As one of the video game-adapted anime, The World Ends With You, The Animation made its debut in 2021, so it is still among the recently released shows. The anime has gained a considerable fan base to the point where some were left looking for more action. With only one season of 12 episodes, fans are not sure when we might get a new season.
But based on the way things are going right now, then that might not be anytime soon. Nonetheless, this time we will take a look at The World Ends With You, The Animation characters. As you would know, for most anime, we only get to see the popularity of the main and the supporting characters. And then we will have several characters who make an appearance here and there but are not so popular.
In fact, it is these unpopular characters that we use to determine if you are a true fan of the anime or not because those who really like anime are always looking for ways to know more and more about their favorite anime. One hindrance that is contributing to a delay in any news about The World Ends With You The Animation season 2 has been a lack of content material as the anime is based on a video game storyline.
The World Ends With You: The Animation Characters
This means that, if anything is to carry on, then we should get a storyline that goes beyond that of the video game. Most anime adapted from video games come as single-season one-time anime shows and only trace the story we know from the game up to its conclusion. So even though such an anime had a good fan base, it did not manage to attach quite enough to push the producers to look at the possibility of a second season quickly.
Neku Sakuraba
The main character of the anime and the one that the player assumes in a video game. He is an asocial teenage boy who claims not to get people, and he rarely interacts with them. After him, the rest of the characters are made up of computer-controlled characters.
Shiki Misaki
This is the first character to be paired up with Neku. A teenage girl taking the form of her best friend and her physical appearance was the price of her entry into the game.

Yoshiya Kiryu
As the second game approached, Neku was then paired with Yoshiya Kiryu, an intelligent and sly teenage boy. He prefers to be called Joshua instead.

Daisukenojo Bito
Neku’s final partner in the third game was Daisuke Bito, who used to be a reaper going by the namesake “Beat.” When he met Neku, he was looking for a way to bring his younger sister, Raimu, back to life.

Raimu Bito
Appearing as Daisuenojo’s younger sister, Raimu had sacrificed herself to save her brother from a Noise attack. This is what inspired his brother to become a reaper as he was looking for ways he could bring back her sister to life.

Sanae Hanekoma
As one of the producers, Sanae had bound her soul to a pon from which her Noise could be summoned and later gave it to Beat. So she played a pivotal role in the game and the storyline as well.
During the three weeks of the game’s storyline, Sanae Hanekoma was the Producer who disguised himself as a Shibuya café owner, he rookie players and narrated the “Secret Reports” that were obtained by completing additional missions when the game was cleared.

Mitsuki Konishi
As the final game master, Mitsuki Konishi crushed her Noise form and transformed it back into a pin.

Sho Minamimoto
This is the most dangerous reaper and one of those opposing Neku. He willingly circumvented the rules of the game to try and supplant the Composer. He also participated in games to earn promotions for their performance, and his goal was to ascend to the highest form of spiritual existence as the Angels.

The Angels
The Angels are special characters who supervise the Games, and when the stakes of a Game are very high, they send down one of their own to act as the Producer.