Gillian Washington and her obsession with continuing her great grandfather’s work, who was the person who went to Alaska all of those years ago, Abbott and his hunger to be all-powerful and also some humorous things that involved the hybrids.
With the cure for the virus also being at the center point of the season and Gus’ importance becoming even more clear than ever, let’s do a recap, breakdown, and Sweet Tooth Season 2 explanation and explain all that there was to take away from this show.
Here is the Sweet Tooth Season 2 Ending Explained:
Sweet Tooth Season 2 Ending
As we embarked onto the Ending of Sweet Tooth Season 2, we saw that an all-out battle was being ready to commence with Aimee, Jepp, and Becky all managing to break the hybrids out of the zoo they fled to Yellowstone, where they believed that they would be safe. The place where Gus grew up and knew like the back of his hand.

However, Abbott was able to locate them due to hearing Becky reveal her location to Tiger through the radio, this was what ultimately led the last men there. The last men were at a weak point in terms of numbers due to them taking a heavy loss against the animal army at the zoo, but there was still enough of them to have the confidence to take on Gus, Aimee, and Jep.
Abbott wanted the hybrids back because he believed that they were the source of the cure to the virus, the thing that he wanted which would give him ultimate power and be able to create Evergreen. That was at the core of the character: power, control, and being the person that was at the front of it all. Hence why we saw him sadly kill his brother Johnny. A moment that I was absolutely gutted about. Johnny got the sound of freedom for a brief moment when he heard the wildlife that was present, but then it was all gone.
With Jep and the rest of them taking out all but a few of the men, it meant that Abbott was the last person that needed to be defeated, which we did see take place. However, before that occurred, we saw Gus scream and revealed that he actually has powers within him. His scream stopped and was able to summon a herd of Buffalo to Stampede through Abbott which ultimately caused his demise.
They also run around Gus, showing that they were not going to harm him and that he was actually in control of the situation, something which he didn’t even know after it happened. So it’s going to be interesting to see how they developed that arm of Gus even more in Sweet Tooth Season 3.
Sweet Tooth Season 2 Ending Explained
With Abbott being within only an inch of his life, the last thing that he did was fire a crossbow at Gus and it hit him which sent him into some kind of coma. We didn’t know if he had died as it cut to some time after the battle, but we saw that they were all burning Aimee, who we knew contracted the H5G9 virus earlier on and wasn’t prepared to take the antidote due to it being from one of the hybrids that she took in.

While Gus was in a state of sleep and healing, we saw that he had a vision of his mother in a cave cold and she said the words “Help me”. This is what is set up in the third season of the show. We know that she went to Alaska to look more into James Thacker and his reasoning for being there, which was what ultimately unleashed the hybrids many years ago. And with there being footprints that were in the snow when we first saw her in the opening episode, we know that somebody is there with her.
With Gus wanting to find out more about her, it looks as though he, Jeb, Wendy, and Becky will all be heading there in the next season.
Adi’s Vision
What was particularly interesting about the vision that Gus had was that it was extremely similar to the one that Doctor Adi had when he was in the room with the purple flowers. He was holding an injured gust and walking towards The Cave that Gertrude Miller was in. With there being footsteps that he was following, I feel this could be something that is going to occur in Sweet Tooth Season 3 of the show.
We know that Adi is going to be going to Alaska because he knows the importance that Gus holds, so I feel this will be taken from the future and will see a scene like this play out in the next season. With nobody else around, it does make me wonder if something has happened to the rest of them.
New Villain For Season 3
The final thing that we saw in the season was Helen receiving the news that Abbott was killed and she was disappointed with the fact that he was. However, it looks as though she’s going to take it into her own hands and set off and find Gus and the rest of the hybrids. With her having the understanding that the missing ingredient to the cure was an element of the Hybrids, it seems as though she’s going to be the main villain in season 3 of Sweet Tooth, as she’ll now be looking to claim what Abbott was trying to do most recently.

Just when it seemed as though there couldn’t be much worse than Abbott, we get another villain that could be even harsher and more evil.
With the sound of wolf snarling and growling as they were being fed meat, it does make me wonder what she’s got in there. Could it just be wolves that she keeps as pets? Or are they hybrid wolves which could prove to be even more dangerous than regular wolves? Either way, they didn’t sound friendly.
The Demise of Doctor Adi
Adi was a character that had a heavy involvement in this season and it was interesting. Because we saw just how obsessed he was over finding the cure for the virus it transcended the original reason as to why he was doing it. It started off with him wanting to find a cure so that Rani would be able to be healed. But it got to a point where she didn’t want to keep waiting anymore as she saw what it was doing to him. So she ended up leaving him and going off and being free, even if it meant that she would only survive for around another month.
Adi felt like it was his purpose and his destiny to be able to discover this cure. And he became deeply connected with it due to getting closer to Gus. With one of his ambers inside of his pocket, I believe that was the reason that he didn’t die when he went into the room full of purple flowers.
We know that Gus holds powers within him: the ability to summon the Buffalo and also the visions that he has. So maybe his anther held some kind of power that kept Adi alive. I don’t feel as though Addie will be after Gus in the next season, but I think he will look to find a cure to save humanity by working with him.

What Happened To Jepp’s Family?
We got some really good back story to Jepp in this season, we saw the reason as to why he was part of the last man. He was part of the group because he was under the impression that they would lead him to his family if he joined them. However, after becoming a prolific hybrid catcher, something that he did want to do, we saw that they informed him that his family was in fact dead, which made him regret his actions even more.
Hence, I believe we saw him so against what he did in the present day and doing all that he could to find Gus because he wanted to put things right internally and protect his new family.
Overall Review Of Sweet Tooth Season 2
I thought Sweet Tooth Season 2 was very good. It builds upon the first one well and I would actually say that it was a lot more engaging and enjoyable. It was very dark which I thought suited the narrative well. We saw Gus progress and almost mature slightly as the season went on.

Eight episodes was the perfect amount for this season and I feel any more would have definitely made the pacing a bit more jarring. It feels like this show is in it for the long haul. They are slowly establishing the world, the law, and even though we’ve had 16 episodes, there’s still so much more to learn, which is something that I think is great. I just hope it doesn’t get canceled before we learn more about it.
Season 3 looks as though it could be even heavier than the 2nd and a lot more isolated, which I don’t think is a bad thing, so I’m looking forward to seeing what’s going to happen.
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