A couple of days ago, a mystery Pokemon was shown in the latest official trailer of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and it is really confusing the internet, but here, we will tell you every possible aspect that could satisfy what this new mystery Pokemon is and who is Iono’s partner Pokemon, let’s get into it.
But Before jumping into the main part, let us first take a look at a quick breakdown of the video released by the Official Pokemon Team on Youtube.
Complete Breakdown Of The Video’ Guess Gym Leader Iono’s Partner Pokémon!’
The video starts with our beloved Gym Leader, Iono, who is hosting a new episode of Iono Zone here. She introduces herself as Levincia’s Gym Leader in the Paldea region. Along with this, she is also a streamer and influencer who is bringing dreams to her audience. In this video, she introduces a new game to play with her viewers on her live show.

The game is a super rad game, with the name “Who’s Iono’s Partner?”, where she is asking her audience to guess her new partner, Pokemon, on her live show. The game’s rules are simple: she will describe her pokemon partner to her audience, and viewers must guess which Pokemon it is.
Description Of Iono’s Partner Pokemon:
According to Iono, her new Pokemon partner have the following characteristics, with the help of which she wants her viewers to guess her new pokemon partner:
- Iono’s Partner Pokemon is Squishy to feel.
- Iono’s Partner Pokemon is not Magnemite.
- Iono’s Partner Pokemon is kind of sluggish, according to some Pokemon Masters, who walk slowly.
- Iono’s Partner Pokemon have two big bumps on its nogging, which some Pokemon Masters mistake for eyes.
- Iono’s Partner Pokemon is an Electric Type Pokemon because Iono herself is an Electric Type Gym Leader.
- Iono’s Partner Pokemon can expand and contracts its belly to generate electricity.
Who Is Iono’s Partner Pokemon: Everything We Know So Far
According to the official reveal, Iono’s Partner Pokemon is Bellibolt. Bellibolt is a pure electric-type pokemon, as Iono mentioned earlier, which is a good type because these types of Pokemon only have one weakness and pretty decent offensive coverage and are resisted by grass, ground, dragon, and electric types of Pokemons.
It is adorable and funny looking, which is relatively short but relatively heavy. Bellibolt is 3’11’ in height and weighs 249.1 lbs. Because of its weight, Bellibolt will not be a fast pokemon, probably. It is a single stage pokemon, which means there will not be any evolution stage for Bellibolt.

There is something really interesting about this Pokemon that the officials revealed, and that is the new ability called Electromorphosis, which is, when Bellibolt becomes charged after taking damage from the opponent’s attack, the damage of the next attack of Bellibolt will increase by 100 %, after using Electromorphosis.
Because the electric is a pretty decent defensive type, being only weak to ground, if you are a really good natural bulk, then what you could do is just train your Bellibolt to be super defensive and take hits, which will eventually help it to double his attacking damage. A new attacking style that was introduced along with Bellibolt is pretty amazing.
And you just have to take a couple of damage, and you will be able to attack with double damage, which is, if you take damage, it does more damage. Most of the time, the new abilities the game introduces don’t change the way the Pokemon fundamentally play, but Electromorphosis is unique and makes the game more fun to play.
It opened a different dimension of how people play Pokemon, and there is not a lot of Pokemon where you need to take some damage, but you want it to take too much damage because then it will get knocked out.